161 research outputs found

    MagSpeed: A Novel Method of Vehicle Speed Estimation Through A Single Magnetic Sensor

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    © 2019 IEEE. Internet of Things (IoT) is playing an increasingly important role in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) for real-time sensing and communication. In ITS, the velocity of vehicles provides important information for traffic management. However, the present methods for monitoring vehicle speed have many shortcomings. In this paper, we propose MagSpeed, a novel vehicle speed estimation method based on a small magnetic sensor. The developed magnetic sensor system is wireless, cost-effective, and environmental-friendly. Through modelling of local magnetic field perturbations caused by a moving vehicle, we extract the characteristics of magnetic waveforms for speed estimation. In addition, we compare the performance of the models with other speed estimation algorithms, which shows the superior accuracy of the proposed technique in speed estimation

    Context Query Simulation for Smart Carparking Scenarios in the Melbourne CDB

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    The rapid growth in Internet of Things (IoT) has ushered in the way for better context-awareness enabling more smarter applications. Although for the growth in the number of IoT devices, Context Management Platforms (CMPs) that integrate different domains of IoT to produce context information lacks scalability to cater to a high volume of context queries. Research in scalability and adaptation in CMPs are of significant importance due to this reason. However, there is limited methods to benchmarks and validate research in this area due to the lack of sizable sets of context queries that could simulate real-world situations, scenarios, and scenes. Commercially collected context query logs are not publicly accessible and deploying IoT devices, and context consumers in the real-world at scale is expensive and consumes a significant effort and time. Therefore, there is a need to develop a method to reliably generate and simulate context query loads that resembles real-world scenarios to test CMPs for scale. In this paper, we propose a context query simulator for the context-aware smart car parking scenario in Melbourne Central Business District in Australia. We present the process of generating context queries using multiple real-world datasets and publicly accessible reports, followed by the context query execution process. The context query generator matches the popularity of places with the different profiles of commuters, preferences, and traffic variations to produce a dataset of context query templates containing 898,050 records. The simulator is executable over a seven-day profile which far exceeds the simulation time of any IoT system simulator. The context query generation process is also generic and context query language independent

    The 10 Research Topics in the Internet of Things

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    Since the term first coined in 1999 by Kevin Ashton, the Internet of Things (IoT) has gained significant momentum as a technology to connect physical objects to the Internet and to facilitate machine-to-human and machine-to-machine communications. Over the past two decades, IoT has been an active area of research and development endeavours by many technical and commercial communities. Yet, IoT technology is still not mature and many issues need to be addressed. In this paper, we identify 10 key research topics and discuss the research problems and opportunities within these topics.Comment: 10 pages. IEEE CIC 2020 vision pape

    Analysis & Numerical Simulation of Indian Food Image Classification Using Convolutional Neural Network

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    Recognition of Indian food can be assumed to be a fine-grained visual task owing to recognition property of various food classes. It is therefore important to provide an optimized approach to segmentation and classification for different applications based on food recognition. Food computation mainly utilizes a computer science approach which needs food data from various data outlets like real-time images, social flat-forms, food journaling, food datasets etc, for different modalities. In order to consider Indian food images for a number of applications we need a proper analysis of food images with state-of-art-techniques. The appropriate segmentation and classification methods are required to forecast the relevant and upgraded analysis. As accurate segmentation lead to proper recognition and identification, in essence we have considered segmentation of food items from images. Considering the basic convolution neural network (CNN) model, there are edge and shape constraints that influence the outcome of segmentation on the edge side. Approaches that can solve the problem of edges need to be developed; an edge-adaptive As we have solved the problem of food segmentation with CNN, we also have difficulty in classifying food, which has been an important area for various types of applications. Food analysis is the primary component of health-related applications and is needed in our day to day life. It has the proficiency to directly predict the score function from image pixels, input layer to produce the tensor outputs and convolution layer is used for self- learning kernel through back-propagation. In this method, feature extraction and Max-Pooling is considered with multiple layers, and outputs are obtained using softmax functionality. The proposed implementation tests 92.89% accuracy by considering some data from yummly dataset and by own prepared dataset. Consequently, it is seen that some more improvement is needed in food image classification. We therefore consider the segmented feature of EA-CNN and concatenated it with the feature of our custom Inception-V3 to provide an optimized classification. It enhances the capacity of important features for further classification process. In extension we have considered south Indian food classes, with our own collected food image dataset and got 96.27% accuracy. The obtained accuracy for the considered dataset is very well in comparison with our foregoing method and state-of-the-art techniques.

    The Role of Edge Robotics As-a-Service in Monitoring COVID-19 Infection

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    Deep learning technology has been widely used in edge computing. However, pandemics like covid-19 require deep learning capabilities at mobile devices (detect respiratory rate using mobile robotics or conduct CT scan using a mobile scanner), which are severely constrained by the limited storage and computation resources at the device level. To solve this problem, we propose a three-tier architecture, including robot layers, edge layers, and cloud layers. We adopt this architecture to design a non-contact respiratory monitoring system to break down respiratory rate calculation tasks. Experimental results of respiratory rate monitoring show that the proposed approach in this paper significantly outperforms other approaches. It is supported by computation time costs with 2.26 ms per frame, 27.48 ms per frame, 0.78 seconds for convolution operation, similarity calculation, processing one-minute length respiratory signals, respectively. And the computation time costs of our three-tier architecture are less than that of edge+cloud architecture and cloud architecture. Moreover, we use our three-tire architecture for CT image diagnosis task decomposition. The evaluation of a CT image dataset of COVID-19 proves that our three-tire architecture is useful for resolving tasks on deep learning networks by edge equipment. There are broad application scenarios in smart hospitals in the future

    Optical boundaries for LED-based indoor positioning system

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    Overlap of footprints of light emitting diodes (LEDs) increases the positioning accuracy of wearable LED indoor positioning systems (IPS) but such an approach assumes that the footprint boundaries are defined. In this work, we develop a mathematical model for defining the footprint boundaries of an LED in terms of a threshold angle instead of the conventional half or full angle. To show the effect of the threshold angle, we compare how overlaps and receiver tilts affect the performance of an LED-based IPS when the optical boundary is defined at the threshold angle and at the full angle. Using experimental measurements, simulations, and theoretical analysis, the effect of the defined threshold angle is estimated. The results show that the positional time when using the newly defined threshold angle is 12 times shorter than the time when the full angle is used. When the effect of tilt is considered, the threshold angle time is 22 times shorter than the full angle positioning time. Regarding accuracy, it is shown in this work that a positioning error as low as 230 mm can be obtained. Consequently, while the IPS gives a very low positioning error, a defined threshold angle reduces delays in an overlap-based LED IPS

    A Survey on Smartphone-Based Crowdsensing Solutions

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    © 2016 Willian Zamora et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.[EN] In recent years, the widespread adoption of mobile phones, combined with the ever-increasing number of sensors that smartphones are equipped with, greatly simplified the generalized adoption of crowdsensing solutions by reducing hardware requirements and costs to a minimum. These factors have led to an outstanding growth of crowdsensing proposals from both academia and industry. In this paper, we provide a survey of smartphone-based crowdsensing solutions that have emerged in the past few years, focusing on 64 works published in top-ranked journals and conferences. To properly analyze these previous works, we first define a reference framework based on how we classify the different proposals under study. The results of our survey evidence that there is still much heterogeneity in terms of technologies adopted and deployment approaches, although modular designs at both client and server elements seem to be dominant. Also, the preferred client platform is Android, while server platforms are typically web-based, and client-server communications mostly rely on XML or JSON over HTTP. The main detected pitfall concerns the performance evaluation of the different proposals, which typically fail to make a scalability analysis despite being critical issue when targeting very large communities of users.This work was partially supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Programa Estatal de Investigacion, Desarrollo e Innovacion Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad, Proyectos I+D+I 2014, Spain, under Grant TEC2014-52690-R, the "Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabi-ULEAM," and the "Programa de Becas SENESCYT de la Republica del Ecuador."Zamora-Mero, WJ.; Tavares De Araujo Cesariny Calafate, CM.; Cano Escribá, JC.; Manzoni, P. (2016). A Survey on Smartphone-Based Crowdsensing Solutions. Mobile Information Systems. 2016:1-26. https://doi.org/10.1155/2016/9681842S126201