79 research outputs found

    An event-driven serverless ETL pipeline on AWS

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    This work presents an event-driven Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) pipeline serverless architecture and provides an evaluation of its performance over a range of dataflow tasks of varying frequency, velocity, and payload size. We design an experiment while using generated tabular data throughout varying data volumes, event frequencies, and processing power in order to measure: (i) the consistency of pipeline executions; (ii) reliability on data delivery; (iii) maximum payload size per pipeline; and, (iv) economic scalability (cost of chargeable tasks). We run 92 parameterised experiments on a simple AWS architecture, thus avoiding any AWS-enhanced platform features, in order to allow for unbiased assessment of our model’s performance. Our results indicate that our reference architecture can achieve time-consistent data processing of event payloads of more than 100 MB, with a throughput of 750 KB/s across four event frequencies. It is also observed that, although the utilisation of an SQS queue for data transfer enables easy concurrency control and data slicing, it becomes a bottleneck on large sized event payloads. Finally, we develop and discuss a candidate pricing model for our reference architecture usage

    Are Unikernels Ready for Serverless on the Edge?

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    Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) is a promising edge computing execution model but requires secure sandboxing mechanisms to isolate workloads from multiple tenants on constrained infrastructure. Although Docker containers are lightweight and popular in open-source FaaS platforms, they are generally considered insufficient for executing untrusted code and providing sandbox isolation. Commercial cloud FaaS platforms thus rely on Linux microVMs or hardened container runtimes, which are secure but come with a higher resource footprint. Unikernels combine application code and limited operating system primitives into a single purpose appliance, reducing the footprint of an application and its sandbox while providing full Linux compatibility. In this paper, we study the suitability of unikernels as an edge FaaS execution environment using the Nanos and OSv unikernel tool chains. We compare performance along several metrics such as cold start overhead and idle footprint against sandboxes such as Firecracker Linux microVMs, Docker containers, and secure gVisor containers. We find that unikernels exhibit desirable cold start performance, yet lag behind Linux microVMs in stability. Nevertheless, we show that unikernels are a promising candidate for further research on Linux-compatible FaaS isolation

    SoC-Cluster as an Edge Server: an Application-driven Measurement Study

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    Huge electricity consumption is a severe issue for edge data centers. To this end, we propose a new form of edge server, namely SoC-Cluster, that orchestrates many low-power mobile system-on-chips (SoCs) through an on-chip network. For the first time, we have developed a concrete SoC-Cluster server that consists of 60 Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 SoCs in a 2U rack. Such a server has been commercialized successfully and deployed in large scale on edge clouds. The current dominant workload on those deployed SoC-Clusters is cloud gaming, as mobile SoCs can seamlessly run native mobile games. The primary goal of this work is to demystify whether SoC-Cluster can efficiently serve more general-purpose, edge-typical workloads. Therefore, we built a benchmark suite that leverages state-of-the-art libraries for two killer edge workloads, i.e., video transcoding and deep learning inference. The benchmark comprehensively reports the performance, power consumption, and other application-specific metrics. We then performed a thorough measurement study and directly compared SoC-Cluster with traditional edge servers (with Intel CPU and NVIDIA GPU) with respect to physical size, electricity, and billing. The results reveal the advantages of SoC-Cluster, especially its high energy efficiency and the ability to proportionally scale energy consumption with various incoming loads, as well as its limitations. The results also provide insightful implications and valuable guidance to further improve SoC-Cluster and land it in broader edge scenarios

    Characterizing Network Requirements for GPU API Remoting in AI Applications

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    GPU remoting is a promising technique for supporting AI applications. Networking plays a key role in enabling remoting. However, for efficient remoting, the network requirements in terms of latency and bandwidth are unknown. In this paper, we take a GPU-centric approach to derive the minimum latency and bandwidth requirements for GPU remoting, while ensuring no (or little) performance degradation for AI applications. Our study including theoretical model demonstrates that, with careful remoting design, unmodified AI applications can run on the remoting setup using commodity networking hardware without any overhead or even with better performance, with low network demands
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