60 research outputs found

    Online Load Balancing for Network Functions Virtualization

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    Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) aims to support service providers to deploy various services in a more agile and cost-effective way. However, the softwarization and cloudification of network functions can result in severe congestion and low network performance. In this paper, we propose a solution to address this issue. We analyze and solve the online load balancing problem using multipath routing in NFV to optimize network performance in response to the dynamic changes of user demands. In particular, we first formulate the optimization problem of load balancing as a mixed integer linear program for achieving the optimal solution. We then develop the ORBIT algorithm that solves the online load balancing problem. The performance guarantee of ORBIT is analytically proved in comparison with the optimal offline solution. The experiment results on real-world datasets show that ORBIT performs very well for distributing traffic of each service demand across multipaths without knowledge of future demands, especially under high-load conditions

    An Effective Metaheuristic for Multiple Traveling Repairman Problem with Distance Constraints

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    Multiple Traveling Repairman Problem with Distance Constraints (MTRPD) is an extension of the NP-hard Multiple Traveling Repairman Problem. In MTRPD, a fleet of identical vehicles is dispatched to serve a set of customers with the following constraints. First, each vehicle's travel distance is limited by a threshold. Second, each customer must be visited exactly once. Our goal is to find the visiting order that minimizes the sum of waiting times. To solve MTRPD we propose to combine the Insertion Heuristic (IH), Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS), and Tabu Search (TS) algorithms into an effective two-phase metaheuristic that includes a construction phase and an improvement phase. In the former phase, IH is used to create an initial solution. In the latter phase, we use VNS to generate various neighborhoods, while TS is employed to mainly prohibit from getting trapped into cycles. By doing so, our algorithm can support the search to escape local optima. In addition, we introduce a novel neighborhoods’ structure and a constant time operation which are efficient for calculating the cost of each neighboring solution. To show the efficiency of our proposed metaheuristic algorithm, we extensively experiment on benchmark instances. The results show that our algorithm can find the optimal solutions for all instances with up to 50 vertices in a fraction of seconds. Moreover, for instances from 60 to 80 vertices, almost all found solutions fall into the range of 0.9 %-1.1 % of the optimal solutions' lower bounds in a reasonable duration. For instances with a larger number of vertices, the algorithm reaches good-quality solutions fast. Moreover, in a comparison to the state-of-the-art metaheuristics, our proposed algorithm can find better solutions

    Toward a multitask aspect-based sentiment analysis model using deep learning

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    International audienceSentiment analysis or opinion mining is used to understand the community’s opinions on a particular product. This is a system of selection and classification of opinions on sentences or documents. At a more detailed level, aspect-based sentiment analysis makes an effort to extract and categorize sentiments on aspects of entities in opinion text. In this paper, we propose a novel supervised learning approach using deep learning techniques for a multitasking aspect-based opinion mining system that supports four main subtasks: extract opinion target, classify aspect, classify entity (category) and estimate opinion polarity (positive, neutral, negative) on each extracted aspect of the entity. We have used a part-of-speech (POS) layer to define the words’ morphological features integrated with GloVe word embedding in the previous layer and fed to the convolutional neural network_bidirectional long-short term memory (CNN_BiLSTM) stacked construction to improve the model’s accuracy in the opinion classification process and related tasks. Our multitasking aspect-based sentiment analysis experiments on the dataset of SemEval 2016 showed that our proposed models have obtained and categorized core tasks mentioned above simultaneously and attained considerably better accurateness than the advanced researches

    High-Level Modeling and Simulation of a Novel Reconfigurable Network-on-Chip Router

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    In this paper, we present a novel router architecture for implementing a Reconfigurable Network-on-Chip (RNoC) at high-level design using SystemC. The RNoC is an adaptive NoC-based system-on-chip providing a dynamic reconfigurable communication mechanism. By adding a virtual port – named Routing Modification port – into the conventional router architecture, the network router is able to route communication data flexibly whenever the target routing path is blocked, by unwanted defects or intently by a software programme to meet the requirements of applications. The proposed architecture has been modeled in SystemC/C++, simulated and verified within a 2D mesh 5×5 network platform. In normal communication mode, the static XY routing algorithm is used while the West-First algorithm with a proposed prohibited router surrounding technique is applied in reconfiguration mode. Experimental results are also reported to compare the performance of the network architecture in different operation modes as well as with other works

    A Maximum Entropy Approach to Sentence Boundary Detection of Vietnamese Texts

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    International audienceWe present for the first time a sentence boundary detection system for identifying sentence boundaries in Vietnamese texts. The system is based on a maximum entropy model. The training procedure requires no hand-crafted rules, lexicon, or domain-specific information. Given a corpus annotated with sentence boundaries, the model learns to classify each occurrence of potential end-of-sentence punctuations as either a valid or invalid sentence boundary. Performance of the system on a Vietnamese corpus achieved a good recall ratio of about 95%. The approach has been implemented to create a software tool named vnSentDetector, a plug-in of the open source software framework vnToolkit which is intended to be a general framework integrating useful tools for processing of Vietnamese texts
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