2 research outputs found

    High-speed nested cascaded MASH Digital Delta-Sigma Modulator-based divider controller

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    The MASH Digital Delta-Sigma Modulator (DDSM) based divider controller represents a speed bottleneck in state of the art commercial PLL-based fractional-N frequency synthesizers. As next generation systems require higher phase detector frequencies, there is a need to make ever faster divider controllers. This paper describes a fine-grained nested cascaded MASH DDSM which is significantly faster than state of the art divider controllers, thereby eliminating the current speed bottleneck

    0.3-4.3 GHz frequency-accurate fractional-N frequency synthesizer with integrated VCO and nested mixed-radix digital Δ-Σ Modulator-based divider controller

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    If the modulus of the digital delta-sigma modulator (DΔΣM) in a fractional-N frequency synthesizer is a power of two, then the output frequency is constrained to be a rational multiple of the phase detector frequency (fPD), where the denominator of the rational multiplier is a power of two. If the required output frequency is not related to f\rm PD in this way, one is forced to approximate the ratio by using a small programmable modulus DΔΣM or a very large power-of-two modulus. Both of these solutions involve additional hardware. Furthermore, the programmable modulus solution can suffer from spurs, while the large power of two lacks accuracy. This paper presents a new solution, based on mixed-radix algebra, where the required ratio is formed by combining two different moduli. The programmable modulus solves the accuracy problem, while the large power-of-two modulus minimizes the spur content. In addition, the phase detector can be clocked at high speed. This paper explains the theoretical foundations of the method, elaborates a design methodology, and presents measured results for an 0.18 μm SiGe BiCMOS prototype. © 2014 IEEE