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    [[abstract]]有鑒於我國人口老化快速, 且因青年薪資停滯等因素, 不僅對於全民健保財務形成負面影響, 亦導致世代分配問題。故本文將人口老化及薪資停滯因素納入健保費率推估模型中, 以時間序列模型推估未來健保費費基、保險給付支出、平衡費率及個人所得, 並計算平衡費率及不同各世代的健保保費負擔金額及負擔比例。在一般保費無費率上限 6% 下, 且在「中人口推估&中協商成長」的情境假設下, 健保平衡費率將從現行的 4.69%, 預估於 2041 年上升至 12.28%, 且越晚出生的世代負擔越重。故本文建議為降低人口老化及薪資停滯對青年世代健保保費負擔的不利影響, 以平衡世代負擔的分配差異,未來宜從收支連動機制、保費計費基礎、釐清財務責任歸屬等面向加以改革,其研究結果可供全民健保未來財務改革方案之參考。[[notice]]補正完

    Hong Kong's domestic health spending—financial years 1989/90 through 2004/05

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    This report presents the latest estimates of Hong Kong’s domestic health spending between fiscal years 1989/90 and 2004/05, cross-stratified and categorised by financing source, provider and function on an annual basis. Total expenditure on health was HK67807millioninfiscalyear2004/05.Inrealerms,totalexpenditureonhealthshowedpositivegrowthaveraging7Thisincreasewaslargelydrivenbytheriseinpublicspending,whichrose9Ofthe67 807 million in fiscal year 2004/05. In real erms, total expenditure on health showed positive growth averaging 7% per annum hroughout the period covered in this report while gross domestic product grew t 4% per annum on average, indicating a growing percentage of health spending elative to gross domestic product, from 3.5% in 1989/90 to 5.2% in 2004/05. This increase was largely driven by the rise in public spending, which rose 9% er annum on average in real terms over the period, compared with 5% for private pending. This represents a growing share of public spending from 40% to 55% f total expenditure on health during the period. While public spending was the ominant source of health financing in 2004/05, private household out-of-pocket xpenditure accounted for the second largest share of total health spending (32%). he remaining sources of health finance were employer-provided group medical enefits (8%), privately purchased insurance (5%), and other private sources (1%). Of the 67 807 million total health expenditure in 2004/05, current xpenditure comprised 65429million(9665 429 million (96%) while 2378 million (4%) were apital expenses (ie investment in medical facilities). Services of curative care ccounted for the largest share of total health spending (67%) which were made p of ambulatory services (35%), in-patient curative care (28%), day patient ospital services (3%), and home care (1%). The next largest share of total health xpenditure was spent on medical goods outside the patient care setting (10%). Analysed by health care provider, hospitals accounted for the largest share (46%) and providers of ambulatory health care the second largest share (30%) f total health spending in 2004/05. We observed a system-wide trend towards ervice consolidation at institutions (as opposed to free-standing ambulatory linics, most of which are staffed by solo practitioner). In 2004/05, public expenditure on health amounted to 35247million(53.935 247 million (53.9% f total current expenditure), which was mostly incurred at hospitals (76.5%), hilst private expenditure (30 182 million) was mostly incurred at providers of mbulatory health care (54.6%). This reflects the mixed health care economy of ong Kong where public hospitals generally account for about 90% of total beddays nd private doctors (including Western and Chinese medicine practitioners) rovide 75% to 80% of out-patient care. While both public and private spending were mostly expended on personal ealth care services and goods (92.9%), the distributional patterns among functional ategories differed. Public expenditure was targeted at in-patient care (54.2%) and ubstantially less on out-patient care (24.5%), especially low-intensity first-contact are. In comparison, private spending was mostly concentrated on out-patient care (49.6%), whereas medical goods outside the patient care setting (22 .6%) and inpatient are (18.8%) comprised the majority of the remaining share. Compared to OECD countries, Hong Kong has devoted a relatively low percentage of gross domestic product to health in he last decade. As a share of total spending, public funding (either general government revenue or social security funds) was lso lower than in most comparably developed economies, although commensurate with its public revenue collection base.published_or_final_versio

    江門市老年照顧者的照顧壓力及社會支持研究報告 = A research report on the caregiving pressures and social support of older carers in Jiangmen city

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    根據中國第七次人口普查的結果顯示,2021年65歲及以上人口為19064萬人,占總人口的13.50% (國家統計局, 2021年5月11日)。中國老年人口於2025年將突破3億,2033年會突破至4億,2053年將達到峰值4.87億,占屆時全球老年人口的4分之1 (鄒波,2017)。隨著老年人口的不斷增加和壽命的增長,老齡化將是中國和很多發達國家面臨的重要問題。 此研究的地區為江門市,它是廣東省最“老”的城市,2019年該市戶籍老人為88.3萬人(比2018年增加5.7萬人),占戶籍總人口比例為22.1%(2018年為20.7%)。2019年江門市戶籍老人增速達6.9%,遠高於戶籍人口增速0.3%,亦高於全國和廣東省平均水準。老年人數量更以每年2.5萬到3萬人的速度增加,預計於2036年將達到戶籍人口的25%以上。受計劃生育政策的影響及2016年開放二胎政策,很多家庭都為獨生子女家庭,未來將呈現出“四二二”的家庭結構。這意味著青壯年的照顧壓力會進一步加劇,更多老年人將成為照顧者。 老年照顧者在照顧患病家人的過程要面對很多的困難。陳茜等(2008)通過分析國內外相關文獻後,認為老年照顧者主要需要承受體力上的壓力、精神上的壓力、經濟上的壓力和社會壓力。羅小茜等(2015)通過分析文獻發現,老老照護者會產生多種不良結果,如軀體症狀、心理症狀和照護品質下降。康峻鳴等(2020)對148例腦卒中後遺症患者及其家庭照顧者進行健康測量簡表(SF—36)以及社會支持量表(SSRS)調查,發現腦卒中後遺症患者家庭照顧者的生活品質與社會支持呈正相關。目前對於老年人照顧壓力的研究大多以理論、文獻的分析為主,或者僅僅從某一類型疾病的照顧壓力進行研究,如張睿等(2008)對10名認知障礙患者的照顧者進行非結構訪談,瞭解其照顧感受。可是針對老年照顧者的壓力的實證研究比較少,且對老年照顧者的需求及社會支持的研究更加缺乏。因此,本研究期望通過對江門市老年照顧者的深度訪談,去瞭解他們的照顧壓力來源及其社會支援網路。此研究報告分為三部分,第一部分指出研究的問題及此研究的方法。第二部分是主要發現。最後一個部分提供相關的建議

    最低工資有幾低? 貧窮新一代的就業困境報告

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    為了解香港青年對就業、貧窮、體面生活、相關政策的看法,以及他們收入和支出的情況,嶺南大學政策研究院、文化研究及發展中心聯合進行一項題為《最低工資有幾低?貧窮新一代的就業困境報告》的調查。結果發現,四成接受深度訪談的青年自認貧窮,而絕大部分已有全職工作的受訪青年認為,最低工資調整幅度太低,自己未能受惠。 嶺大研究團隊從2022年5月至12月,先後透過兩輪深度訪談,訪問了67位18至29歲、收入低於2萬元、有工作經驗的青年。另外,團隊亦透過兩輪問卷調查,分別收集到164份及253份有效回覆。 調查結果發現,絕大部分年輕人覺得自己的工資太低,待遇與工作不相稱。受訪青年的收入來源包括全職工作、兼職工作。深度訪談年輕人的收入中位數為15,200元,而問卷調查的收入中位數結果則是6,000至9,999元。一方面,大部分有全職工作的青年認為自己工時長、部分行業長期低薪,比不上任職其他行業的同輩,而覺得不滿。壓力同時來自高昂的生活成本和遙不可及的人生目標,包括置業。 大約四成接受第二輪深度訪談的青年自認是貧窮,他們對於貧窮有多元化的理解。有青年認為三餐不繼才算得上貧窮,有些人覺得人工未達到港人月入中位數就算是貧窮,亦有人認很多目標未能達成,導致「精神貧窮」。其餘自覺不貧窮的青年部分歸因於家庭支援,可以滿足基本需求以外的消費,例如購物和旅遊。 絕大部分已有全職工作的受訪青年覺得最低工資調整幅度太低,自己未能受惠。無論認為自己屬於中產或基層的受訪者,均有共識,認為即使法定最低工資水平提升至40元依然是太低,與市場脫節,調整幅度不合理。不少人往往將最低工資時薪和「一餐飯」的開支掛鉤,認為最低工資水平要吃得起「一餐飯」才合理。受訪者認為最低工資如有合理升幅及政策檢討,對基層家庭及兼職工作者有很大幫助。 問卷調查結果推算,受訪青年要滿足現時的生活開支水平,時薪應該要達到71.6元。問卷調查的結果顯示青年的個人月均生活支出為16,789元,扣除教育開支,平均每月支出約14,894元,按一個月工作26日,每日8小時計算出時薪水平為71.6元,與目前最低工資水平相距很遠。 研究團隊建議,政府應從多方面著手解決此迫切的社會問題。首先,當局應檢討最低工資政策的定位,使它與其他扶貧政策互相配合,以保障不同需要的群體;第二,當局應透明化最低工資的調整過程,改為「一年一檢」;第三,團隊建議重啟標準工時立法程序,訂明標準工時應為每周40小時,加班工資應為正常工資的1.5倍,每月亦應設有加班和總工時上限,並以此為基礎制定「過勞死」的法律定義,把過勞死定為僱主須按《僱員補償條例》(第282章)作出補償的事故。最後,團隊建議政府主動開展設立失業保障制度的工作,包括探討供款式失業保險、檢討現行失業綜援、遣散費/長期服務金,並重視年輕人對相關政策的意見。https://commons.ln.edu.hk/ccrd_report/1003/thumbnail.jp

    Cost of coronary artery disease management in the public hospital setting in Hong Kong.

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    Lam Lop Chi.Thesis submitted in: August 2005.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2006.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 114-126).Abstracts in English and Chinese.Acknowledgements --- p.IAbstract in English --- p.II-IVAbstract in Chinese --- p.V-VIList of Abbreviations --- p.VII-IXList of Figures --- p.XList of Tables --- p.XI-XIITable of Contents --- p.XIII-XVChapter Chapter 1 --- IntroductionChapter 1.1 --- Background --- p.1Chapter 1.2 --- Risk factors --- p.6Chapter 1.3 --- Overseas guidelines in CAD management --- p.11Chapter 1.4 --- Angioplasty in CAD intervention --- p.15Chapter 1.5 --- Prevention or Intervention? --- p.21Chapter 1.6 --- Economic impact on PCI --- p.24Chapter 1.7 --- Cost of illness --- p.28Chapter 1.8 --- Hypothesis --- p.30Chapter 1.9 --- Objectives --- p.30Chapter Chapter 2 --- Cost of AMI StudyChapter 2.1 --- Background --- p.31Chapter 2.2 --- Objective --- p.32Chapter 2.3 --- Method --- p.32Chapter 2.4 --- Results --- p.35Chapter 2.5 --- Discussion --- p.49Chapter 2.6 --- Study limitations --- p.58Chapter 2.7 --- Conclusions --- p.58Chapter Chapter 3 --- Angina studyChapter 3.1 --- Background --- p.60Chapter 3.2 --- Objective --- p.76Chapter 3.3 --- Hypothesis --- p.76Chapter 3.4 --- Method --- p.76Chapter 3.5 --- Results --- p.79Chapter 3.6 --- Discussion --- p.93Chapter 3.7 --- Study limitations --- p.101Chapter 3.8 --- Conclusions --- p.101Chapter Chapter 4 --- Overall Discussion --- p.103Chapter Chapter 5 --- Conclusions --- p.112References --- p.114Appendix --- p.12


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    [[abstract]]針對未來十年(2013-2023)國家體育運動發展方向,期達「健康國民、卓越競技、活力臺灣」之願景。教育部體育署延續六年「打造運動島」計畫之後,自今(2016) 年至2021 年全民運動推展計畫開始展開「運動i臺灣」計畫,期許運動風氣扎根社區( 基層),達成「運動健身、快樂人生」目標。[[notice]]補正完

    Leisure activities and consumption characteristics of elderly consumers aged sixty and above--: an unexplored gray market in Hong Kong.

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    by Wong Mei-Ki, Melissa.Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1999.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 88-92).Questionnaire also in Chinese.ABSTRACT --- p.ivTABLE OF CONTENTS --- p.viLIST OF FIGURES --- p.ixACKNOWLEDGEMENTS --- p.xiChapter CHAPTER I --- INTRODUCTION --- p.1Background --- p.1Chapter ■ --- The older consumers constitute a market too huge to be ignoredChapter ■ --- The gray market in Hong KongResearch Objectives --- p.3Chapter CHAPTER II --- LITERATURE REVIEW --- p.5Older Consumers Defined --- p.5Heterogeneity of the Gray Market --- p.6Spending Pattern of Older Consumers --- p.7Chapter ■ --- Positive attitude towards consumptionChapter ■ --- The products and servicesChapter ■ --- Value and price consciousnessDiscretionary Income and Expenditures of Older Consumers in Hong Kong --- p.9Leisure Defined --- p.10Chapter ■ --- DefinitionChapter ■ --- Grouping of leisure activitiesLeisure Activities Enjoyed by the Elderly --- p.12Chapter ■ --- An experience in JapanChapter ■ --- Gommon leisure activities of the Hong Kong elderlyLeisure Activities as a Potential Marketing Opportunity --- p.13Chapter ■ --- Abundance of time resourcesChapter ■ --- Psychological and physiological needsMarketing Strategies Adopted in the USA and Japan --- p.15Chapter ■ --- Special products catering the needs of the elderlyChapter ■ --- Promotional appealsChapter CHAPTER III --- METHODOLOGY --- p.17Sampling --- p.17Chapter ■ --- The samplesChapter ■ --- Sampling proceduresResearch Design --- p.20Chapter ■ --- Research proceduresChapter ■ --- Questionnaire designLeisure activitiesSpending characteristics"Psychographics, values and attitudes"General demographicsData Collection --- p.23Data Analysis --- p.25Chapter CHAPTER IV --- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION --- p.27Profile of Subjects --- p.27Leisure Activities Participated --- p.27Chapter ■ --- Non spending type of leisure activities participatedChapter ■ --- Spending type of leisure activities participatedIncome and Expenditure --- p.30Chapter ■ --- Household incomeChapter ■ --- Monthly expenditureChapter ■ --- Discretionary incomeChapter ■ --- Expenditure patternConsumption Characteristics --- p.32Chapter ■ --- Brand consciousnessChapter ■ --- Quality consciousnessChapter ■ --- Fashion consciousnessChapter ■ --- Price consciousnessChapter ■ --- Brand/product loyaltyChapter ■ --- Confusion by over-choiceChapter CHAPTER V --- GONGLUSION --- p.41Summary of the Research --- p.41Managerial Implications --- p.42Chapter ■ --- Establishing a well-known brandChapter ■ --- Fashionable product design with smaller packagesChapter ■ --- Advertising appealChapter ■ --- Reaching the gray market and promotional appealsChapter ■ --- Other marketing opportunitiesLimitations of the Study --- p.45Chapter ■ --- The research designChapter ■ --- The sample and sampling procedureChapter ■ --- Applicability of the research findingsDirections for Future Research --- p.46Chapter ■ --- Consumption stylesChapter ■ --- Affirming the true attributesEpilogue: The Changing Environment --- p.47Chapter ■ --- Political/LegalChapter ■ --- EducationChapter ■ --- TechnologyTABLES & FIGURES Figures 1 to 28 --- p.49QUESTIONNAIRESEnglish Version --- p.77Chinese Version --- p.82BIBLIOGRAPHY --- p.8


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    2011-2012 > Academic research: refereed > Refereed conference paperVersion of RecordPublishe