25 research outputs found


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    在本省第一期葡萄果實發育的後半期,由於常遇到陰雨及枝葉繁茂情況,常會發生植株受光量低下的問題,今後採用錫箔紙板的目的在誘取太陽能散發以增進果實品質。結果在錫箔紙板處理區葡萄的果皮色、果汁可溶性固形物及含酸量有增加的情形,果皮厚度變化不明顯;但在果汁糖酸比成低下趨勢,葡萄整枝修剪及樹形大小等因素會影響測定結果。Scattered light intensity in grape vine were trapped by the foil plate treatment. Light has also been found to have a favorable effect on color grade, soluble solids and acidity but the ratio of soluble solids was lower under the foil plate treatment. No significant differences were found in peel thickness. Some factors in training, pruning and controlling size of fruit trees might be present in any location giving erratic results


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    為瞭解施鈣肥對於葡萄果實生長及品質之影響,在'蜜紅'葡萄第一收及第二收催芽前分別施用40、80、120及160 ㎏ CaO/0.1ha之苦土石灰於土壤中。結果顯示施鈣對葡萄果實硬度並無顯著的影響,但未施鈣者呈現較低現象。鈣施用較多者果實鮮重、縱徑及橫徑有較低之趨勢,但其可溶性固形物含量較高。果實鈣含量均隨著果實發育而降低,在採收期時第一收葡萄為0.11~0.14%,第二收為0.05~0.06%,施鈣愈多果實鈣含量有愈高的趨勢。In order to understand the effect of calcium application in berry growth and quality of 'Honey Red' grapes (Vitis vinefera L. × Vitis labrusca L.), five level dolomite 0, 40, 80, 120 and 160 kg CaO/0.1 ha were treated in the vineyard before bud forcing. Results was found that fresh weight, height and width of berry were more bigger when calcium did not applied. Total soluble solid and water content of fruit appeared more higher followed high levels of calcium application. The firmness of berry was not different significantly by treating dolomite in both harvest season. However, the untreated grape was shown soften than treated grapes. Results also indicated that the calcium content of berries had not significant difference among treatments during the first years


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    The objectives of this study were to investigate developmental changes in physical morphological, composition and mineral element concentrations of 'Kyoho' and 'Honey Red' grapes. The summer and winter grape berries of 'Kyoho' and 'Honey Red' grapes showed double sigmold curve of fruit width and fruit weight, it need 80-88 days for growth and the period of summer grape was shorter than winter grape. The firmness of summer grape berries was lower and 'Honey Red' showed low level in growth stage Ⅰ, and fast increase in growth stage Ⅲ. It needed 80 days for growth to reach 18。Brix in summer grape, and 8 days later in winter grape. Total titratable acidity of fruit was high at initial stage of development, and then fall rapidly while fruit maturity. During harvest, the winter grape were more acidic than summer grape. The macronutrient concentrations of berries decreased during the fruit growth.巨峰'及'蜜紅'葡萄在夏、秋兩收果實生長曲線呈現雙S型,生長期間分別為80及88日,第一收夏果果實比第二收冬果之生長期間較短。第二收冬果可觀察出較明顯的第二生長期。第一收夏果的果實硬度較第二收冬果為低,而'蜜紅'葡萄比'巨峰'葡萄之果實硬度為低。可溶性固形物在發育初期緩慢增加,在生長第三期迅速增加,第一收夏果約在花後80日可達18°Brix以上,第二收冬果約晚8日左右。可滴定酸度在發育初期逐漸增加,之後逐漸減少,成熟時第二收冬果比第一收夏果之可滴定酸度為高。分析果實氮、磷、鉀、鈣、鎂五種大量元素含量的結果顯示,皆隨果實發育的增加而有減少之趨勢

    疏果對 ' 巨峰 ' 葡萄果實品質之影響

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    台灣之巨峰葡萄栽培由於管理技術不良及過於偏重產量而無法產生品質優良之果實。為解決此問題,本試驗選擇管理較差之彰化地區葡萄,以疏果之方法調節每穗之果粒數為25~35個,並配合除枝之技術,控制單位面積產量於每公頃20,000公斤以下,以調查蔬果對果實品質之影響。 試驗結果發現疏果對果肉硬度之影響不大,但對果汁糖度之提高,酸度之降低及果皮汁著色卻有原因可能係種子數偏少所致。此外,蔬果對減輕脫粒之效果並不顯著,但可減少因晚腐病而發生之腐爛現象。The effect of berry thinning on fruit quality was investigated in 'Kyoho' grapevines ( Vitis vinifera L. x Vitis labruscana Bailey) in which the berry number of each cluster was adjusted at about 30. Berries were sampled at weekly intervals for measurement of various constituents after fruit coloration. The less of yield on berry thinning vines resulted in berries with significantly greater in total soluble solids and anthocyanin at each sampling date. Total acidity and berry rotting were considerable less on berry thinning vines than on unthinning vines, but berry weight, hardness of pulp or berry shattering were not affected


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    為探討蜜紅葡萄果實軟化之原因,本研究分別利用夏季及冬季葡萄為試驗 材料,除了歐美雜交四倍體的蜜紅之外,尚包括比較用品種巨峰及二倍體的金 香葡萄。由調查分析果實之發育及其水分含量、糖度、酸度、硬度、果膠質含 量、鈣濃度及游離鈣之結果發現,軟化的現象以夏果較為嚴重,不同品種間以 巨峰葡萄的硬度較高,其次是蜜紅葡萄,而金香葡萄則表現急速軟化,較易軟 化之蜜紅葡萄果實在發育的中後期時,橫徑、縱徑及鈣濃度並未隨著鮮重的增 加而增加,且總果膠質含量降低較快、水溶性果膠質佔總果膠質的比例較高。In order to find the factors of berry softening of Honey Red grape (Vitis vinifera L. × Vitis labrusca L.), the same tetraploid hybrid variety Kyoho and the diploid hybrid Golden Muscat grapes were used as material in this study. The development of grape berries, the water content, total soluble solid, acidity, firmness, pectin and calcium content of berries had been investigated. It was found that softening of grape berries was more serious in the first harvest of summer grape. Among the three varieties, Kyoho appeared the highest level of firmness, Honey Red showed the second level and Golden Muscant was the lowest. During the period of middle and latter development of easily softening Honey Red, although its fresh weight increased rapidly, but the width, length and calcium content of berries did not increase. In addition, total pectin content decreased rapidly and the percentage of water soluble pectin to total pectin appeared increasement

    Studies on Physiology of Softening in Grapeberries

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    為探討蜜紅葡萄果實軟化的原因,本研究調查不同葡萄品種在不同生長季節葡萄生育期間的果實發育、無機元素含量、果膠質及細胞壁水解酵素之變化發現,果實硬度以歐州種義大利品種最高,其次是歐美雜交四倍體的巨峰品種,歐美雜交二倍體之金香及四倍體的蜜紅較低。各品種第一收夏果的果實硬度均較第二收冬果為低。 果實中無機元素之含量隨果實的發育而減低,比較無機元素含量與果實硬度之關係得知,果實中的氮、鈣及鎂含量與果實硬度成正相關,磷、鉀、鐵、錳、銅及鋅則為負相關,其中以鈣含量之影響最明顯。 在果實發育期間果膠質含量會逐漸減低,而果實中水溶性果膠質所佔之比例會逐漸增加。調查發育期間果實內的PME、PG、Cx-cellulase及β-galactodidase等酵素活性變化發現,隨著果實的軟化,其PG、Cx-cellulase及β-galactodidase的活性明顯增加,易於軟化的蜜紅品種此類酵素的活性高於巨峰及義大利品種,且第一收夏果各品種的果實細胞壁水解酵素活性明顯高於第二收冬果。 為克服蜜紅葡萄果實軟化的問題,本研究於開花期前後利用cytokinin類物質處理花(果)穗或以鈣噴施新梢,探討其對果實硬度之影響。由調查分析結果可知,cytokinin類物質的處理均能有效提高夏、冬兩季蜜紅葡萄果實的硬度,尤以夏季葡萄較顯著,其中以Cytex 500倍液處理效果最為明顯,其次為BA 100 ppm,Flumet 2.5ppm,處理時間則在滿花前7日至滿花期之間較佳。提高果實硬度之主要原因是cytokinin類物質可有效提高果肉的細胞層數,且其果膠質含量降低較為緩慢,鈣含量亦較高。至於對可溶性固形物、酸度及鮮重,並無明顯的影響。在滿花前7日、滿花期及滿花後7日連續三次,新梢噴施鈣之處理結果以0.25 %之磷酸一鈣或EDTA-Ca均可有效提高其硬度,鈣處理後果實的鈣含量及果膠質含量亦增加。In order to find out the factors of berry softening of ‘Honey Red’ grape (Vitis vinifera L. X Vitis labrusca L. ),the same tetraploid hybrid variety ‘Kyoho’、the diploid hybrid ‘Golden Muscat’ and ‘Italia IP65’ grapes were used as material in this study. The development of grape berries, the berry firmness, total soluble solid, acidity, mineral element content, pectin, and cell wall hydrolyase of berries were investigated. It was found that the softening of grape berries was more serious in summer grapes than winter grapes. Among the four varieties, ‘Italia IP65’ grapes showed the highest level of firmness,‘Kyoho’ attained the second highest level , ‘Honey red’ and ‘Golden Muscat’ were on the low level. The effect of mineral element contents with the berry firmness was investigated. The results showed that the content of calcium was significant in the firmness of berries. During the period of berry development, the total pectin content decreased and the percentage of water-soluble pectin to total pectin increased. Accompanied by berries softening, the activity of polygalacturonase(PG)、cellulase andβ-D-galactosidase increased significantly. It was found that the enzyme activity of grape berries was higher in summer grapes than in winter grapes. Among the four varieties, ‘Honey Red’ and ‘Golden Muscat’ showed the highest activity of those enzymes ,‘Kyoho’ showed the second level ,and ‘Italia IP65’ showed the lowest. In order to solve the problem of softening of ‘Honey Red’ grapes the cluster was treated with cytokinins at various bloom stage, or the shoot was sprayed with calcium r three times during the bloom stage. The firmness of berries increased by treating with cytokinins in both harvest seasons, especially in summer grapes. Among these cytokinin chemicals, the most effective result appeared in 500-diluted Cytex treatment than the treatments of 100 ppm BA and 2.5 ppm Flumet. The available treatment time was the period during the 7 days before bloom to full bloom stage. The reason of increasing firmness of berries was that the cell layers of flesh increased and total pectin and calcium content were kept at a higher level by treating with cytikinins, but it showed no difference in fresh weight、total soluble solid and acidity of berries. Treating with 0.25% Calcium phosphate or EDTA-calcium, calcium content of berries was increased. The berry firmness and pectin content of berry were higher than the control.封面 壹、中文摘要 貳、緒言 參、前人研究 肆、試驗一 葡萄果實硬度與無機營養元素含量之關係 前言 材料及方法 結果 討論 摘要 伍、試驗二 葡萄果實硬度與細胞壁水解酵素活性之關係 前言 材料及方法 結果 討論 摘要 陸、試驗三 葉面施鈣及Cytokinin類物質對葡萄果實硬度的影響 前言 材料及方法 結果 討論 摘要 柒、綜合討論 捌、參考文獻 玖、英文摘要 附錄 1. 世界主要葡萄生產之國家 附錄 2. 臺灣葡萄栽培面積及產量之變化 附錄 3. 臺灣葡萄栽培之分布 附錄 4. 臺灣蜜紅葡萄的栽培面


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    本試驗以巨峰品種為材料,在高屏地區探討不同時期修剪對不同產期的葡萄果實品質之影響,其結果如下: 1.自73年10月至雴年1月份分別在每月中旬修剪、可生產2~6月之葡萄,而且果汁可溶性固形物均在16°Brix以上。 2.單穗重、單果重、果粒橫徑與縱徑均以1月修剪2月下旬至6月上旬採收這最高。果汁可溶性固形物及酸度則以12月修剪者最高,但種子數最少。 3.採收時結果之發育情形以12月修剪者較佳,11月修剪者發育不良,1月修剪者則生育太強,有徒長現象。The effects of pruning time on berry qualities of 〝Kyoho〞(Vitis vinifera L. ×Vitis labruscana Bailey) grape were investigated from Oct. 1984 to June 1985 in southern Taiwan. The results were summarized as follows: 1. The grapevines which were pruned monthly from Oct. 1984 to January 1985 yielded berries from Feb. to Jun. 1985 with the average of total soluble solids over 16° Brix. 2. Among all the fruits treated, the greatest fresh cluster weight fresh berry weight and diameter of berry occurred in the January pruned berries. However the highest total soluble solid total acidity of juice and the least average seeds number per berry were recorded in the December pruned grapevines. 3. The shoot growth which was measured at harvest varied with pruning time. The growth of Nov.-pruned shoots were rather weak but the Jan. pruned shoots were found over vigorous in growth

    Effect of plant growth regulators on berry growth of 'Kyoho' grapes

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    台灣目前生產之巨峰葡萄果實有偏小的現象。本研究利用GA3 及Cytokini n類之BA、Fulmet及Cytex等生長調節劑,於滿花後不同時期處理果穗 ,促進果實肥大以達到提高巨峰葡萄果實品質之目的。 由試驗結果發現,以GA3 10ppm於滿花後10日處理,並無促進果實肥大之效 果,而以GA3 25ppm於滿花後10、18、25日分別處理均有促進果實肥大 效果,且較晚處理者其促進效果較佳;對於穗梗粗細及硬化程度之調查,於滿花後1 0日處理GA3 25ppm者果梗及穗梗硬化程度嚴重,易造成機械脫粒而失去商品 價值,於滿花後25日處理GA3 25ppm者,穗梗僅比對照組稍硬,由於果粒較 大而可提高商品價值。 GA3 添加Cytokinin類生長調節劑之試驗,發現添加BA 25、50、 100ppm均無加強GA3 之處理效果;而添加Fulmet 10ppm及Cy tex 100倍液者均有加強GA3 之處理效果,但由果實切片觀察發現在滿花後 10∼25日間處理之加強效果並非促進果肉細胞之分裂,而僅是促進細胞增大之作 用。 滿花後25日以GA3 25ppm處理,果實單粒重可由7‧7公克增至10‧9公 克,增加42%,且著色度、可溶性固形物含量及酸仍達高品質之標準