1,360 research outputs found

    A Survey of Matrix Completion Methods for Recommendation Systems

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    In recent years, the recommendation systems have become increasingly popular and have been used in a broad variety of applications. Here, we investigate the matrix completion techniques for the recommendation systems that are based on collaborative filtering. The collaborative filtering problem can be viewed as predicting the favorability of a user with respect to new items of commodities. When a rating matrix is constructed with users as rows, items as columns, and entries as ratings, the collaborative filtering problem can then be modeled as a matrix completion problem by filling out the unknown elements in the rating matrix. This article presents a comprehensive survey of the matrix completion methods used in recommendation systems. We focus on the mathematical models for matrix completion and the corresponding computational algorithms as well as their characteristics and potential issues. Several applications other than the traditional user-item association prediction are also discussed

    Two Is Better Than One: Dual Embeddings for Complementary Product Recommendations

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    Embedding based product recommendations have gained popularity in recent years due to its ability to easily integrate to large-scale systems and allowing nearest neighbor searches in real-time. The bulk of studies in this area has predominantly been focused on similar item recommendations. Research on complementary item recommendations, on the other hand, still remains considerably under-explored. We define similar items as items that are interchangeable in terms of their utility and complementary items as items that serve different purposes, yet are compatible when used with one another. In this paper, we apply a novel approach to finding complementary items by leveraging dual embedding representations for products. We demonstrate that the notion of relatedness discovered in NLP for skip-gram negative sampling (SGNS) models translates effectively to the concept of complementarity when training item representations using co-purchase data. Since sparsity of purchase data is a major challenge in real-world scenarios, we further augment the model using synthetic samples to extend coverage. This allows the model to provide complementary recommendations for items that do not share co-purchase data by leveraging other abundantly available data modalities such as images, text, clicks etc. We establish the effectiveness of our approach in improving both coverage and quality of recommendations on real world data for a major online retail company. We further show the importance of task specific hyperparameter tuning in training SGNS. Our model is effective yet simple to implement, making it a great candidate for generating complementary item recommendations at any e-commerce website.Comment: Accepted at ICKG 202

    Explainable Recommender with Geometric Information Bottleneck

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    Explainable recommender systems can explain their recommendation decisions, enhancing user trust in the systems. Most explainable recommender systems either rely on human-annotated rationales to train models for explanation generation or leverage the attention mechanism to extract important text spans from reviews as explanations. The extracted rationales are often confined to an individual review and may fail to identify the implicit features beyond the review text. To avoid the expensive human annotation process and to generate explanations beyond individual reviews, we propose to incorporate a geometric prior learnt from user-item interactions into a variational network which infers latent factors from user-item reviews. The latent factors from an individual user-item pair can be used for both recommendation and explanation generation, which naturally inherit the global characteristics encoded in the prior knowledge. Experimental results on three e-commerce datasets show that our model significantly improves the interpretability of a variational recommender using the Wasserstein distance while achieving performance comparable to existing content-based recommender systems in terms of recommendation behaviours

    Explainable Recommender with Geometric Information Bottleneck

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    Explainable recommender systems can explain their recommendation decisions, enhancing user trust in the systems. Most explainable recommender systems either rely on human-annotated rationales to train models for explanation generation or leverage the attention mechanism to extract important text spans from reviews as explanations. The extracted rationales are often confined to an individual review and may fail to identify the implicit features beyond the review text. To avoid the expensive human annotation process and to generate explanations beyond individual reviews, we propose to incorporate a geometric prior learnt from user-item interactions into a variational network which infers latent factors from user-item reviews. The latent factors from an individual user-item pair can be used for both recommendation and explanation generation, which naturally inherit the global characteristics encoded in the prior knowledge. Experimental results on three e-commerce datasets show that our model significantly improves the interpretability of a variational recommender using the Wasserstein distance while achieving performance comparable to existing content-based recommender systems in terms of recommendation behaviours.Comment: Accepted by TKD