12 research outputs found

    The Complexity of Drawing a Graph in a Polygonal Region

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    We prove that the following problem is complete for the existential theory of the reals: Given a planar graph and a polygonal region, with some vertices of the graph assigned to points on the boundary of the region, place the remaining vertices to create a planar straight-line drawing of the graph inside the region. This strengthens an NP-hardness result by Patrignani on extending partial planar graph drawings. Our result is one of the first showing that a problem of drawing planar graphs with straight-line edges is hard for the existential theory of the reals. The complexity of the problem is open in the case of a simply connected region. We also show that, even for integer input coordinates, it is possible that drawing a graph in a polygonal region requires some vertices to be placed at irrational coordinates. By contrast, the coordinates are known to be bounded in the special case of a convex region, or for drawing a path in any polygonal region.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2018

    Beyond the Existential Theory of the Reals

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    We show that completeness at higher levels of the theory of the reals is a robust notion (under changing the signature and bounding the domain of the quantifiers). This mends recognized gaps in the hierarchy, and leads to stronger completeness results for various computational problems. We exhibit several families of complete problems which can be used for future completeness results in the real hierarchy. As an application we sharpen some results by B\"{u}rgisser and Cucker on the complexity of properties of semialgebraic sets, including the Hausdorff distance problem also studied by Jungeblut, Kleist, and Miltzow

    Smoothing the gap between NP and ER

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    We study algorithmic problems that belong to the complexity class of the existential theory of the reals (ER). A problem is ER-complete if it is as hard as the problem ETR and if it can be written as an ETR formula. Traditionally, these problems are studied in the real RAM, a model of computation that assumes that the storage and comparison of real-valued numbers can be done in constant space and time, with infinite precision. The complexity class ER is often called a real RAM analogue of NP, since the problem ETR can be viewed as the real-valued variant of SAT. In this paper we prove a real RAM analogue to the Cook-Levin theorem which shows that ER membership is equivalent to having a verification algorithm that runs in polynomial-time on a real RAM. This gives an easy proof of ER-membership, as verification algorithms on a real RAM are much more versatile than ETR-formulas. We use this result to construct a framework to study ER-complete problems under smoothed analysis. We show that for a wide class of ER-complete problems, its witness can be represented with logarithmic input-precision by using smoothed analysis on its real RAM verification algorithm. This shows in a formal way that the boundary between NP and ER (formed by inputs whose solution witness needs high input-precision) consists of contrived input. We apply our framework to well-studied ER-complete recognition problems which have the exponential bit phenomenon such as the recognition of realizable order types or the Steinitz problem in fixed dimension.Comment: 31 pages, 11 figures, FOCS 2020, SICOMP 202

    Between shapes, using the Hausdorff distance

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    Given two shapes A and B in the plane with Hausdorff distance 1, is there a shape S with Hausdorff distance 1/2 to and from A and B? The answer is always yes, and depending on convexity of A and/or B, S may be convex, connected, or disconnected. We show that our result can be generalized to give an interpolated shape between A and B for any interpolation variable α between 0 and 1, and prove that the resulting morph has a bounded rate of change with respect to α. Finally, we explore a generalization of the concept of a Hausdorff middle to more than two input sets. We show how to approximate or compute this middle shape, and that the properties relating to the connectedness of the Hausdorff middle extend from the case with two input sets. We also give bounds on the Hausdorff distance between the middle set and the input

    The Complexity of Drawing a Graph in a Polygonal Region

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    We prove that the following problem is complete for the existential theory of the reals: Given a planar graph and a polygonal region, with some vertices of the graph assigned to points on the boundary of the region, place the remaining vertices to create a planar straight-line drawing of the graph inside the region. This establishes a wider context for the NP-hardness result by Patrignani on extending partial planar graph drawings. Our result is one of the first showing that a problem of drawing planar graphs with straight-line edges is hard for the existential theory of the reals. The complexity of the problem is open in the case of a simply connected region. We also show that, even for integer input coordinates, it is possible that drawing a graph in a polygonal region requires some vertices to be placed at irrational coordinates. By contrast, the coordinates are known to have bounded bit complexity for the special case of a convex region, or for drawing a path in any polygonal region. In addition, we prove a Mnëv-type universality result—loosely speaking, that the solution spaces of instances of our graph drawing problem are equivalent, in a topological and algebraic sense, to bounded algebraic varieties

    Completeness for the Complexity Class ∀ ∃ R and Area-Universality

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    Exhibiting a deep connection between purely geometric problems and real algebra, the complexity class ∃R plays a crucial role in the study of geometric problems. Sometimes ∃R is referred to as the ‘real analog’ of NP. While NP is a class of computational problems that deals with existentially quantified boolean variables, ∃R deals with existentially quantified real variables. In analogy to Πp2 and Σp2 in the famous polynomial hierarchy, we study the complexity classes ∀∃R and ∃∀R with real variables. Our main interest is the AREA UNIVERSALITY problem, where we are given a plane graph G, and ask if for each assignment of areas to the inner faces of G, there exists a straight-line drawing of G realizing the assigned areas. We conjecture that AREA UNIVERSALITY is ∀∃R -complete and support this conjecture by proving ∃R - and ∀∃R -completeness of two variants of AREA UNIVERSALITY. To this end, we introduce tools to prove ∀∃R -hardness and membership. Finally, we present geometric problems as candidates for ∀∃R -complete problems. These problems have connections to the concepts of imprecision, robustness, and extendability