2 research outputs found

    H∞ State Feedback Switched Control For Discrete Time-varying Polytopic Systems

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    This article treats, in a new framework, a classical design problem, namely H∞ state feedback switched control for discrete time-varying polytopic systems. The main goal is to jointly design a set of state feedback gains and a switching rule in order to assure a pre-specified H ∞ guaranteed level. The main contribution is to generalise switched system results to design a switched controller that does not require online measurements of the time-varying parameters. This property has important consequences mainly because the performance quality is preserved even in the lack of parameter information. Our conditions are based on modified Riccati-Metzler inequalities and are described in terms of linear matrix inequalities. An academical example compares the proposed technique with others from the literature. © 2013 Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.864591598Amato, F., Mattei, M., Pironti, A., Gain scheduled control for discrete-time systems depending on bounded rate parameters (2005) International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 15, pp. 473-494. , doi: 10.1002/rnc.1001Apkarian, P., Gahinet, P., A convex characterisation of gain-scheduled H ∞ controllers (1995) IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 40, pp. 853-864. , doi: 10.1109/9.384219Blanchini, F., Miani, S., Stabilization of lpv systems: State feedback, state estimation, and duality (2003) SIAM Journal of Control Optimization, 42, pp. 76-97. , doi: 10.1137/S0363012900372283Blanchini, F., Miani, S., Savorgnan, C., Stability results for linear parameter varying and switching systems (2007) Automatica, 43, pp. 1817-1823. , doi: 10.1016/j.automatica.2007.03.002Daafouz, J., Bernussou, J., Parameter dependent lyapunov functions for discrete time 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Switched state-feedback control for continuous time-varying polytopic systems (2011) International Journal of Control, 84, pp. 1500-1508. , doi: 10.1080/00207179.2011.608134Decarlo, R.A., Branicky, M.S., Pettersson, S., Lennartson, B., Perpectives and results on the stability and stabilisability of hybrid systems (2000) Proceedings of the IEEE, 88, pp. 1069-1082. , doi: 10.1109/5.871309Garone, E., Casavola, A.C., Franz, G., Famularo, D., (2007) New Stabilisability Conditions for Discrete-time Linear Parameter Varying Systems, pp. 2755-2760. , Proceedings of the 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. 2007. pp. New OrleansGeromel, J.C., Colaneri, P., Stability and stabilisation of discrete time switched systems (2006) International Journal of Control, 79, pp. 719-728. , doi: 10.1080/00207170600645974Geromel, J.C., Colaneri, P., Bolzern, P., Dynamic output feedback control of switched linear systems (2008) IEEE Transations on Automatic Control, 53, pp. 720-733. , doi: 10.1109/TAC.2008.919860Golub, G.H., Van Loan, C.F., (1996) Matrix Computations, , Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University PressHeemels, W., Daafouz, J., Millerioux, G., Observer-based control of discrete-time lpv systems with uncertain parameters (2010) IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 55, pp. 2130-2135. , doi: 10.1109/TAC.2010.2051072Ji, Z., Wang, L., Xie, G., Quadratic stabilisation of uncertain discrete-time switched systems via output feedback (2005) Circuits Systems, and Signal Processing, 24, pp. 733-751. , doi: 10.1007/s00034-005-0920-2Leith, D.J., Leithead, W.E., Survey of gain-scheduling analysis and design (2000) International Journal of Control, 73, pp. 1001-1025. , doi: 10.1080/002071700411304Liberzon, D., (2003) Switching in Systems and Control, , Boston, MA: BirkhäuserLiberzon, D., Morse, A.S., Basic problems in stability and design of switched systems (1999) IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 19, pp. 59-70. , doi: 10.1109/37.793443Lin, H., Antsaklis, P.J., Hybrid 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    Robust H2 Switched Filter Design For Discrete-time Polytopic Linear Parameter-varying Systems

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    This paper deals with a robust H2 filter design problem for discrete-time polytopic linear parameter-varying systems. The novelty is to design a set of full order filters and a switching rule to orchestrate them in order to assure an H2 performance index of the estimation error. The switched linear filter does not require the online measurement of the uncertain time-varying parameter which, in a great part of practical applications, is not available. The conditions are based on Lyapunov-Metzler inequalities with a special subclass of Metzler matrices. The proposed switched filter outperforms the ones available in the literature to date as far as the H2 norm of the estimation error is taken into account. The main theoretical implications of the switched filtering methodology in the framework of linear time-invariant uncertain systems and linear parameter-varying systems are discussed and illustrated by academical examples. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.979199Apkarian, P., Gahinet, P., A convex characterization of gain-scheduled H ∞ controllers (1995) IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, 40, pp. 853-864Daafouz, J., Bernussou, J., Geromel, J.C., On inexact LPV control design of continuous-time polytopic systems (2008) IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, 53, pp. 1674-1678Duan, Z., Zhang, J., Zhang, C., Mosca, E., Robust H2 and H ∞ filtering for uncertain linear systems (2006) Automatica, 42, pp. 1919-1926Deaecto, G.S., Geromel, J.C., Daafouz, J., Trajectory-dependent filter design for discrete-time switched linear systems (2010) Nonlinear Anal. Hybrid Syst., 4, pp. 1-8Deaecto, G.S., Geromel, J.C., H ∞ control for continuous-time switched linear systems (2010) ASME J. Dyn. Syst. Meas. Control, 132, pp. 1-7. , 041013Deaecto, G.S., Geromel, J.C., Daafouz, J., Dynamic output feedback H ∞ control of switched linear systems (2011) Automatica, 47, pp. 1713-1720Deaecto, G.S., Geromel, J.C., Daafouz, J., Switched state feedback control for continuous time-varying polytopic systems (2011) Int. J. Control, 84, pp. 1500-1508Deaecto, G.S., Fioravanti, A.R., Geromel, J.C., Suboptimal switching control consistency analysis for discrete-time switched linear systems (2013) Eur. J. Control, 19, pp. 214-219Deaecto, G.S., Geromel, J.C., H ∞ state feedback switched control for discrete time-varying polytopic systems (2013) Int. J. Control, 86, pp. 591-598Decarlo, R.A., Branicky, M.S., Pettersson, S., Lennartson, B., Perspectives and results on the stability and stabilizability of hybrid systems (2000) Proc. IEEE, 88, pp. 1069-1082Ding, D., Yang, G., Li, X., H-infinity filtering for discrete-time switched linear systems under arbitrary switching (2011) J. 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Control, 53, pp. 720-733Geromel, J.C., Deaecto, G.S., Daafouz, J., Suboptimal switching control consistency analysis for switched linear systems (2013) IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, 58, pp. 1857-1861Hu, K., Yuan, J., Improved robust H ∞ filtering for uncertain discrete-time switched systems (2009) IET Control Theory Appl., 3, pp. 315-324Hui, L., Tianshu, W., Tao, Z., Jingyan, S., H2 gain scheduled filtering for polytopic discrete-time linear parameter-varying systems (2009) International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering, pp. 31-35Ji, Z., Wang, L., Xie, G., Quadratic stabilization of uncertain discrete-time switched systems via output feedback (2005) Circuits Syst. Signal Process., 24, pp. 733-751Leith, D.J., Leithead, W.E., Survey of gain-scheduling analysis and design (2000) Int. J. Control, 73, pp. 1001-1025Liberzon, D., Morse, A.S., Basic problems in stability and design of switched systems (1999) IEEE Control Syst. 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