52,862 research outputs found

    Southwesterly Town Lot Histories of Fairfield, Pennsylvania

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    Each lot history give the original lot number, original owner, the current address, the owner of the lot in 1860, a description of the lot or dwelling in 1860, a recital of ownership with as much detail as is known, a comprehensive lot history, any known residents in 1860 (may be different than lot owner), and any family notes on any residents mentioned in the lot history. The research is comprehensive, but not necessarily exhaustive. Thorough information for all lots was not always available to the researcher

    An analysis of the dates found in seven fifth grade American history textbooks

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    Thesis (Ed.M.)--Boston Universit

    Northern Town Lot Histories of Fairfield, Pennsylvania

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    Each lot history give the original lot number, original owner, the current address, the owner of the lot in 1860, a description of the lot or dwelling in 1860, a recital of ownership with as much detail as is known, a comprehensive lot history, any known residents in 1860 (may be different than lot owner), and any family notes on any residents mentioned in the lot history. The research is comprehensive, but not necessarily exhaustive. Thorough information for all lots was not always available to the researcher

    Southeasterly Town Lot Histories of Fairfield, Pennsylvania

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    Each lot history give the original lot number, original owner, the current address, the owner of the lot in 1860, a description of the lot or dwelling in 1860, a recital of ownership with as much detail as is known, a comprehensive lot history, any known residents in 1860 (may be different than lot owner), and any family notes on any residents mentioned in the lot history. The research is comprehensive, but not necessarily exhaustive. Thorough information for all lots was not always available to the researcher

    M. I. Kostomarov memories about P. V. Pavlov (School of historians of St. Volodymyr University)

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    Проаналізовано спогади відомого українського і російського вченого, історика, громадського діяча, професора Університету Св. Володимира Миколи Івановича Костомарова (1817–1885) під час його життя та діяльності у Санкт–Петербурзі у 1861–1862 рр., які він залишив у своїй автобіографії, про професора Університету Св. Володимира Платона Васильовича Павлова (1823–1895), якого у 1860 р. було відірвано від викладання в Університеті Св. Володимира, в якому він мав величезний авторитет і глибоке шанування серед студентів, впливав на формування їхнього світогляду, успішно викладав протягом дванадцяти років, формував свою наукову школу, та переведено, фактично вислано, до Санкт–Петербурга. Спогади М. І. Костомарова про П. В. Павлова допомагають зрозуміти події початку березня 1862 р., які спричинили заслання П. В. Павлова без права викладати, відтворити епоху і людей, які в ній жили та глибше зрозуміти вчених, причетних до формування школи істориків Університету Св. Володимира, в якій обидва історики займають одні з найпочесніших місць.Проанализированы воспоминания известного украинского и российского ученого, историка, общественного деятеля, профессора Университета Св. Владимира Николая Ивановича Костомарова (1817–1885) во время его жизни и деятельности в Санкт–Петербурге в 1861–1863 гг., которые он оставил в своей автобиографии, о профессоре Университета Св. Владимира Платоне Васильевиче Павлове (1823–1895), который в 1860 г. был оторван от преподавания в Университете Св. Владимира, в котором он имел огромный авторитет и уважение среди студентов, влиял на формирование их мировоззрения, успешно преподавал в течение двенадцати лет, сформировал свою научную школу, и переведен, фактически выслан, в Санкт–Петербург. Воспоминания Н. И. Костомарова о П. В. Павлове помогают понять события начала марта 1862 г., повлекшие за собой ссылку П. В. Павлова без права преподавать, воссоздать эпоху и людей, которые в ней жили и глубже понять ученых, причастных к формированию школы историков Университета Св. Владимира, в которой оба историка занимают одно из самых почетных мест.The article analyzes memories from the autobiography of the famous Ukrainian and Russian scientist, historian, social activist, professor of St. Volodymyr University Mykola Kostomarov (1817–1885), during his life and work in Saint Petersburg in 1861–1863, about a professor of St. Volodymyr University Platon Pavlov (1823–1895). P. V. Pavlov was moved, in fact, was deported to Saint Petersburg in 1860 from teaching at St. Volodymyr University, where he was a respectable teacher, had a deep admiration among students, influenced to the formation of their outlook, was teaching successfully for twelve years, had formed his scientific school. Mykola Kostomarov memories abour Platon Pavlov help to understand the events of early March 1862, which led to exile of Pavlov without the right to teach, recreate the epoch and the people who lived there, and help to understand the scientists who were involved to the formation of School of historians of St. Volodymyr University and who occupy one of the most honorable places of its representatives deeper

    An Annotated List of the Cerambycidae of Michigan (Coleoptera) Part II, the Subfamilies Lepturinae and Lamiinae

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    (excerpt) This is a continuation of Part I of an annotated list of the Cerambycidae known from Michigan, and includes the remaining subfamilies Lepturinae and Lamiinae. The format is similar to that used in Part I. We have largely followed the systematic order of Chemsak and Linsley (1975) in this part of the list. Keys for the identification of adult Lepturinae can be found in Linsley and Chemsak (1972; in press). References to keys for adult Lamiinae are listed under that subfamily. Many larvae may be identified through the keys in Craighead (1923), but not all Michigan species are covere

    Checklist of the Aphodiini of Mexico, Central and South America (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae)

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    This preliminary checklist of Aphodiini south of the United States is prepared to provide published data for a future web-based checklist of all New World Aphodiinae. All species names are used in combination with their currently accepted generic name, creating many new combinations. A few genus-species combinations are discussed. New synonymies based on recent studies of type specimens are made: Aphodius azteca Harold = Aphodius multimaculosus Hinton; Aphodius ornatus Schmidt = Aphodius magnopunctatus Hinton; Aphodius caracaensis Petrovitz = Aphodius brasilicola Balthasar; Aphodius guatemalensis Bates = Aphodius striatipennis Petrovitz; Aphodius kuntzeni Schmidt = Aphodius amplinotum Gordon and Howden = Aphodius michiliensis Deloya; Aphodius bimaculosus Schmidt = Aphodius xalapensis Galante et al.; Aphodius caracanus Balthasar = Aphodius martinsi Petrovitz; Aphodius volxemi Harold = Aphodius squamifer Petrovitz

    THE SHEPHERD SCHOOL PREPARATORY PROGRAM CONCERT LXXXIII Saturday, March 20, 2004 2:00 p.m. Lillian H. Duncan Recital Hall

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    Program: Sonata in B Minor, Hob. XVI: 32 / Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) -- Golliwog's Cakewalk / Claude Debussy (1862-1918) -- Op.100 No. 3 La Pastorate / Norbert Burgmuller (1810-1836) -- Op.100 No. 4 La Petite Reunion / Norbert Burgmuller (1810-1836) -- Sonata in C Major / Jean-Baptiste Sebastien Breval (1753-1823) -- Suite No.I in G Major,BWV1007 / Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) -- Concerto, Op. 85 / Edward Elgar (1857-1934) -- Suite No.3 in C Major,BWV1009 / Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) -- Suite No.2 in D Minor, BWV1008 / Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) -- Passacaile / George Frideric Handel (1685-1759)