756,624 research outputs found

    Performance Practice and Compositional Structure in Relation to Recital Preparation

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    Master's Project (M.Mu.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2017This paper examines the author's graduate percussion recital program; ?Corporel(1985) by Vinko Globokar (b. 1934), Child of Tree (1975) by John Cage (1912-1992) Rebonds b. (1989) by Iannis Xenakis (1992-2001) Ilijas (1996) by Nebojša Jovan Živković (b. 1962), Mourning Dove Sonnet (1983) by Christopher Deane (b. 1957) and e-home (2015/2017) by Elisabet Curbelo (b. 1984). The author offers an examination of performance practice and compositional structure as it relates to the author's performance of the material.Chapter One: ?Corporel (1985) -- Chapter Two: Child of Tree (1975) -- Chapter Three: Rebonds b. (1989) -- Chapter Four: Ilijas (1996) -- Chapter Five: Mourning Dove Sonnet (1983) -- Chapter Six: e-home (2015/2017) -- Work Cited

    A systematic study of the tribe Winthemiini from Japan (Diptera: Tachinidae).

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    Die japanischen Arten der Tribus Winthemiini (Unterfamilie Exoristinae) werden revidiert. Die vier Gattungen Smidtia (= Timavia syn. nov., = Smidtiola syn. nov.), Winthemia, Crypsina und Nemorilla wurde aus Japan nachgewiesen. Smidtia besteht aus 13 Arten, fünf von ihnen werden neu beschrieben. Winthemia enthält 13 Arten, von denen vier neu sind. Von Crypsina ist eine Art bekannt und Nemorilla besteht in Japan aus vier Arten, von denen zwei neu sind. Smidtia antennalis sp. n., S. pauciseta sp. n., S. trisetosa sp. n., S. harai sp. n., S. fukushii sp. n., Winthemia mediocris sp. n., W. ikezakii sp. n., W. brevipennis sp. n., W. miyatakei sp. n., Nemorilla insulata sp. n., und N. aquila sp. n. werden beschrieben. Winthemia hokkaidensis Baranov ist ein neues Synonym zu W. venusta (Meigen). Nachfolgende Kombinationen werden neu eingeführt: Smidtia varipes (Mesnil) comb. n., Smidtia verna (Kocha) comb. n., Smidtia japonica (Mesnil) comb. n., Smidtia amoena (Meigen) comb. n., Smidtia laeta (Mesnil) comb. n., Smidtia gemina (Mesnil) comb. n., Smidtia amurensis (Borisova) comb. n. und Smidtia orientalis (Borisova) comb. n. Eine Hymenopterenart und 41 Lepidopterenarten werden als Wirte gemeldet.Nomenklatorische Handlungenaquila Shima, 1996 (Nemorilla), spec. n.insulata Shima, 1996 (Nemorilla), spec. n.amoena (Meigen, 1824) (Smidtia), comb. n. hitherto Tachina amoenaamurensis (Borisova, 1962) (Smidtia), comb. n. hitherto Nemosturmia amurensisantennalis Shima, 1996 (Smidtia), spec. n.fukushii Shima, 1996 (Smidtia), spec. n.gemina (Mesnil, 1949) (Smidtia), comb. n. hitherto Nemosturmia geminaharai Shima, 1996 (Smidtia), spec. n.japonica (Mesnil, 1957) (Smidtia), comb. n. hitherto Nemosturmia japonicalaeta (Mesnil, 1963) (Smidtia), comb. n. hitherto Nemosturmia laetaorientalis (Borisova, 1962) (Smidtia), comb. n. hitherto Nemosturmia orientalispauciseta Shima, 1996 (Smidtia), spec. n.trisetosa Shima, 1996 (Smidtia), spec. n.verna (Kocha, 1971) (Smidtia), comb. n. hitherto Smidtiola vernaNemosturmia Townsend, 1926 (Tachinidae), syn. n. of Smidtia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830Smidtiola Mesnil, 1957 (Tachinidae), syn. n. of Smidtia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830Timavia Shima, 1996 (Tachinidae), syn. n. of Smidtia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830brevipennis Shima, 1996 (Winthemia), spec. n.hokkaidensis Baranov, 1939 (Winthemia), syn. n. of Winthemia venusta (Meigen, 1824)ikezakii Shima, 1996 (Winthemia), spec. n.mediocris Shima, 1996 (Winthemia), spec. n.miyatakei Shima, 1996 (Winthemia), spec. n.Japanese species of the tribe Winthemiini, the subfamily Exoristinae, are revised. Four genera, Smidtia (= Timavia syn. nov., = Smidtiola syn. nov.), Winthemia, Crypsina and Nemorilla are recognized in Japan. Smidtia is composed of 13 species, 5 of which are described as new, Winthemia of 13 species, 4 of which are new, Crypsina of 1 species and Nemorilla of 4 species, 2 of which are new: Smidtia antennalis sp. n., S. pauciseta sp. n., S. trisetosa sp. n., S. harai sp. n., S. fukushii sp. n., Winthemia mediocris sp. n., W. ikezakii sp. n., W. brevipennis sp. n., W. miyatakei sp. n., Nemorilla insulata sp.n., and N. aquila sp. n. Winthemia hokkaidensis Baranov is synonymized with W. venusta (Meigen). The following new combinations are proposed: Smidtia varipes (Mesnil) comb. n., Smidtia verna (Kocha) comb. n., Smidtia japonica (Mesnil) comb. n., Smidtia amoena (Meigen) comb. n., Smidtia laeta (Mesnil) comb. n., Smidtia gemina (Mesnil) comb. n., Smidtia amurensis (Borisova) comb. n., and Smidtia orientalis (Borisova) comb. n. One hymenopterous and 41 lepidopterous host species are recorded.Nomenclatural Actsaquila Shima, 1996 (Nemorilla), spec. n.insulata Shima, 1996 (Nemorilla), spec. n.amoena (Meigen, 1824) (Smidtia), comb. n. hitherto Tachina amoenaamurensis (Borisova, 1962) (Smidtia), comb. n. hitherto Nemosturmia amurensisantennalis Shima, 1996 (Smidtia), spec. n.fukushii Shima, 1996 (Smidtia), spec. n.gemina (Mesnil, 1949) (Smidtia), comb. n. hitherto Nemosturmia geminaharai Shima, 1996 (Smidtia), spec. n.japonica (Mesnil, 1957) (Smidtia), comb. n. hitherto Nemosturmia japonicalaeta (Mesnil, 1963) (Smidtia), comb. n. hitherto Nemosturmia laetaorientalis (Borisova, 1962) (Smidtia), comb. n. hitherto Nemosturmia orientalispauciseta Shima, 1996 (Smidtia), spec. n.trisetosa Shima, 1996 (Smidtia), spec. n.verna (Kocha, 1971) (Smidtia), comb. n. hitherto Smidtiola vernaNemosturmia Townsend, 1926 (Tachinidae), syn. n. of Smidtia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830Smidtiola Mesnil, 1957 (Tachinidae), syn. n. of Smidtia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830Timavia Shima, 1996 (Tachinidae), syn. n. of Smidtia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830brevipennis Shima, 1996 (Winthemia), spec. n.hokkaidensis Baranov, 1939 (Winthemia), syn. n. of Winthemia venusta (Meigen, 1824)ikezakii Shima, 1996 (Winthemia), spec. n.mediocris Shima, 1996 (Winthemia), spec. n.miyatakei Shima, 1996 (Winthemia), spec. n

    Albert Tipton, Flute; Mary Norris, Piano

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    Sonata in D Major, Op. 50, Johann Nepomuk Hummel (1778-1837) -- Sonata No. 2 in One Movement (1976), Charles Threatte -- Sonata for flutes and piano (1964), Paul Cooper (1926-1996) -- Sonatina (1947), Camargo Guarnieri (1907-1993) -- Sonata (1957), Francis Poulenc (1899-1963

    Cliché, Irony and the Necessity of Meaning in Endgame and Infinite Jest

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    With reference to the work of the ordinary language philosopher Stanley Cavell, this essay argues that David Foster Wallace’s 1996 novel Infinite Jest deploys cliché to expose the workings of ironic language in a way that is complementary to a similar exposition in Samuel Beckett’s 1957 play Endgame

    Generalized maximum entropy (GME) estimator: formulation and a monte carlo study

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    The origin of entropy dates back to 19th century. In 1948, the entropy concept as a measure of uncertainty was developed by Shannon. A decade after in 1957, Jaynes formulated Shannon’s entropy as a method for estimation and inference particularly for ill-posed problems by proposing the so called Maximum Entropy (ME) principle. More recently, Golan et al. (1996) developed the Generalized Maximum Entropy (GME) estimator and started a new discussion in econometrics. This paper is divided into two parts. The first part considers the formulation of this new technique (GME). Second, by Monte Carlo simulations the estimation results of GME will be discussed in the context of non-normal disturbances.Entropy, Maximum Entropy, ME, Generalized Maximum Entropy, GME, Monte Carlo Experiment, Shannon’s Entropy, Non-normal disturbances

    Re-measuring labor's share

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    Measuring labor's share of an economy's aggregate income seems straightforward,at least in principle. Count up wage and salary income, along with the value of benefitsprovided to employees, and divide it by total income. However, one fundamentalconcept of labor's share in macroeconomic theory is not the amount of aggregate incomepaid out to labor. Rather, it is the share of aggregate production that is attributable to"raw" units of labor. Or, otherwise stated, it is the share of aggregate income that wouldhave been paid to laborers if they had no accumulated stocks of human capital.1 Thisshare corresponds to an aggregate production function parameter: the elasticity of outputwith respect to physical (i.e. non-augmented or raw) units of labor (Robert Solow, 1957).In this paper we estimate annual raw labor´s share for the US, 1949 to 1996.Labor's Share, Factor Shares, Development, Biased Technical Change, Capital Intensity

    Les "verbes savonnettes": frottements et glissements sémantiques

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    In the semantic analysis of tenses, the term event is frequently used. For example, following REICHENBACH (1947, 288), many studies mention three "points", within which (E) represents the "point of the event". Besides, like MARTIN (1985, 25), it is commonly considered -often implicitly- that "the duration of the utterance can [...] ideally be reduced to an instant t 0 [i.e. a point], [...] since within the utterance, truth conditions remain unaltered". However, events as well as utterances take time (cf. the use of "intervals " by GOSSELIN 1996). Here, I will analyze Present tense utterances such as "le ballon franchit la ligne" (the ball crosses/is crossing the line), for which the described event ("achievement" for VENDLER 1957; "réalisation instantanée" for VETTERS 1996) is shorter than the utterance that mentions it. I will show why the telic character (GAREY 1957) of achievements -unlike the other types of processes- makes it difficult to express an event contemporary to speech time since, against MARTIN's (1985, 25) idealization, truth conditions vary throughout the utterance. Taking encoding as the basis (somewhat following LEVELT 1989), I will argue that truth-condition variation can naturally lead to the over-represented use of past tenses (Passé composé in French) in child language for the expression of telic events during early acquisition (cf. e.g. WAGNER 2009)

    Graduate Training, Current Affiliation and Publishing Books in Political Science

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    Scores of studies have measured the quality of political science departments. Generally speaking, these studies have taken two forms. Many have relied on scholars\u27 survey responses to construct rankings of the major departments. For example, almost 50 years ago Keniston (1957) interviewed 25 department chairpersons and asked them to assess the quality of various programs, and, much more recently, the National Research Council (NRC 1995) asked 100 political scientists to rate the “scholarly quality of program faculty” in the nation\u27s political science doctoral departments. In response to these opinion-based rankings, a number of researchers have developed what they claim to be more objective measures of department quality based on the research productivity of the faculty (Ballard and Mitchell 1998; Miller, Tien, and Peebler 1996; Robey 1979). While department rankings using these two methods are often similar, there are always noteworthy differences and these have generated an additional literature that explores the relationship between the rating systems (Garand and Graddy 1999; Jackman and Siverson 1996; Katz and Eagles 1996; Miller, Tien, and Peebler 1996)

    Do Input Quality and Structural Productivity Estimates Drive Measured Differences in Firm Productivity?

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    Firms in the same industry can differ in measured total factor productivity (TFP) by multiples of 3. Griliches (1957) suggests one explanation: the quality of inputs differs across firms. Labor inputs are traditionally measured only as the number of workers. We investigate whether adjusting for the quality of labor inputs substantially decreases measured TFP dispersion. We add labor market history variables such as experience and firm and industry tenure, as well as general human capital measures such as schooling and sex. We also investigate whether an innovative structural estimator for productivity due to Olley and Pakes (1996) substantially decreases measured residual TFP. Combining labor quality and structural estimates of productivity, the one standard deviation difference in residual TFPs in manufacturing drops from 0.70 to 0.67 multiples. Neither the structural productivity measure nor detailed input quality measures explain the very large measured residual TFP dispersion, despite statistically precise coefficient estimatesproduction function estimation; total factor productivity; input quality; structural estimates of productivity