103 research outputs found

    Семь принципов самоорганизации живой природы. Взгляд философа

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    Содержание: Предисловие – 1. Принцип клеточного строения организмов – 2.Принцип единства организма и среды – 3. Принцип единства организма и его вида – 4. Принцип единства наследственности и изменчивости организмов – 5. Принцип борьбы живых организмов за существование – 6. Принцип естественного отбора организмов и их видов – 7. Принцип популяционной эволюции организмов всех видов – Заключение – Приложение: мир живой природы в фотография

    Effect of dapagliflozin therapy on achieving cardiovascular mortality target indicators in patients with heart failure

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    Aim. To assess the effect of therapy with sodium glucose co-transporter type 2 inhibitor dapagliflozin in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (CHrEF) on the state cardiovascular mortality target indicators.Material and methods. All adult Russian patients with NYHA class II-IV HFrEF (left ventricular ejection fraction ≤40%) were considered as the target population. The characteristics of patients in the study corresponded to those in the Russian Hospital HF Registry (RUS-HFR). The study suggests that the use of dapagliflozin in addition to standard therapy will be expanded by 10% of the patient population annually in 2022-24. Cardiovascular mortality modeling was performed based on the extrapolation of DAPA-HF study result. The number of deaths that can be prevented was calculated when using dapagliflozin in addition to standard therapy. Further, the contribution of prevented deaths with dapagliflozin therapy to the achievement of federal and regional cardiovascular mortality target indicators (1, 2 and 3 years) was calculated.Results. The use of dapagliflozin in addition to standard therapy for patients with NYHA class II-IV CHrEF with the expansion of dapagliflozin therapy by 10% of the patient population annually will additionally prevent 1729 cardiovascular death in the first year. This will ensure the implementation of cardiovascular mortality target indicators in Russia in 2022 by 11,8%. In the second year, 3769 cardiovascular deaths will be prevented, which will ensure the implementation of target indicators in 2023 by 17,2%. In the third year, 5465 cardiovascular deaths prevented, which will ensure the implementation of implementation of target indicators in 2024 by 18,7%.Conclusion. The use of dapagliflozin in addition to standard therapy for patients with NYHA class II-IV CHrEF will ensure the implementation of implementation of target indicators in 2024 by 18,7%


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    Човешкият папиломен вирус (HPV) е най-често предаваната по полов път инфекция. Неговите патогенни и онкогенни качества са документирани и е известно, че причинителят се среща, както при жени, така и при мъже. Заразяването става предимно в юношеска и млада възраст. Към днешна дата,в световен мащаб са лицензирани шест HPV ваксини. В много страни нивото на ваксинация е високо не само сред подрастващите момичета, но и момчета. Към момента в България се изпълнява третата Национална програма за първична профилактика на рака на маточната шийка.Целта е да се представи епидемиологична характеристика на обхванатите с имунизация срещу HPV момичета във Варненска област за периода 2015-2022 г.Материали и методи. Ретроспективен анализ (2015г.-2022г.) на официални данни от годишните анализи на РЗИ-Варна.Резултати и дискусия. Поради незадължителния характер на ваксината, официалните данни не са пълни. През 2015г. са ваксинирани 667 момичета на възраст 12-13 години. За периода 2016г.- 2019г. сред обхванатите момичета с ваксината срещу HPV се отчита спад като най-малковаксинирани е имало през 2018г. - 275. През 2020г. се наблюдава покачване на броя на ваксинирате спрямо предходните четири години - 424, но през 2022 г. е регистрирана най-ниска активност на имунизацията срещу HPV за целия анализиран период - 170 момичета.Заключение. Забелязва се тенденция към понижаване на броя на обхванатите момичета с ваксина против човешки папилома вирус в регион Варна. Явлението се дължи най-вече на широко разпространения сред обществото негативизъм към ваксината срещу рак на маточната шийка

    Main trends and development forecast of bread and bakery products market

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    Bakery products are very important in human nutrition and are the basis of any daily diet. Their social significance is determined by the traditions and habits of the population of the countries, accessibility for all groups of the population, diverse assortment, including bakery products for functional and specialized purposes. The up-to-date trend is to expand the assortment of functional bakery products, the use of which will provide the body’s need for the necessary macro- and micronutrients for an active and healthy lifestyle. In the bread and bakery products market, consumer preferences are constantly changing. Consumers prefer products that contain less fat and sugar. The market is in demand for bakery products that are healthy, while taste remains an important success factor. Manufacturers include popular healthy additives (grains, seeds and legumes) in their products. Particularly popular at present are ingredients from Eastern Europe and Asia: yuzu, sesame, matcha, shiso. Tropical fruits (passion fruit, mango, bergamot) and fragrances (dried hibiscus, lavender and rose) are predicted to become popular. This causes the complexity of demand segmentation, features of merchandising and pricing policy, features of consumer behavior and consumption psychology, etc. An assessment is given of the dynamics of production and consumption of bread and exports of products, and a forecast is made for the development of the world market for bread and bakery products. The results of the analysis are necessary to assess the level of food safety and to develop a strategy that takes into account the current trends in the global bread and bakery products market. Prospective trends for sustainable production of frozen bakery products have been developed

    Evaluation of the effect of the use of the drug ticagrelor in patients with acute coronary syndrome on achieving the target indicator “reduction of mortality from diseases of the circulatory system” in 2022-2024

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    Aim. To evaluate the effect of the use of the double antiplatelet therapy (DAT) with ticagrelor compared to DAT with clopidogrel and antithrombotic therapy with acetyl salicylic acid (ASA) in patients with acute coronary syndrome and patients with high coronary risk on the target indicator (CP) of the state program (GP) “Development of Healthcare” and the federal project “Fight against cardiovascular diseases” — reducing mortality from diseases of the circulatory system (BSC).Material and methods. All adult Russian patients with a diagnosis of ACS eligible for DAT were considered as the target population; in the second and third years, only patients with high coronary risk continued treatment. The calculation of the number of deaths that can be prevented using DAT ticagrelor 90 mg + ASA vs DAT of clopidogrel + ASA within 1st year from the date of diagnosis was based on the clinical efficacy data of the PLATO study. The number of deaths that can be prevented with the use of DAT ticagrelor 60 mg + ASA — instead of ASA monotherapy patients with a history of myocardial infarction was made based in the clinical efficacy results of the PEGASUS study. It was calculated what proportion of the target indicators could be achieved in 2022-24 years by using DAT with ticagrelor instead of clopidogrel or ASA monotherapy.Results. The use of DAT with ticagrelor vs DAT with clopidogrel or ASA for the treatment of patients with ACS will prevent additional 5389, 5704 and 6012 deaths in 2022-2024, that will ensure the implementation of the CP “reduction of mortality from BSC” GP “Development of healthcare” in the Russian Federation by 36,9%, 26,0% and 20,6% respectively.Conclusion. The use of DAT with ticagrelor for the treatment of patients with acute coronary syndrome ensure the implementation of the CP “reduction of mortality from BSC” GP “Development of healthcare” in the Russian Federation in 2024 by 20,6%

    Methodologically and Psychological Aspects in the Gymnastics Training

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    The author has created two gymnastic exercises on parallel bars on the basis of objective logical analysis. One of them (bent with side straddleturn and twist on 90 degrees to longitudinal angle swing) is performed by the author and some other gymnastics. The next one—the same with open legs is performed only by the author (1989), which makes the article innovative activity. By this moment no other gymnast has performed the exercise.The significance of the physical and the technical as well as the psychological preparation for successful learning of new and difficult gymnastic exercises is underlined

    Use Of Cinnamomum Spp., Cichorium Intybus, Trigonella Foenum-Graecum In Type Ii Diabetes Mellitus

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    Diabetes mellitus is a social-significant metabolitic disease. It´s described by long term high blood sugar levels. It´s divided in two types: type I and type II. The medical treatment of type I includes insulin injections. The treatment of type II includes peroral antidiabetic drugs, rarely insulin injections. Those peroral antidiabetic drugs often bring by themselves side effects and for the patients this is not what they expect or want. That's the reason why they search and choose for alternatives for lowering their high blood sugar levels like medicinal plants.The phytotherapy of diabetes mellitus includes many medicinal plants. Over the years scientists are defined the hypoglycemical effects of many plants and with that they improve the patients’ life quality. In this review are going to be explained the effects of Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Cichorium intybus, Trigonella foenum-graecum, that are used to lower high blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes type II

    Повышение прибыли предприятия торговли на основе совершенствования сервисной деятельности

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    Текст работы публикуется с изъятиями.Торговые предприятия осуществляют сервисную деятельность с целью получения прибыли. Следовательно, сервисная деятельность торговых предприятий оказывает прямое влияние на размер и динамику прибыли. В ходе изучения сервисной деятельности выявляются направления ее совершенствования, способствующие росту прибыли. В работе рассмотрены теоретические и методические аспекты темы. проанализирована сервисная деятельность предприятия торговли, осуществлен общий и факторный анализ формирования прибыли, его рентабельности. На основе проделанного анализа предложены и обоснованы рекомендации по росту прибыли и повышению рентабельности деятельности