37,898 research outputs found

    You Only Have to be Brave Enough to See it: Evaluation of Gender Role Portrayal in Disney Princess Movies in View of Waves of Feminism

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    This paper rhetorically analyzes gender role portrayal in Disney princess movies. Disney princess movies have a significant impact on how society defines gender roles as it is a prominent voice of the entertainment world. Disney has successfully commercialized the concept of being a princess feeding on a century-old fantasy. Each of their movies’ centers around a female lead. Although they vary in the storyline, the gender role portrayal in these movies remains similar. From dependent, delicate and domesticated to independent, bold and adventurous features of their heroines, Disney princess movies have shifted their concentration briskly. At an initial stage, Disney portrayed stereotypical notions of women in their movies. Gradually, accepting the changes in society, Disney adapted their storylines. In this paper, I will identify whether the recent uprising and previous waves of feminism, have any influence on these movies and to what extent the characteristics of princesses changed from past to new princess movies. To do this, I have categorized the most popular Disney princess movies in three generations – the conventional princess (1939 – 1959), the transitional princess (1980s and 1990s) and the modern princess (2000 till now). After introductory discussion, this paper discusses gender roles in media followed by three generations of Disney princesses and concludes with a discussion of this shift in the storyline, in line with the waves of feminism.https://ir.library.illinoisstate.edu/urscom/1000/thumbnail.jp

    The effect of realised volatility on stock returns risk estimates

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    In this paper, we estimate minimum capital risk requirements for short, long positions and three investment horizons, using the traditional GARCH model and two other GARCH-type models that incorporate the possibility of asymmetric responses of volatility to price changes; and, most importantly, we analyse the models performance when realised volatility is included as an explanatory variable into the models' variance equations. The results suggest that the inclusion of realised volatility improves the models forecastability and their capacity to calculate accurate measures of minimum capital risk requirements

    The analysis of bullwhip effect in a HMMS-type supply chain

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    The aim of the paper is to investigate the well-known bullwhip effect of supply chains. Control theoretic analysis of bullwhip effect is extensively analyzed in the literature with Laplace transform. This paper tries to examine the effect for an extended Holt-Modigliani-Muth-Simon model. A two-stage supply chain (supplier-manufacturer) is studied with quadratic costs functional. It is assumed that both firms minimize the relevant costs. The order of the manufacturer is delayed with a known constant. Two cases are examined: supplier and manufacturer minimize the relevant costs decentralized, and a centralized decision rule. The question is answered, how to decrease the bullwhip effect

    New Galaxies Discovered in the First Blind HI Survey of the Centaurus A Group

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    We have commenced a 21-cm survey of the entire southern sky (\delta < 0 degrees, -1200 km/s < v < 12700 km/s) which is ''blind'', i.e. unbiased by previous optical information. In the present paper we report on the results of a pilot project which is based on data from this all-sky survey. The project was carried out on an area of 600 square degrees centred on the nearby Centaurus A (Cen A) group of galaxies at a mean velocity of v ~ 500 km/s. This was recently the subject of a separate and thorough optical survey. We found 10 new group members to add to the 21 galaxies already known in the Cen A group: five of these are previously uncatalogued galaxies, while five were previously catalogued but not known to be associated with the group. We found optical counterparts for all the HI detections, most of them intrinsically very faint low surface brightness dwarfs. The new group members add approximately 6% to the HI mass of the group and 4% to its light. The HI mass function, derived from all the known group galaxies in the interval 10^7 \Msun of HI to 10^9 \Msun of HI, has a faint-end slope of 1.30 +/- 0.15, allowing us to rule out a slope of 1.7 at 95% confidence. Even if the number in the lowest mass bin is increased by 50%, the slope only increases to 1.45 +/- 0.15.Comment: 19 pages Latex, 6 figures (Fig. 2 in four parts, Fig.5 in two parts). To appear in The Astrophysical Journal (Vol. 524, October 1999

    The effect of realised volatility on stock returns risk estimates

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    In this paper, we estimate minimum capital risk requirements for short, long positions and three investment horizons, using the traditional GARCH model and two other GARCH-type models that incorporate the possibility of asymmetric responses of volatility to price changes; and, most importantly, we analyse the models performance when realised volatility is included as an explanatory variable into the models' variance equations. The results suggest that the inclusion of realised volatility improves the models forecastability and their capacity to calculate accurate measures of minimum capital risk requirements.

    The importance of incentives in influencing private retirement saving: known knowns and known unknowns

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    We summarise what economic theory predicts about how retirement savings decisions are affected by marginal withdrawal rates created by the tax, tax credit and benefit system, and by the information individuals are provided with. All these predictions vary across individuals with their circumstances. In documenting the incentives to save in a private pension provided by the tax, tax credit and benefit system we show that some individuals face a very strong incentive to place funds in a private pension at particular times during their working lives. Those who are basic rate taxpayers who expect to become higher rate taxpayers or move onto the taper of the Working Tax Credit have an incentive to delay making any private pension contributions until that time, while those expecting to move off that taper have an incentive to bring forward future pension contributions. When examining retirement saving it is important to consider both saving decisions and also the choice of retirement age. We cite previous evidence that both of these margins have been adjusted by individuals in the light of changed financial incentives. In particular there is evidence that spending by working age individuals was increased in the light of the introduction of the State Earnings-Related Pension Scheme. In addition evidence from West Germany and the United States shows that individuals' retirement ages can be affected substantially by changing financial incentives. There is less evidence of reduced spending by working age individuals in the light of the decision to index the Basic State Pension in line with prices rather than the greater of prices or earnings. New evidence from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing shows that it is low and high wealth individuals who are most likely to be out of the labour market prior to the State Pension Age, though often for very different stated reasons. This suggests that if retirement incomes of those with low wealth are to be increased then increased labour market participation is perhaps a margin for them to adjust. Incentives to work and save are potentially affected by two recent UK reforms: the introduction of the two new tax credits (Working Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit) and the introduction of the Pension Credit. We present some preliminary evidence on whether the strong incentive to contribute to a private pension provided by the two new tax credits has boosted private pension participation, the results of which are somewhat inconclusive and are worthy of further research. Examining the distribution of current pensioner incomes with respect to the incentives induced by the Pension Credit reform we find that many single pensioners will see an unambiguous increase in the incentive to increase their private retirement income -- for example through increased saving or later retirement. There are still large numbers of single pensioners who see a reduction in the incentive to increase their retirement income, the majority of whom have private income which they might decide to reduce. Fewer individuals in pensioner couples are eligible for the Pension Credit. Despite this we find that a similar proportion faces a reduced incentive to acquire greater income as we did for single pensioners. If the expectations of individuals do not reflect the current rules of the system, then we cannot expect to observe responses fully in line with economic theory that is predicated on full information. Recent evidence from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing suggests that on average individuals underestimate their longevity and overestimate the private pension income that they can expect to receive. On the other hand, expectations of being in paid employment at older ages are, on average, similar to the current proportions of older individuals who are in paid work and individuals' expectations of remaining in the labour market at older ages appear to square up with the marginal financial incentives to remain in work that are created by different types of pension scheme

    Luminosity Distributions within Rich Clusters - II: Demonstration and Verification via Simulation

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    We present detailed simulations of long exposure CCD images. The simulations are used to explore the validity of the statistical method for reconstructing the luminosity distribution of galaxies within a rich cluster i.e. by the subtraction of field number-counts from those of a sight-line through the cluster. In particular we use the simulations to establish the reliability of our observational data presented in Paper 3. Based on our intended CCD field-of-view (6.5 by 6.5 arcmins) and a 1-sigma detection limit of 26 mags per sq arcsecond, we conclude that the luminosity distribution can be robustly determined over a wide range of absolute magnitude (-23 < M_{R} < -16) provided: (a) the cluster has an Abell richness 1.5 or greater, (b) the cluster's redshift lies in the range 0.1 < z < 0.3, (c) the seeing is better than FWHM 1.25'' and (d) the photometric zero points are accurate to within Delta m = \pm 0.12. If these conditions are not met then the recovered luminosity distribution is unreliable and potentially grossly miss-leading. Finally although the method clearly has limitations, within these limitations the technique represents an extremely promising probe of galaxy evolution and environmental dependencies.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures accepted for publication in MNRAS also available from http://star-www.st-and.ac.uk/~spd3/bib.htm