13 research outputs found

    Драматургія пакалення „Бум-Бам-Літ”

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    The article presents the works of young Belarusian dramatists who write in Belarusian: Viktar Zhybul, Volga Gapeyeva, or Hanna Tsikhanava. It compares their works with the dramas authored by their peers, Belarusian Russian-speaking dramatists: Pavel Pryazhko, Andrei Kureichik, Diana Balyko, and others. The author maintains that most plays in Belarusian were written in the aesthetics of the theater of the absurd, which already became history for contemporary art and was never popular with Belarusian audiences. In contrast, Russian-speaking authors imitate the tradition of the Russian psychological school or follow the model of Russian new drama; their works are more modern and more varied in terms of genres.The article presents the works of young Belarusian dramatists who write in Belarusian: Viktar Zhybul, Volga Gapeyeva, or Hanna Tsikhanava. It compares their works with the dramas authored by their peers, Belarusian Russian-speaking dramatists: Pavel Pryazhko, Andrei Kureichik, Diana Balyko, and others. The author maintains that most plays in Belarusian were written in the aesthetics of the theater of the absurd, which already became history for contemporary art and was never popular with Belarusian audiences. In contrast, Russian-speaking authors imitate the tradition of the Russian psychological school or follow the model of Russian new drama; their works are more modern and more varied in terms of genres.Artykuł nie zawiera streszczenia w języku białoruskim

    Вклад личной коллекции В. П. Федоровича в становление библиотечного дела Витебщины

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    XI Машеровские чтения : материалы междунар. науч.-практ. конф. студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых, Витебск, 18 октября 2017 г. - Витебск : ВГУ имени П. М. Машерова, 2017. - С. 123-124. - Библиогр.: с. 124 (8 назв.)

    Пецярбургскія калекцыі беларускай народнай цацкі

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    На падставе матэрыялаў, сабраных ў Расійскім этнаграфічным музеі, праводзіцца аналіз калекцый беларускай народной цацкі. Пададзена апісанне найбольш цікавых з этналагічнага погляду беларускіх народных цацак, гісторыі іх збірання

    Музеі пры губернскіх статыстычных камітэтах у Беларусі (другая палова ХІХ– пачатак ХХ ст.)

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    В статье излагаются основные вехи истории музеев при губернских статистических комитетах в Беларуси во второй половине ХIХ– начале ХХ вв. Исследованы пути формирования музейных фондов, приведены краткие персональные характеристики наиболее выдающихся организаторов этих музеев. Предпринята попытка комплексного анализа причин, не позволивших музеям при губернских статистических комитетах развиться в полноценные публичные музеи историко-краеведческого профиля. = The article reveals basic landmarksof the museum history attached to guberniya statistic committees in Belarus during the second half of the XIX-th – the beginning of the XX-th centuries. The ways of museum funds formation are investigated; short personal characteristics organizers are given. The attempt is made to analyze in complex the reason of not allowing the museums attached to guberniya statistic committees to develop into public museums of full value, of local lore and history profile