723,278 research outputs found

    Categorized bibliography for a conceptual model of salt marsh management on Merritt Island, Florida

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    Enclosed is a bibliography of 556 published articles, technical reports, theses, dissertations, and books that form the basis for a conceptual model of salt marsh management on Merritt Island, Florida (Section 1). A copy of each item is available on file at the Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Gainesville. Some relevant proprietary items and unpublished drafts have not been included pending permission of the authors. We will continue to add pertinent references to our bibliography and files. Currently, some topics are represented by very few items. As our synthesis develops, we will be able to indicate a subset of papers most pertinent to an understanding of the ecology and management of Merritt Island salt marshes. (98 page document

    Contributions to the flora and vegetation of Kagbeni (Mustan District, Central Nepal)

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    Kagbeni and its irrigated oasis are surrounded by subdesert dwarf scrubland. In the present study, a list of 78 species of vascular plants is presented for Kagbeni and its immediate surroundings, supplemented with data on the distribution of the species within the entire Mustan District. The data are arrived from own investigations and the geobotanical literature. A phytogeographical analysis shows the prevalence of western over eastern elements. Species with a wide distribution in Eurasia, which constitute one third of the total flora of Kagbeni, are of great importance as weeds on arable fields and in ruderal places within the irrigated oasis. Their occurrence is closely related to human activity. Presumably, most of these weeds have reached the area under study in connection with agriculture a long time ago. Weeds from the New World, although recorded in other villages of Mustan District, have not been found in Kagbeni. The weed vegetation of Kagbeni is documented by nine vegetation releves, and is compared to releves from Jomsom and Mzrpha. A floristic gradient from south to north that has been detected by earlier investigations throughout the whole district can be reproduced at the local scale. With regard to the weed flora, the effects of different crops are minimal, compared to effects of altitude and other factors related to altitude

    Bibliography and checklist of foliicolous lichenized fungi up to 1992

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    Bibliographic records are presented of 324 scientific papers on foliicolous lichenized fungi published subsequent to Santesson’s survey of 1952. The 482 species presently known are listed in an alphabetical checklist, with references to important descriptions, keys and illustrations published by or after Santesson (1952), and an indication of the distribution. Also added are all synonyms used after 1952. Introductory chapters deal with the present state of research on foliicolous lichens and its history. The following new combination is proposed: Strigula smaragdula Fr. var. stellata (Nyl. & Cromb.) Farkas

    An indexed bibliography of papers on tagging of tunas and billfishes

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    Two working parties, the Working Party on Tuna Tagging in the Pacific and Indian Oceans and the Working Party on Tuna Tagging in the Atlantic and Adjacent Seas, were formed by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAD) of the United Nations in 1966 (Anonymous, 1966c). The conveners of these working parties were Dr. James Joseph of the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) and Mr. FrankJ. Mather, III, of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI). In 1969 it was recommended that the working parties direct their attention toward billfishes, as well as tunas (Anonymous, 1969h: 5). One report (Joseph and working party, 1969) was published by the Pacific and Indian Oceans group and two (Mather and working party, 1969 and 1972) were published by the Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas group. Each of the three working party reports included a bibliography of tuna and billfish tagging. The compiler of this bibliography, beginning in 1970, prepared numerous memoranda to the members of the working party, most of which included lists of papers on tuna and billfish tagging which had come to his attention, either directly or through members of the working party. The bibliographies in the three working party reports and the lists of references in the memoranda form the basis for the present bibliography

    British literature since World War II : a selected bibliography of secondary sources with special reference to drama/theatre and narrative prose (period covered : mid-1940 to 2000)

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    British literature since world war II : a selected bibliography of secundary sources with special reference to drama/theatre and narrative prose (period covered : mid-1940 to 2000). Part I: Integrated alphabetical index. Part II: Specific bibliographies (as to author and subject

    The physics of large-scale food crises

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    Investigating the ``physics'' of food crises consists in identifying features which are common to all large-scale food crises. One element which stands out is the fact that during a food crisis there is not only a surge in deaths but also a correlative temporary decline in conceptions and subsequent births. As a matter of fact, birth reduction may even start several months before the death surge and can therefore serve as an early warning signal of an impending crisis. This scenario is studied in three cases of large-scale food crises. Finland (1868), India (1867--1907), China (1960--1961). It turns out that between the regional amplitudes of death spikes and birth troughs there is a power law relationship. This confirms what was already observed for the epidemic of 1918 in the United States (Richmond et al. 2018b). In a second part of the paper we explain how this relationship can be used for the investigation of mass-mortality episodes in cases where direct death data are either uncertain or nonexistent.Comment: 29 pages, 11 figure

    Northerly Distribution of White Sharks, Carcharodon carcharias, in the Eastern Pacific and Relation to ENSO Events

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    Twenty-nine verified records of white sharks, Carcharodon carcharias, from British Columbia and Alaska waters (1961–2004) are presented. Record locations ranged from lat. 48°48ʹN to lat. 60°17ʹN, including the northernmost occurrence of a white shark and the first report of this species from the central Bering Sea. White sharks recorded from the study area were generally large, with 95% falling between 3.8 and 5.4 m in length. Mature white sharks of both sexes occur in British Columbia and Alaska waters, although they do not necessarily reproduce there. White sharks actively feed in the study area; their diet is similar to that reported for this species from Washington and northern California waters. Sea surface temperature (SST) concurrent with white shark records from the study area ranged from 16°C to between 6.4°C and 5.0°C, extending the lower extreme of the range of SST from which this species has been previously reported. White shark strandings are rarely reported, yet 16 (55%) of the records in this study are of beached animals; strandings generally occurred later in the year and at lower latitudes than nonstrandings. No significant correlation was found between white shark records in the study area and El Niño events and no records occurred during La Niña events. The data presented here indicate that white sharks are more abundant in the cold waters of British Columbia and Alaska than previous records suggest

    Civil RICO: A Call for a Uniform Statute of Limitations

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    RICO is a statute, originally developed to thwart organized crime. When read broadly, the statute, however, has been applied to non-organized crime activities. Thus, courts have now started applying four substantive requirements for use of the RICO statute: (1) requiring that the plaintiff must allege that the defendant has connection to organized crime, (2) limiting standing to a particular type of injury, (3) requiring the plaintiff to allege an enterprise distinct from the pattern of racketeering or from the defendant, and (4) permitting only civil RICO claims in instances where the defendant has been previously convicted of the predicate acts alleged in the civil complaint. Along with these requirements, a second area of confusion, which has arisen from the federal RICO statute is the lack of an express statute of limitations. This Note argues that instead of using the method of applying the statute of limitations for an analogous cause of action (the Supreme Court\u27s general method when no express statute of limitations is offered), Congress should step in and create an express statute of limitations for the civil RICO statute. Utilizing the general Supreme Court method for determining the statute of limitations is against the purpose and history of the civil RICO statute. In light of the potential unfairness with the current limitations scheme and the federal nature of the RICO statute, it makes sense for Congress to enact an express limitations scheme, creating predictability in RICO cases


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    愛國反帝運動和新文化運動所引起的批評傳統、關心社會、強調民主思想和科學精神的思潮,一直被認為是五四傳統的基調。發展到三、四十年代,由於抗戰的影響,有「救亡」壓倒「啟蒙」的趨勢,而在1949年後,在兩岸三地中,香港正因為特殊的政治位置,成為言論相對自由的地帶。在這個直接政治干預相對較少的背景下,李晨風在五、六十年代主動改編多部五四傳統 的文學作品,繼承五四精神,實在值得深入研究。李晨風在的改編中, 藉著周蕙和高淑英的對比, 強調五四時期「個人」與「家庭」間的對立,以突出反傳統、反家庭的望題。至於的改編,李晨風在原有的戰爭背景下, 加強了對戰爭的控訴,使戰爭成為所有不幸事情的原兇。另外,又一改曾發生的形象,把她改寫成完美的媳婦,讓白燕保持一貫正面形象之餘,為新式女性在「經濟自主」與「家庭倫理」之間得到協調的空間。李晨風的改編電影,改寫了小翠的悲劇命運,比曹禺原著中對「希望」的暗示表露得更清楚。 其他改編五四時間流行的外國翻譯作品如托爾斯泰的著作,更能看到他對關懷社會的有一種執著。甚至其他並非直接與五四主題有關的電影作品中,亦可以見到李晨風批評軍閥、讚揚革命、追求個性自由的思想

    Missing Persons Bulletin, Iowa Department of Public Safety, January 2001

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