291,283 research outputs found

    Hassan Leads Ayotte in NH Senate Race 10/20/16

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    Governor Maggie Hassan has opened a slim lead over Incumbent Senator Kelly Ayotte. Ayotte’s favorability ratings have declined in recent months while Hassan’s have remained stable. However, with less than three weeks before Election Day, only half of New Hampshire likely voters have definitely decided whom they will vote for. Election: 201

    Sanders Better Than Clinton Vs GOP in NH 1/20/16

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    Vermont senator Bernie Sanders currently has double digit leads over five potential Republican challengers in New Hampshire. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton leads Republican frontrunner Donald Trump but is deadlocked with four other potential challengers. Unsurprisingly, most Granite Staters have not decided who they will vote for in the November general election. Election: 201

    Close Races, Unknown Candidates in Both NH Congressional Districts 7/20/16

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    First District Congressman Frank Guinta remains very unpopular in his district and is in a close race with former Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter. Second District Congresswoman Ann Kuster is not very popular in her district and is in dead heats with two unknown challengers. Election: 201

    SR 19-20-16 CC

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    NH Gubernatorial Race Close, Most Voters Have Not Definitely Decided on Vote 10/20/16

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    Executive Councilors Chris Sununu and Colin Van Ostern are statistically tied in the New Hampshire Gubernatorial election. Only one-third of voters say they have definitely decided whom they will vote for. Election: 201

    MMU: 02/20/16–02/26/16

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    The Monday Morning Update, or MMU as it is referred to by students, is a weekly email newsletter of news, events, and opportunities of special interest to Notre Dame Law School students

    MMU: 03/14/16–03/20/16

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    The Monday Morning Update, or MMU as it is referred to by students, is a weekly email newsletter of news, events, and opportunities of special interest to Notre Dame Law School students

    V.i.b; 20-16 SWRK 405 - Testimony Simulation.pdf

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    SWRK 405 - Syllabus & Handout

    The decline of son preference and rise of gender indifference in Taiwan since 1990

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    This study explores the change of married women’s sex preference for children in Taiwan since 1990, finding that there was a substantial decline of son preference and rise of “gender indifferenceâ€, defined as feeling indifferent about children’s sex (as opposed to desiring an equal number of boys and girls, in which the sex of children is still a primary consideration). Results show that at the individual level female education was the strongest predictor for the preference; education was negatively associated with son preference and positively with gender indifference. Cohort difference was noticeable as well. Younger cohorts were better educated than older ones hence they were more neutral about the sex and less adherent to the traditional male preference. In addition from 1992 to 2002 there was a universal intra cohort movement toward gender neutrality and away from son preference. When the younger cohorts gradually replaced the older ones as the main child bearers in Taiwanese society, at the aggregate level son preference declined and gender indifference rose.education, gender indifference, son preference, Taiwan