4 research outputs found
Категории рода и числа в гелонимии Беларуси
В данном докладе морфологические категории числа и рода гелонимов рассматриваются статистически и географически. Анализ проводился на основе материалов, зафиксированных в письменных источниках. Были изучены 490 названий наиболее крупных болот Беларуси
"Arising from the depths" (Kupala) : a study of Belarusian literature in English translation
Using Belarusian as a case study of a ‘minority’ European literature, this thesis
explores the role of literary translation in the negotiation and promotion of a national
identity (represented by two opposing discourses of “Old/European” and “New/Soviet”
‘Belarusianness’) as accomplished through translation from a lesser-known European
tongue into the current global hegemonic language. In so doing, the research provides a
wide historical panorama of all known literary translations from Belarusian to English,
focusing on those published in the 20th and 21st centuries. While outlining the major
tendencies of the translation process, the study considers the issues of both reception
(focusing on the TL literary system) and representation (focusing on the negotiation of a
Belarusian identity), recognising complex ideological, historical and political processes
which accompany and, in many cases, predetermine translations and translation
After examining the available terminology for the description of ‘minority’ in
literary theory and translation studies, this research considers Belarus’ position as an
Eastern European, post-Soviet country and discusses the case for the adoption of a
postcolonial approach to the interpretation of ‘Belarusianness’. Another innovative aspect
of the study lies in the contribution of a non-Western perspective to the current discussion
of European minority languages in translation studies (Baer 2011; Branchadell and West
2005; Cronin 1995, 2003; Tymoczko 1995, 1999).
A pioneering work on the history of Belarusian-English literary translation, this
research defines several periods of translation activities: the ‘early’ translations of the
1890s – 1940s which mark the discovery of Belarusian folklore; the translations of the
‘Cold War’ period (1950s – 1980s) with two opposing ‘camps’ producing works
provoked by nationalist (Western-based translations) or socialist (Soviet Union)
ideologies; and, finally, the current post-independence period of Belarusian-English
translation (1991-2012), with an analysis of the reasons for a relative inactivity. The
evidence is based on a wide range of translations published as individual books and
anthologies of poetry and prose, as well as those found in periodicals. It also includes
previously unpublished findings from materials located in personal and national archives
in Russia, Belarus, and the UK
Białoruskie słownictwo nacechowane etnicznie w tłumaczeniach na język angielski
The article discusses the problem of translation of ethno-marked Belarusian vocabulary into English on the example of the novel by V. Karatkevich “King Stakh’s Wild Hunt”. Ethno-marked vocabulary is a special layer of the Belarusian language, which reflects people’s world view and their way of life. The text contains names of dishes, food and beverages, names of clothes and decorative elements, names of dances, songs, celebrations and games, and names of mythical creatures. The author identifies transliteration/transcription, combined translation, descriptive translation, adaptation and dropping which help to establish equivalence of translation from Belarusian into English.W artykule omówiono nacechowane etnicznie słownictwo białoruskie w tłumaczeniu na język angielski na materiale powieści „Dzikie polowanie króla Stacha”. Słownictwo to w języku białoruskim odzwierciedla światopogląd narodu, jego sposób życia. Tekst zawiera nazwy dań, pożywienia, napojów, ubrań i elementów dekoracyjnych, nazwy tańców, piosenek, świąt i zabaw, nazwy postaci mitycznych. Autorka artykułu określa sposoby przekazywania tej leksyki, takie jak transliteracja, transkrypcja, transkrypcja łączona, opisowa, adaptacja i opuszczenie, które służą zachowaniu ekwiwalencji w tłumaczeniu z języka białoruskiego na język angielski.Padabiedawa Światłana (Падабедава Святлана) – magister nauk filologicznych, Państwowy Uniwersytet im. F. Skariny w Homlu, Wydział Filologiczny, doktorantka Katedry Języka Białoruskiego.Homelski Uniwersytet Państwowy im. F. SkarynyAkademik (slovari i ènciklopedii) [Èlektronny rèsurs]. – Rèžym dostupu: https://dic.academic.ru. – Data dostupa: 25.11.2017 [Академик (словари и энциклопедии) [Электронны рэсурс]. – Рэжым доступу: https://dic.academic.ru. – Дата доступа: 25.11.2017].Vìkìpedyâ [Èlektronny rèsurs]. – Rèžym dostupu: https://wikipedia.org. – Data dostupa: 25.11.2017 [Вiкiпедыя [Электронны рэсурс]. – Рэжым доступу: https://wikipedia.org. – Дата доступу: 25.11.2017].Garbovskijn N.K., Teoriâ perevoda: Učebnik, Moskva 2004 [Гарбовский Н.К., Теория перевода: Учебник, Москва 2004].Karatkevìč U., Zâmlâ pad belymì krylamì: Narys. Dzìkae palâvanne karalâ Staha: Apovesc’, Mìnsk 1995 [Караткевiч У., Зямля пад белымi крыламi: Нарыс. Дзiкае паляванне караля Стаха: Аповесць, Мiнск 1995].Korotkevič V., Dikaâ ohota korolâ Staha: Povest’, avtoriz. per. s belorus. V. Ŝedrinoj, Minsk 1983 [Короткевич В., Дикая охота короля Стаха: Повесть, авториз. пер. с белорус. В. Щедриной, Минск 1983].Kruk Ì., Sledam za soncam: Bel. nar. kalândar: Dapam. dlâ pedagogaǔ dzìcâčyh dašk.. Ustanoǔ, Mìınsk 1998 [Крук I., Следам за сонцам: Бел. нар. каляндар: Дапам. для педагогаўу дзiцячых дашк. Устаноў, Мiнск 1998].Russko-belorusskij, belorussko-russkij slovar’ “Skarnìk” [Èlektronny rèsurs]. – Rèžym dostupu: https://www.skarnik.by. – Data dostupu: 25.11.2017 [Русско-белорусский, белорусско-русский словарь “Скарнiк” [Электронны рэсурс]. – Рэжым доступу: https://www.skarnik.by. – Дата доступу: 25.11.2017].Karatkievic U., King Stach’s Wild Hunt / U. Karatkievic [Electronic resource]. – Translated by Mary Mintz. – Minsk: Yunatstva Punlishers, 1989. Mode of access: http://knihi.com / Uladzimir Karatkievic / King Stachs Wild Hunt – en.html. – Date of access: 17.01.2016.Karatkievic U., King Stakh’s Wild Hunt by Uladzimir Karatkievich [Electronic resource]. – Translated by Mary Mintz / edited by Camilla Stein. – UK: Glagoslav Publications, 2012. Mode of access: http://www.kobo.com. – Date of access: 14.12.2016.1048149
From myth to literature: motifs of naturalistic legends in Spanish and Belarusian romantic prose
У артыкуле даследуецца перайманне матываў i фармальных асаблiвасцей народных натуралiстычных паданняў у прозе рамантычных пiсьменнiкаў еўрапейскай перыферыi, а канкрэтна на аснове прыкладаў з прозы iспанскага лiтаратара Густава Адольфа Бэкера i беларускага пiсьменнiка Яна Баршчэўскага. Дзеля гэтага вызначаюцца адрозненнi i падабенствы розных формаў народнай прозы (казкi, байкi, падання), даследуецца ўплыў падання на рамантычную прозу i прычыны яго перавагi ў гэтым жанры. На аснове гэтых прынцыпаў аналiзуюцца канкрэтныя прыклады часавых i прасторавых элементаў нарацыi (хранатопу) ў мiфалогii i народнай лiтаратуры, а таксама галоўныя рысы пераймання дадзеных элементаў рамантычнымi пiсьменнiкамi. Такiм чынам, у артыкуле раскрываецца роля натуралiстычных паданняў у фармаваннi мастацкiх сiстэм лiтаратараў эпохi рамантызму, што адкрывае новыя перспектывы для еўрапейскай кампаратывiстыкi i гiсторыi лiтаратуры.W artykule omówiono zastosowanie wątków i form popularnych podań naturalistycznych w prozie romantycznej pisarzy z europejskich peryferii, zwłaszcza w utworach hiszpańskiego prozaika Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer’a i białoruskiego pisarza Jana Barszczewskiego. Wskazano różnice i podobieństwa między takimi formami prozy popularnej jak bajka, legenda, baśń, zbadano wpływ legend na prozę romantyczną i przyczyny jego dominacji w omawianym gatunku. Przeanalizowano także elementy czasu i przestrzeni w narracji mitologicznej i ludowej oraz podstawowe cechy ich zastosowania przez twórców romantycznych. W artykule wskazano na rolę legend w literaturze romantycznej, co otwiera nowe perspektywy w europejskich studiach porównawczych.In the article we investigate the usage of both motifs and formal particularities of popular naturalistic legends in the prose of romantic writers from European periphery, especially in books written by Spanish prose writer Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer and Belarusian prose writer Jan Barˇsˇce˘uski. We determine similarities and differences between various forms of popular prose (fairy tales, fables and legends) and investigate the influence of legends on the prose of the romantic period and the reasons for its dominance in the given genre. Based on these principles, we analyze specific examples of time and space elements of the narration in mythology and folklore, as well as the main features of the usage of the aforementioned elements by romantic writers. The article therefore uncovers the role of naturalistic legends in the formation of the literary systems of romantic period, which opens new perspectives for European comparative and literary studies.Ruiz Angela Spinoza – doktor nauk filologicznych w zakresie literaturoznawstwa, badaczka niezwiązana z uczelnią. Hiszpania.Antología de leyendas de la literatura universal. En dos tomos. Estudio preliminar, selección y notas: Vicente García de Diego, Barcelona: Labor, 1958.Barszczewski Jan, Szlachcic Zawalnia, czyli Białoruś w fantastycznych opowiadaniach. Komp. Mikałaj Chaustowicz, Warszawa: Katedra Białorutenistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2012.Bécquer Gustavo Adolfo, Leyendas, Madrid: Austral, 2010.Castro Rosalía de. Cantares Gallegos. 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