88 research outputs found

    Канцэпцыя часу ў лірыцы Аляксея Пысіна

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    Даследуецца канцэпцыя часу ў лірыцы Аляксея Пысіна

    Енергозатрати у процесі буріння свердловин долотами різних конструкцій

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    Проведено теоретичні дослідження пропускної здатності різьбових з’єднань бурильних замків та втрат гідравлічної енергії бурового насоса під час промивання свердловини. Визначено вплив окремих конструктивних та режимно-технологічних чинників процесу на витоки бурового розчину крізь різьбові з’єднання бурильної колони. Запропоновано шляхи зменшення втрат гідравлічної енергії під час промивання свердловиниThe theoretical investigations of threaded drill pipe joints flow capacity and mud pumps hydraulic power losses during the well flushing are carried out. The effect of some design and technological factors of the process on mud leaks across threaded joints of drill string is defined. The ways of hydraulic energy losses reduction during well flushing are proposed

    Сувязь часоў і пакаленняў у лірыцы Аляксея Пысіна

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    Даследуецца праблема сувязі часоў і пакаленняў у лірыцы Аляксея Пысіна

    Антытэза ў афарыстычных выслоўях

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    У артыкуле разглядаецца роля адной са стылістычных фігур – антытэзы (і яе разнавіднасцей) ва ўтварэнні афарыстычных выслоўяў беларускіх пісьменнікаў


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    The methods for identifying M-virus resistance genes of potato were developed.Gene Gm of extreme PVM resistance is rare and available for the present only in breeding material.On the contrary, hypersensitivity gene Rm is quite widely repre­sented in Belarusian and foreign potato cultivars providing their resistance to this pathogen.Potato cultivars and hybrids, se­lected for the availability of markers GP250510, GP283320, UBC8221079 to gene Rm and marker SC878885 to gene Gm, are the valuable donors of resistance to this virus and are recommended for use in breeding.Разработаны методы идентификации генов устойчивости к М-вирусу картофеля. Показано, что ген Gm крайней устойчивости к M-вирусу является редким и присутствует пока только в селекционном материале. Ген сверхчувствительности Rm, напротив, достаточно широко представлен в со­ртах картофеля, что обеспечивает их устойчивость к М-вирусу.Выделенные по наличию маркеров GP250510, GP283320, UBC8221079 к гену Rm и маркера SC878885 к гену Gm сорта и гибриды картофеля являются ценными донорами устойчивости к этому патогену и могут быть рекомендованы для ис­пользования в селекции

    Метафарычныя ўтварэнні тэрмінаў інфармацыйна-вымяральнай тэхнікі

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    Материалы X Международной научной конференции

    В глубь образа: Алесь Разанаў. Шлях-360. Мінск: Маст.літ., 1981

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    Рэцэнзуецца кніга Алеся Разанава "Шлях-360" (Мінск: Маст.літ., 1981)

    The collection of potato cultivars as a source for breeding for high yield, earliness, and resistance to late blight, virus diseases and Globodera rostochiensis Woll

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    Background. The article presents information on the results of screening potato cultivars for major commercial traits: earliness, high yield, high starch content, resistance to late blight (Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary), virus diseases and potato nematode (Globodera rostochiensis Woll. (Ro1)). Materials and methods. VIR’s collection of domestic and foreign potato cultivars served as the material for this research. The study was conducted in accordance with the guidelines developed at the Potato Genetic Resources Department of VIR. Results and conclusion. The analysis of pedigrees helped to select source material for the main trends of domestic potato breeding. Data of a number of cultivars identified by analyzing progenies from self-pollination are presented in the paper. Potential sources of major commercial traits were found: cvs. ‘Banba’ (k-25222), ‘Bastion’ (k-25198), ‘Belukha’ (k-25146), ‘Charoit’ (k-25221), ‘Colleen’ (k-25224), ‘Gala’ (k-25270), ‘Geyzer’ (k-25266), ‘Gornyak’ (k-25311), ‘Larets’ (k-25211), ‘Leoni’ (k-25244), ‘Manifest’ (k-25265), ‘Meteor’ (k-25212), ‘Nur-Alem’ (k-25253), ‘Prizer’ (k-25217), etc. were identified as high yield sources; cvs. ‘Aktyubinskiy-2’ (k-25300), ‘Alaya roza’ (k-25144), ‘Charaўnik’ (k-25139), ‘Darnitsa’ (k-25179), ‘Lad’ (k-25180), ‘Levada’ (k-25121), ‘Maksimum’ (k-25136), ‘Palitra’ (k-25123), ‘Tamyz’ (k-25307), ‘Universal’ (k-25137), ‘Vektor’ (k-25200), ‘Vytok’ (k-11897), ‘Zarevo’ (k-10773) and ‘Zholbarys’ (k-25155) as sources of high starch content; cvs. ‘Aral’ (k-25107), ‘Aymurat’ (k-25248), ‘Bastion’ (k-25198), ‘Berkut’ (k-25250), ‘Gastsinets’ (k-25264), ‘Musinskiy’ (k-25312), ‘Nur-Alem’ (k-25253), ‘Rapsodiya’ (k-25130), ‘Senim’ (k-25306), ‘Sunkar’ (k-25258), ‘Tamyz’ (k-25307), ‘Udovitskiy’ (k-25260), ‘Vektor’ (k-25200), ‘Velikan’ (k-25201), ‘Zholbarys’ (k-25155) and ‘Zvezdochka’ (k-25209) as sources of late blight resistance; cvs. ‘Adil’ (k-25112), ‘Azart’ (k-25196), ‘Bastion’ (k-25198), ‘Charoit’ (k-25221), ‘Favorit’ (k-25132), ‘Gastsinets’ (k-25264), ‘Geyzer’ (k-25266), ‘Krasavchik’ (k-25210), ‘Maksimum’ (k-25136), ‘Malyshok’ (k-25189), ‘Manifest’ (k-25265), ‘Nadezhda’ (k-25213), ‘Nur-Alem’ (k-25253), ‘Pamyati Lorkha’ (k-25214), ‘Rapsodiya’ (k-25130), ‘Senim’ (k-25306), ‘Sirenevyy tuman’ (k-25143), ‘Sultan’ (k-25131), ‘Shchedrik’ (k-25126), ‘Tekes’ (k-25173), ‘Velikan’ (k-25201), ‘Volat’ (k-25263), ‘Zhemchuzhina’ (k-25128), etc. as sources of field resistance to virus diseases. Cultivars combining resistance to potato cyst nematode (Globodera rostochiensis Woll. (Ro1)) with other valuable commercial traits were also identified


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    Background. The article presents the data obtained after the screening of potato cultivars for resistance to Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary. The selected genotypes combine late blight resistance with other valuable commercial traits, such as high yield, high starch content, resistance to virus dis­eases and potato nematode (Globodera rostochiensis Woll.).Materials and methods. Potato accessions representing do­mestic and foreign cultivars from the VIR collection served as the material for this research. The screening was performed according to the techniques developed at the Potato Genetic Resources Department of VIR.Results and conclusion. The following true-breeding cultivars were identified for their re­sistance to Phytophthora infestans: ‘Ania’ (k-24063), ‘Baszta’ (k-24067), ‘Bobr’ (k-21103), ‘Dunajec’ (k-24074), ‘Klepa’ (k-24080), ‘Koga’ (k-24174), ‘Meduza’ (k-24082) and ’Mors’ (k-24083) from Poland; ‘Caprice’ (k-25193), ‘Certo’ (k-19440) and ‘Valetta’ (k-21769) from Germany; ‘Avrora’ (k-12188), ‘Bastion’ (k-25198), ‘Bryansky nadezhny’ (k-12160), ‘Vdokh­noveniye’ (k-12192), ‘Vektor’ (k-25200), ‘Velikan’ (k-25201), ‘Zvezdochka’ (к-25209), ‘Kalinka’ (k-25148), ‘Lukyanovsky’ (k-11750), ‘Musinsky’ (k-25312), ‘Nakra’ (k-11916), ‘Nikulin­sky’ (k-12171), ‘Prizer’ (k-25217), ‘Rapsodiya’ (k-25258), ‘Rossiyanka’ (k-12057), ‘Rucheyek’ (k-12213) and ‘Udacha’ (k-11900) from Russia; ‘Aktsent’ (k-12237), ‘Vetraz’ (k-11989), ‘Vytok’ (k-11897), ‘Zhuravinka’ (k-12106), ‘Kupalinka’ (k-12155), ‘Sintez’ (k-11666), ‘Suzorye’ (k-11992) from Be­larus; ‘Vikhola’ (k-11270), ‘Zarevo’ (k-10773), ‘Svitanok ki­evsky’ (k-11665), ‘Olviya’ (k-25094), ‘Rakurs’ (k-25098) from Ukraine; ‘Aytmurat’ (k-25248), ‘Berkut’ (k-25250), ‘Zholbarys’ (k-25155), ‘Nur-Alem’ (k-25253), ‘Senim’ (k-25306), ‘Sey­anets Lapteva’ (k-25161), ‘Sunkar’ (k-25258), ‘Tamyz’ (k-25307) and ‘Udovitsky’ (k-25260) from Kazakhstan; etc. High percentage of plantlets resistant to late blight was ob­served among self-pollination progenies of cvs. ‘Avrora’ (k-12188), ‘Astra’ (k-10697), ‘Vikhola’ (k-11270), ‘Zhuravinka’ (k-12106), ‘Nayada’ (k-12157), ‘Rosinka’ (k-11993), ‘Skarb’ (k-11904), ‘Bobr‘ (k-21103) and ‘Clarissa’ (k-21770). There were cultivars combining late blight resistance with such traits as resistance to potato nematode (Globodera rosto­chiensis Woll.) and viruses, high productivity, and increased starch content: ‘Zhuravinka’, ‘Ania’, ‘Baszta’, ‘Bobr’, ‘Certo’ and ‘Mors’. The selected genotypes are recommended as promis­ing to be included in potato breeding programs

    «Жыве раўчук жыцця”: метафары экзістэнцыйнага характару

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    У артыкуле прыводзяцца індывідуальна-аўтарскія метафары экзістэнцыйнага тыпу, якія сімвалізуюць жыццёвы шлях чалавека, яго долю, лёс, указваюцца шматлікія метафарычныя параўнанні і атаясамліванні