15,169,910 research outputs found


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    Buying Sex: A Survey of Men in Chicago

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    On April 23, 2004 staff of the CCH and 42 volunteers conducted one-on-one interviews with 159 men in nine popular Chicago bars, on the streets of high volume 'bar-areas' in scattered neighborhoods throughout the city, and at Chicago's Union Station. The Prostitution Alternatives Round Table (PART), a project of the CCH decided to make contact with some men who may pay for sexual services in Chicago to determine their characteristics, the frequency with which they paid for sex acts, their interactions with law enforcement, their knowledge of the plight of women and girls involved, and their attitudes about the sex trade industry. Why interview customers? Strategies to combat both legal and illegal aspects of the sex trade seldom focus on the demand that fuels this industry. Research in Chicago indicates that many women and girls in the sex trade experience homelessness and are victims of violence, abuse and exploitation, and that some male customers are violent and exploitative. Yet, there is little research on the customers of women in the sex trade industry. Only two researchers, Martin Monto and John Lowman, have done research with men in North America who buy sex. The reasons are obvious: It is difficult to determine and construct a representative sample of sex trade customers due to the clandestine nature of the industry. It is also likely that many male customers will be reluctant to admit that they pay for sex for a variety of reasons, including the fact that it is against the law

    Relative and Absolute Directions

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    The purpose of this resource is to learn about latitude and longitude while developing math skills. Students begin by asking the simple question: 'Where Am I?' Then they learn about the magnetic Earth and the use of compasses and angles. Students also learn about the difference between relative and absolute locations. Throughout this activity, students practice using a variety of math skills. Educational levels: Primary elementary, Intermediate elementary, Middle school, High school

    Luce Irigaray and divine matter

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    Sexed up: theorizing the sexualization of culture

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    This paper reviews and examines emerging academic approaches to the study of ‘sexualized culture’; an examination made necessary by contemporary preoccupations with sexual values, practices and identities, the emergence of new forms of sexual experience and the apparent breakdown of rules, categories and regulations designed to keep the obscene at bay. The paper maps out some key themes and preoccupations in recent academic writing on sex and sexuality, especially those relating to the contemporary or emerging characteristics of sexual discourse. The key issues of pornographication and democratization, taste formations, postmodern sex and intimacy, and sexual citizenship are explored in detail. </p

    Adaptive reuse of Libre software systems for supporting on-line collaboration

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    In this paper, the adaptive reuse of Plone; an open source content management system is described. In one instance, Plone has been used as the backbone of a collaboration and communication support infrastructure within a large research project. In the other, Plone has been used as the main web-presence of a specialist group of the British Computer Society. This paper analyses the benefits and problems of reusing Plone to support collaboration. Based on this reuse experience, a more systematic approach to supporting Plone reuse is proposed. This approach takes into account the special case of reuse support relevant to open source software developments

    Can Preoperative Serum Alkaline phophatase and Serum Calcium be used as a predictors of postoperative tetany

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    A total of 100 cases hyperthyroid patients were selected for this prospective study. The hyperthyoidism was confirmed by thyroid function tests and scintigraphy. Of these100 patients 60(60%) patients had elevated serum alkaline phosphatase(ALP)and decreased bone mineral density (BMD) and 20(20%) patients had normal ALP and normal BMD. All 100 patients underwent totalthyroidectomy. 20 patients with normal ALP did not show a shift in calcium levels and 80 patientswith elevated ALP showed shift in calcium levels (1 to 1.5 gm%) 40 (40%) patients with their calcium levels less than 9.5gm% and elevated ALP developed carpopedal spasm in postoperativeperiod. Hence we conclude that the combination of low normal calcium (&lt; 9.5%) and elevated ALP has a high predictive value for postoperative carpopedal spasm .


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    i ABSTRAK Membaca merupakan suatu aktifita s alternatif untuk menangkap ide, gaga - san, da n pikiran dalam mengekspresikan diri dari pen garang . Bagi sebagaian orang , membaca menjadi suatu rutinitas yang menye nangkan, karena apa yang di - baca da pat menambah wawasan yang luas . Oleh karena itu , penulis tertarik mela - kukan penelitian yang b erjudul “Pembelajaran Menginterpretsi Tek Berita dengan Menggunakan Model Jigsaw pada Sis wa Kelas X II SM A Negeri 1 Padalarang ”. Permasalahan Penelitian dalam hal ini sebagai berikut . (1) Mampukah pe - nulis melaksan akan pembelajaran menginterpretasi teks berita pada siswa kelas XII SMA Neger 1 Padalarang dengan menggunakan model jigsaw ? (2) Mampuhkah siswa kelas X I I SMA Negeri 1 Padalarang me ngi kuti pembelajaran menginterpretas i teks berita dengan menggunakan m odel jigsaw pada s is wa kelas X II SM A Negeri 1 Padalarang ? (3) Tepatkah model jigsaw digun ak an untuk pembelajaran menginterpretasi teks berita pada siswa kelas X I I SMA Negeri 1 Padalarang ? Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan penulis, kema mpuan siswa dan ketepatan m odel jigsaw dalam pembelajaran me nginterpretasi teksberita pada siswa kelas X II SM A Negeri 1 Pdalrang . Hipotesis yang penulis rumuskan sebagai berikut. (1) Penulis mampu me - laksana kan pembelajaran menginterpretsi teks berita dengan menggunakan m odel jigsaw pada s is wa Kelas X II SM A Negeri 1 Padalarang . (2) Siswa kelas XII SMA negeri 1 Padalarang mampu mengnterpretasi teks berita dengan menggunakan model jigsaw . (3) M odel jigsaw tepat digun ak an dalam pembelajajaran menginter - pretasi teks berita pada siswa kelas XII SMA Negeri 1 Padalarang . Berdasarkan pengolahan data penelitian yang telah penulis lakukan, penu - lis mengambil kesimpulan sebagai berikut. 1. Penulis mampu me laksanakan pembelajaran menginterpretsi teks berita dengan menggunakan m odel jigsaw pada s is wa kelas X II SM A Negeri 1 Padalarang . Hal ini dibuktikan dengan hasil yang diperoleh penulis dalam persiapan pem - belajaran mendapatka nila i 3,5 6 dengan kategori sangat baik. 2. Siswa kelas X II SM A Negeri 1 Padalarang mampu menginterpretasi teks berita dengan menggunakan m odel jigsaw . Hal ini terbukti dari hasil nilai rata - rata pretes sebesar 35,33 dan nilai rata - rata postes 79,5 . Peningkatannya sebesar 44,17 . Ja di, selisish nilai rata - rata pr et es dan nilai rata - ra - ta postes yaitu 44,17 . 3. M odel jigsaw tepat digu nakan da lam pembelajaran menginterpretasi teks beri - ta . Hal ini dibuktikan dari hasil perhitungan statistik dengan hasil t hitung sebesar 16,54 , t tabel sebesar 2,04 pada tingkat keper - cayaan 95%, taraf signif ikan 5% dan derajat kebebasan 35 . Dengan demikian, penulis menyimpulkan pembelajaran menginterpretasi teks berita dengan menggunakan m odel jigsaw menunju k kan keberhasilan. Kata Kunci : Pembelajaran , menginterpretasi, teks berita, model jigsa ii ABSTRACT Reading is an alternative activity for expressing ide as, concept, and tho - ughts . For some , reading i s a routine and fun activity , because what people think can i ncluded to the script . Therefore, the author is interested in condu cting research entitled "Interpret Text Of Report Using Jigsaw’s Model Class X II students of SM A Neger i 1 Padalarang ". The research problem s in this case are fol lows . (1) C an the author conduct the learning interpret text of repot at X II stu dents of SMA Negeri 1 Padalarang using a model of jigsaw ? (2) C an the XII of SMA Negeri 1 Padala - rang interpet text of report u sing jigsaw’s model ? (3) I s jigsaw’s model accurate in learning interpret report of teks at XII students of SMA Negeri 1 Padalarang ? This research aimed to determine the ability of the author, the ability of students, and the accurate of the jgsaw’s model on a report of text teaching reading class X II student of SM A Negeri 1 Padalarang . Hypothesis that the writer fo rmulated are follows. (1) Writer is able to car ry out t he teaching interpret of report using the jgsaw’s model at XII students of SMA Negeri 1 Padalarang . (2) XII students of SMA Negeri 1 Padalarang are able to interpret report of text using jigsaw’s model . (3) jigsaw model ’ s is accura te in learning interpret text of report . Based on the data processing research that has been done, the authors conclude as follo ws. 1. Writer is able to car ry ou t the teaching of interpret of report’s text using the jigsaw’s model at XII students of SMA Negeri 1 Padalarang . This is proved by the results obtained by the authors in the preparation of the learning gain score of 3.56 with a very good category. 2. XII students of SMA Negeri 1 Padalrang are able to interpret text of report u sing jigsaws model . This is proved by the re sults of t he average value of 35.33 prete st and posttest mean score of 79.5. Increase by 44,17 . Thus, the average difference of va lue pretest and posttest av erage score is 44,17 . 3. Jigsaw’s model is accurate in learning interpret text of report . It is proved by t he results of calculations with the results of t statistic of 16.54, ttable of 2.04 at 95% confidence le vel, 5% significance level and 3 5 degrees of freedom. Accordingly, the authors concluded interpret text of report using jigsaws model . The author offers suggestions for teachers and their students and education contribute to the building of subjects Indonesian language and literature in order to better develop. Key Word : Learning, Interpret, Text Of Report, Jigsaw’s Mode


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa kelas IV A terhadap pembelajaran IPA pada materi rangka manusia yang dilatar belakangi oleh mas ih rendahnya aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa terhadap materi pembelajaran tersebut. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan model Penelitian Tindakan Kelas yang terdiri dari II siklus. Setiap siklusnya meliputi tahapan perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observ asi dan refleksi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa terjadi peningkatan aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa yang terlihat dari hasil belajar menunjukkan peningkatan di setiap tes. Hasil p retes siklus I menunjukkan dari hasil belajar berjumlah sebesar 16. 21% . Hasil p retes siklus II menunjukkan peningkatan yang cukup signifikan, pada siklus II siswa yang mencapai nilai KKM sebanyak 62.16%, terjadi peningkatan sebesar 45.95% dari hasil p retes siklus I. Hasil postes siklus I menunjukkan dari hasil belajar berjumlah sebesar 37.83% . Hasil postes siklus II menunjukkan peningkatan yang cukup signifikan, pada siklus II siswa yang mencapai nilai KKM sebanyak 91.89%, terjadi peningkatan sebesar 54.06% dari hasil postes sikl us I. Sedangkan untuk hasil penilaian aktivitas siswa yang menyatakan dirinya aktif dalam belajar pada siklus I yaitu 32.43 %. Pada siklus II 81.08 % siswa menyatakan dirinya berperan aktif dalam belajar. Artinya adanya peningkatan aktivitas yang dirasakan o leh siswa sendiri setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model kooperatif tipe jigsaw . Sementara aktivitas siswa terhadap pembelajaran terlihat efektif, hal tersebut terlihat dari keaktifan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran, siswa berperan aktif dalam proses pembelajaran dan penggunaan media pembelajaran. Respon siswa terhadap pembelajaran sangat positif, siswa bersemangat dan merasa senang dalam pembelajaran dan mampu menguasai kelas. Dengan demikian kesimpulan dalam penelitian adalah penin gkatan aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa dari hasil postes siklus I dan postes siklus II menunjukan peningkatan yang baik, hasil pelaksanaan postes siklus II menunjukkan siswa yang mencapai KKM sebanyak 81 %, hal tersebut melebihi target yang ditentukan pen ulis yaitu 80%. Kata Kunci: Model Kooperatif Tipe Jigsaw , Aktivitas, Hasil Belajar Sisw