33 research outputs found

    Validity of self-reported diagnoses of gynaecological and breast cancers in a prospective cohort study: the Japan Nurses' Health Study

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    Objectives To validate the self-reported diagnoses of gynaecological and breast cancers in a nationwide prospective cohort study of nursing professionals: the Japan Nurses’ Health Study (JNHS).Design and setting Retrospective analysis of the JNHS.Participants and measures Data were reviewed for 15 717 subjects. The mean age at baseline was 41.6±8.3 years (median: 41), and the mean follow-up period was 10.5±3.8 years (median: 12). Participants are regularly mailed a follow-up questionnaire once every 2 years. Respondents who self-reported a positive cancer diagnosis were sent an additional confirmation questionnaire and contacted the diagnosing facility to confirm the diagnosis based on medical records. A review panel of experts verified the disease status. Regular follow-up, confirmation questionnaires and expert review were validated for their positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV).Results New incidences were verified in 37, 47, 26 and 300 cervical, endometrial, ovarian and breast cancer cases, respectively. The estimated incidence rates were 22.0, 25.4, 13.8 and 160.4 per 100 000 person-years. These were comparable with those of national data from regional cancer registries in Japan. For regular follow-up, the corresponding PPVs for cervical, endometrial, ovarian and breast cancer were 16.9%, 54.2%, 45.1% and 81.4%, and the NPVs were 100%, 99.9%, 99.9% and 99.9%, respectively. Adding the confirmation questionnaire improved the PPVs to 31.5%, 88.9%, 76.7% and 99.9%; the NPVs were uniformly 99.9%. Expert review yielded PPVs and NPVs that were all ~100%.Conclusions Gynaecological cancer cannot be accurately assessed by self-reporting alone. Additionally, the external validity of cancer incidence in this cohort was confirmed


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    The purpose of this study is to examine how to support healthcare professionals and the general public in a situation where home care is increasing by clarifying the actual situation of how to perceive the end-of-life-care of healthcare professionals and the general public who heard the “narratives of attendance to someone’s death”. A questionnaire survey was conducted targeting palliative care certified nurses and the general public and healthcare professionals in local city A who participated in the lecture on “Narratives of attendance to some one’s death” by the bereaved family. Healthcare professionals perception of “narratives of attendance to someone’s death” were in the following four categories : “Cooperation based on the roles of other professions is essential,” “The way one lives one’s life has an impact,” “It is important to acquire a wealth of knowledge as a practitioner,” and “It is based on the thoughts of the family.” On the other hand, the general public’s perception of “narratives of attendance to someone’s death” was in the four categories of “understanding through experience and information,” “continuing to seek care for the person,” “making people think about the meaning of life,” and “confronting one’s own and one’s family’s view of life and death.” In order to make end-of-life care satisfactory for patients and their families, it is necessary to provide information that can predict the future and adjust the environment to support them together

    がん看護に携わる一般病棟看護師の自律性とその関連要因 : 批判的思考・職場風土の視点から

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    静岡市立清水看護専門学校京都府立医科大学大学院保健看護学研究科帝京平成大学 ヒューマンケア学部 看護学科Shizuoka City Shimizu nursing technical schoolGraduate School of Nursing for Health Care Science, Kyoto Prefectural University of MedicineDepartment of Nursing, Faculty of Health Care, Teikyo Heisei University目的:がん看護に携わる一般病棟看護師の自律性とその関連要因を、批判的思考、職場風土の観点から明らかにすることである。方法:A県内の300床以上の病院においてがん看護の経験を持つ一般病棟看護師1,013名を対象に、無記名自記式質問紙調査を実施した。質問紙は、看護師の自律性測定尺度、批判的思考態度尺度、ThePracticeEnvironmentScaleoftheNursingWorkIndex(PES-NWI)日本語版、個人属性から構成し、看護師の自律性を従属変数とした重回帰分析を行った。結果:調査の結果、483の有効回答が得られた(回収率61.5%、有効回答率47.7%)。分析の結果、論理的思考への自覚(β=0.36)、ケアの質を支える看護の基盤(β=0.21)、臨床経験年数(β=0.12)、がん看護に関する学習経験(β=0.11)、証拠の重視(β=0.10)が関連要因として抽出された。調整済みR2は0.30であった。考察:がん看護に携わる一般病棟看護師の自律性には、臨床判断の際に多くの事実や根拠を基に論理的に考え結果を導くこと、職場環境の充実、意欲的な学習参加などが関連していることが示唆された

    A Trial of Cancer Education for Health and Physical Education Teachers and Yogo Teachers

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    departmental bulletin pape

    2011-2012 Undergraduate Catalog

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    Academic catalog for Armstrong Atlantic State University