747 research outputs found

    PPP-Completeness with Connections to Cryptography

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    Polynomial Pigeonhole Principle (PPP) is an important subclass of TFNP with profound connections to the complexity of the fundamental cryptographic primitives: collision-resistant hash functions and one-way permutations. In contrast to most of the other subclasses of TFNP, no complete problem is known for PPP. Our work identifies the first PPP-complete problem without any circuit or Turing Machine given explicitly in the input, and thus we answer a longstanding open question from [Papadimitriou1994]. Specifically, we show that constrained-SIS (cSIS), a generalized version of the well-known Short Integer Solution problem (SIS) from lattice-based cryptography, is PPP-complete. In order to give intuition behind our reduction for constrained-SIS, we identify another PPP-complete problem with a circuit in the input but closely related to lattice problems. We call this problem BLICHFELDT and it is the computational problem associated with Blichfeldt's fundamental theorem in the theory of lattices. Building on the inherent connection of PPP with collision-resistant hash functions, we use our completeness result to construct the first natural hash function family that captures the hardness of all collision-resistant hash functions in a worst-case sense, i.e. it is natural and universal in the worst-case. The close resemblance of our hash function family with SIS, leads us to the first candidate collision-resistant hash function that is both natural and universal in an average-case sense. Finally, our results enrich our understanding of the connections between PPP, lattice problems and other concrete cryptographic assumptions, such as the discrete logarithm problem over general groups

    Self-stabilising Byzantine Clock Synchronisation is Almost as Easy as Consensus

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    We give fault-tolerant algorithms for establishing synchrony in distributed systems in which each of the nn nodes has its own clock. Our algorithms operate in a very strong fault model: we require self-stabilisation, i.e., the initial state of the system may be arbitrary, and there can be up to f<n/3f<n/3 ongoing Byzantine faults, i.e., nodes that deviate from the protocol in an arbitrary manner. Furthermore, we assume that the local clocks of the nodes may progress at different speeds (clock drift) and communication has bounded delay. In this model, we study the pulse synchronisation problem, where the task is to guarantee that eventually all correct nodes generate well-separated local pulse events (i.e., unlabelled logical clock ticks) in a synchronised manner. Compared to prior work, we achieve exponential improvements in stabilisation time and the number of communicated bits, and give the first sublinear-time algorithm for the problem: - In the deterministic setting, the state-of-the-art solutions stabilise in time Θ(f)\Theta(f) and have each node broadcast Θ(flogf)\Theta(f \log f) bits per time unit. We exponentially reduce the number of bits broadcasted per time unit to Θ(logf)\Theta(\log f) while retaining the same stabilisation time. - In the randomised setting, the state-of-the-art solutions stabilise in time Θ(f)\Theta(f) and have each node broadcast O(1)O(1) bits per time unit. We exponentially reduce the stabilisation time to logO(1)f\log^{O(1)} f while each node broadcasts logO(1)f\log^{O(1)} f bits per time unit. These results are obtained by means of a recursive approach reducing the above task of self-stabilising pulse synchronisation in the bounded-delay model to non-self-stabilising binary consensus in the synchronous model. In general, our approach introduces at most logarithmic overheads in terms of stabilisation time and broadcasted bits over the underlying consensus routine.Comment: 54 pages. To appear in JACM, preliminary version of this work has appeared in DISC 201

    Quantum resource estimates for computing elliptic curve discrete logarithms

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    We give precise quantum resource estimates for Shor's algorithm to compute discrete logarithms on elliptic curves over prime fields. The estimates are derived from a simulation of a Toffoli gate network for controlled elliptic curve point addition, implemented within the framework of the quantum computing software tool suite LIQUiUi|\rangle. We determine circuit implementations for reversible modular arithmetic, including modular addition, multiplication and inversion, as well as reversible elliptic curve point addition. We conclude that elliptic curve discrete logarithms on an elliptic curve defined over an nn-bit prime field can be computed on a quantum computer with at most 9n+2log2(n)+109n + 2\lceil\log_2(n)\rceil+10 qubits using a quantum circuit of at most 448n3log2(n)+4090n3448 n^3 \log_2(n) + 4090 n^3 Toffoli gates. We are able to classically simulate the Toffoli networks corresponding to the controlled elliptic curve point addition as the core piece of Shor's algorithm for the NIST standard curves P-192, P-224, P-256, P-384 and P-521. Our approach allows gate-level comparisons to recent resource estimates for Shor's factoring algorithm. The results also support estimates given earlier by Proos and Zalka and indicate that, for current parameters at comparable classical security levels, the number of qubits required to tackle elliptic curves is less than for attacking RSA, suggesting that indeed ECC is an easier target than RSA.Comment: 24 pages, 2 tables, 11 figures. v2: typos fixed and reference added. ASIACRYPT 201

    On the Equivalence among Problems of Bounded Width

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    In this paper, we introduce a methodology, called decomposition-based reductions, for showing the equivalence among various problems of bounded-width. First, we show that the following are equivalent for any α>0\alpha > 0: * SAT can be solved in O(2αtw)O^*(2^{\alpha \mathrm{tw}}) time, * 3-SAT can be solved in O(2αtw)O^*(2^{\alpha \mathrm{tw}}) time, * Max 2-SAT can be solved in O(2αtw)O^*(2^{\alpha \mathrm{tw}}) time, * Independent Set can be solved in O(2αtw)O^*(2^{\alpha \mathrm{tw}}) time, and * Independent Set can be solved in O(2αcw)O^*(2^{\alpha \mathrm{cw}}) time, where tw and cw are the tree-width and clique-width of the instance, respectively. Then, we introduce a new parameterized complexity class EPNL, which includes Set Cover and Directed Hamiltonicity, and show that SAT, 3-SAT, Max 2-SAT, and Independent Set parameterized by path-width are EPNL-complete. This implies that if one of these EPNL-complete problems can be solved in O(ck)O^*(c^k) time, then any problem in EPNL can be solved in O(ck)O^*(c^k) time.Comment: accepted to ESA 201

    Navigating Central Path with Electrical Flows: from Flows to Matchings, and Back

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    We present an O~(m10/7)=O~(m1.43)\tilde{O}(m^{10/7})=\tilde{O}(m^{1.43})-time algorithm for the maximum s-t flow and the minimum s-t cut problems in directed graphs with unit capacities. This is the first improvement over the sparse-graph case of the long-standing O(mmin(m,n2/3))O(m \min(\sqrt{m},n^{2/3})) time bound due to Even and Tarjan [EvenT75]. By well-known reductions, this also establishes an O~(m10/7)\tilde{O}(m^{10/7})-time algorithm for the maximum-cardinality bipartite matching problem. That, in turn, gives an improvement over the celebrated celebrated O(mn)O(m \sqrt{n}) time bound of Hopcroft and Karp [HK73] whenever the input graph is sufficiently sparse

    Fuzzy Extractors: How to Generate Strong Keys from Biometrics and Other Noisy Data

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    We provide formal definitions and efficient secure techniques for - turning noisy information into keys usable for any cryptographic application, and, in particular, - reliably and securely authenticating biometric data. Our techniques apply not just to biometric information, but to any keying material that, unlike traditional cryptographic keys, is (1) not reproducible precisely and (2) not distributed uniformly. We propose two primitives: a "fuzzy extractor" reliably extracts nearly uniform randomness R from its input; the extraction is error-tolerant in the sense that R will be the same even if the input changes, as long as it remains reasonably close to the original. Thus, R can be used as a key in a cryptographic application. A "secure sketch" produces public information about its input w that does not reveal w, and yet allows exact recovery of w given another value that is close to w. Thus, it can be used to reliably reproduce error-prone biometric inputs without incurring the security risk inherent in storing them. We define the primitives to be both formally secure and versatile, generalizing much prior work. In addition, we provide nearly optimal constructions of both primitives for various measures of ``closeness'' of input data, such as Hamming distance, edit distance, and set difference.Comment: 47 pp., 3 figures. Prelim. version in Eurocrypt 2004, Springer LNCS 3027, pp. 523-540. Differences from version 3: minor edits for grammar, clarity, and typo