16 research outputs found

    Message Authentication (MAC) Algorithm For The VMPC-R (RC4-like) Stream Cipher

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    We propose an authenticated encryption scheme for the VMPC-R stream cipher. VMPC-R is an RC4-like algorithm proposed in 2013. It was created in a challenge to find a bias-free cipher within the RC4 design scope and to the best of our knowledge no security weakness in it has been published to date. The contribution of this paper is an algorithm to compute Message Authentication Codes (MACs) along with VMPC-R encryption. We also propose a simple method of transforming the MAC computation algorithm into a hash function

    Fast and Accurate Machine Learning-based Malware Detection via RC4 Ciphertext Analysis

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    Malware is dramatically increasing its viability while hiding its malicious intent and/or behavior by employing ciphers. So far, many efforts have been made to detect malware and prevent it from damaging users by monitoring network packets. However, conventional detection schemes analyzing network packets directly are hardly applicable to detect the advanced malware that encrypts the communication. Cryptoanalysis of each packet flowing over a network might be one feasible solution for the problem. However, the approach is computationally expensive and lacks accuracy, which is consequently not a practical solution. To tackle these problems, in this paper, we propose novel schemes that can accurately detect malware packets encrypted by RC4 without decryption in a timely manner. First, we discovered that a fixed encryption key generates unique statistical patterns on RC4 ciphertexts. Then, we detect malware packets of RC4 ciphertexts efficiently and accurately by utilizing the discovered statistical patterns of RC4 ciphertext given encryption key. Our proposed schemes directly analyze network packets without decrypting ciphertexts. Moreover, our analysis can be effectively executed with only a very small subset of the network packet. To the best of our knowledge, the unique signature has never been discussed in any previous research. Our intensive experimental results with both simulation data and actual malware show that our proposed schemes are extremely fast (23.06±1.52 milliseconds) and highly accurate (100%) on detecting a DarkComet malware with only a network packet of 36 bytes

    Settling the mystery of Zr=rZ_r=r in RC4

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    In this paper, using probability transition matrix, at first we revisit the work of Mantin on finding the probability distribution of RC4 permutation after the completion of KSA. After that, we extend the same idea to analyse the probabilities during any iteration of Pseudo Random Generation Algorithm. Next, we study the bias Zr=rZ_r=r (where ZrZ_r is the rr-th output keystream bit), which is one of the significant biases observed in RC4 output keystream. This bias has played an important role in the plaintext recovery attack proposed by Isobe et al. in FSE 2013. However, the accurate theoretical explanation of the bias of Zr=rZ_r=r is still a mystery. Though several attempts have been made to prove this bias, none of those provides accurate justification. Here, using the results found with the help of probability transition matrix we justify this bias of Zr=rZ_r=r accurately and settle this issue. The bias obtained from our proof matches perfectly with the experimental observations

    Dumb Crypto in Smart Grids: Practical Cryptanalysis of the Open Smart Grid Protocol

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    This paper analyses the cryptography used in the Open Smart Grid Protocol (OSGP). The authenticated encryption (AE) scheme deployed by OSGP is a non-standard composition of RC4 and a home-brewed MAC, the ``OMA digest\u27\u27. We present several practical key-recovery attacks against the OMA digest. The first and basic variant can achieve this with a mere 1313 queries to an OMA digest oracle and negligible time complexity. A more sophisticated version breaks the OMA digest with only 44 queries and a time complexity of about 2252^{25} simple operations. A different approach only requires one arbitrary valid plaintext-tag pair, and recovers the key in an average of 144144 \emph{message verification} queries, or one ciphertext-tag pair and 168168 \emph{ciphertext verification} queries. Since the encryption key is derived from the key used by the OMA digest, our attacks break both confidentiality and authenticity of OSGP

    Rethinking the Weakness of Stream Ciphers and Its Application to Encrypted Malware Detection

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    Encryption key use is a critical component to the security of a stream cipher: because many implementations simply consist of a key scheduling algorithm and logical exclusive or (XOR), an attacker can completely break the cipher by XORing two ciphertexts encrypted under the same key, revealing the original plaintexts and the key itself. The research presented in this paper reinterprets this phenomenon, using repeated-key cryptanalysis for stream cipher identification. It has been found that a stream cipher executed under a fixed key generates patterns in each character of the ciphertexts it produces and that these patterns can be used to create a fingerprint which is distinct to a certain stream cipher and encryption key pair. A discrimination function, trained on this fingerprint, optimally separates ciphertexts generated through an enciphering pair from those which are generated by any other means. The patterns were observed in the Rivest Cipher 4 (RC4), ChaCha20-Poly1305, and Salsa20 stream ciphers as well as block cipher modes of operation that perform similarly to stream ciphers, such as: Counter (CTR), Galois/Counter (GCM), and Output feedback (OFB) modes. The discriminatory scheme proposed in this study perfectly detects ciphertexts of a fixed-key stream cipher with or without explicit knowledge of the key which may be utilized to detect a specific type of malware that exploits a stream cipher with a stored key to encrypt or obfuscate its activity. Finally, using real-world example of this type of malware, it is shown that the scheme is capable of detecting packets sent by the DarkComet remote access trojan, which utilizes RC4, with 100% accuracy in about 36 ÎĽs, providing a fast and highly accurate tool to aid in detecting malware using encryption

    Proving TLS-attack related open biases of RC4

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    After a series of works on RC4 cryptanalysis in last few years (published in flagship cryptology conferences and journals), the most significant (and also very recent) attack on the cipher has been the discovery of vulnerabilities in the SSL/TLS protocol, by AlFardan, Bernstein, Paterson, Poettering and Schuldt. They ran extensive computations to identify significant short-term single-byte keystream biases of RC4, and utilized that knowledge in the attack. The biases identified by AlFardan et al. consist of earlier known biases of RC4, as well as some newly discovered ones. In this paper, we attempt at proving the new, unproved or partially proved biases amongst the above-mentioned ones. The theoretical proofs of these biases not only assert a scientific justification, but also discover intricate patterns and operations of the cipher associated with these biases. For example, while attempting the proof of a bias of the first output byte towards 129, we observe that this bias occurs prominently only for certain lengths of the secret key of RC4. In addition, our findings reveal that this bias may be related to the old and unsolved problem of ``anomalies\u27\u27 in the distribution of the state array after the Key Scheduling Algorithm. In this connection, we prove the anomaly in S0[128]=127S_0[128] = 127, a problem open for more than a decade. Other than proving the new biases, we also complete the proof for the extended keylength dependent biases in RC4, a problem attempted and partially solved by Isobe, Ohigashi, Watanabe and Morii in FSE 2013. Our new proofs and observations in this paper, along with the connection to the older results, provide a comprehensive view on the state-of-the-art literature in RC4 cryptanalysis

    Directional Dark Matter Detection Beyond the Neutrino Bound

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    Coherent scattering of solar, atmospheric and diffuse supernovae neutrinos creates an irreducible background for direct dark matter experiments with sensitivities to WIMP-nucleon spin-independent scattering cross-sections of 10^(-46)-10^(-48) cm^2, depending on the WIMP mass. Even if one could eliminate all other backgrounds, this "neutrino floor" will limit future experiments with projected sensitivities to cross-sections as small as 10^(-48) cm^2. Direction-sensitive detectors have the potential to study dark matter beyond the neutrino bound by fitting event distributions in multiple dimensions: recoil kinetic energy, recoil track angle with respect to the sun, and event time. This work quantitatively explores the impact of direction-sensitivity on the neutrino bound in dark matter direct detection.Comment: matches the published version, figure 4 updated plus extended discussion about neutrino flux uncertainties and detector resolutions, 13 pages, 11 figure

    Smashing WEP in A Passive Attack

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    In this paper, we report extremely fast and optimised active and passive attacks against the old IEEE 802.11 wireless communication protocol WEP. This was achieved through a huge amount of theoretical and experimental analysis (capturing WiFi packets), refinement and optimisation of all the former known attacks and methodologies against RC4 stream cipher in WEP mode. We support all our claims by providing an implementation of this attack as a publicly available patch on Aircrack-ng. Our new attacks improve its success probability drastically. We adapt our theoretical analysis in Eurocrypt 2011 to real-world scenarios and we perform a slight adjustment to match the empirical observations. Our active attack, based on ARP injection, requires 22 500 packets to gain success probability of 50% against a 104-bit WEP key, using Aircrack-ng in non-interactive mode. It runs in less than 5 seconds on an off-the-shelf PC. Using the same number of packets, Aicrack-ng yields around 3% success rate. Furthermore, we describe very fast passive only attacks by just eavesdropping TCP/IPv4 packets in a WiFi communication. Our passive attack requires 27 500 packets. This is much less than the number of packets Aircrack-ng requires in active mode (around 37 500), which is a huge improvement.We believe that our analysis brings on further insight to the security of RC4

    Plaintext Recovery Attacks Against WPA/TKIP

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    We conduct an analysis of the RC4 algorithm as it is used in the IEEE WPA/TKIP wireless standard. In that standard, RC4 keys are computed on a per-frame basis, with specific key bytes being set to known values that depend on 2 bytes of the WPA frame counter (called the TSC). We observe very large, TSC-dependent biases in the RC4 keystream when the algorithm is keyed according to the WPA specification. These biases permit us to mount an effective statistical, plaintext-recovering attack in the situation where the same plaintext is encrypted in many different frames (the so-called ``broadcast attack\u27\u27 setting). We assess the practical impact of these attacks on WPA/TKIP