3 research outputs found

    Increasing information accessibility on the Web: a rating system for specialized dictionaries

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    The paper illustrates the features of the WLR (Web Linguistic Resources) portal, which collects specialized online dictionaries and asses their suitability for different functions using a specifically designed rating system. The contribution aims to demonstrate how the existing tool has improved the usefulness of lexico-graphical portals and how its effectiveness can be further increased by transforming the portal into a collaborative resource.Questo contributo descrive le caratteristiche del portale WLR (Web Linguistic Resources) che raccoglie dizionari specialistici della Rete e ne stima l’utilizzabilità per diverse funzioni, avvalendosi di uno specifico sistema di valutazione. Viene quindi mostrato come questo strumento incrementi l’utilizzabilità dei portali lessicografici finora sviluppati e come la sua efficacia possa essere ulteriormente migliorata trasformandolo in risorsa collaborativa

    (Almost) Automatic Conversion of the Venice Italian Treebank into the Merged Italian Dependency Treebank Format.

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    none2noThis paper describes the automatic procedure we developed to convert an Italian dependency treebank into a different format. We defined about 4,250 formal rules for rewriting dependencies and token tags as well as an algorithm for tree- bank rewriting able to avoid rule interference. At the end of this process a large portion of the whole treebank was automatically converted, with very few errors, leaving only a small amount of work to be done manually.openAlfieri, L.; Tamburini, F.Alfieri, L.; Tamburini, F

    Semgrex-Plus (v1.0)

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    none1noPubblicazioni che descrivono o utilizzano lo strumento software: *** Tamburini F. (2017). Semgrex-Plus: a tool for automatic dependency-graph rewriting. In Proc. International Conference on Dependency Linguistics - DepLing2017, Pisa. *** Alfieri L., Tamburini F. (2016). (Almost) Automatic Conversion of the Venice Italian Treebank into the Merged Italian Dependency Treebank Format. In Proc. 3rd Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics - CLiC-IT 2016, Napoli, 5-6 December 2016, 19-23.Creating a treebank, annotating each sentence with its syntactic structure, is certainly a time-consuming and error prone task. For these reasons, treebanks often require maintenance and revisions to correct mistakes or to adapt it to different needs. In big projects, such as the Universal Dependencies (http://universaldependencies.org/) project, guidelines updates due to new language addition, change in theoretical approaches of a specific phenomenon management, mistakes or other changes often require specific tools to automate, at the maximum possible level, the process of treebank substructures rewriting. Moreover, the treebanks developed for a specific language need often to be completely converted to adhere to other standards, for example to comply to the UD specifications and conventions. Using the Semgrex-Plus tool scholars are able to define appropriate sets of rules to convert dependency treebanks into different formats. The tool allows for the definition of formal rules for rewriting dependencies and token tags as well as an algorithm for treebank rewriting able to avoid rule interference during the conversion process. This tool is publicly available (https://github.com/ftamburin/Semgrex-Plus.git).mixedTamburini FabioTamburini Fabi