5 research outputs found

    Selección de alternativas en proyectos considerando los riesgos

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    El tema de la selección de proyectos consiste en determinar qué proyectos de un portfolio llevar a cabo, o qué alternativa adoptar cuando existen restricciones presupuestarias, comerciales, ambientales, técnicas, de capacidad, de localización, etc. Pero desgraciadamente no se da la misma importancia a los diversos riesgos inherentes a todo proyecto o alternativa. Es posible, sin embargo, determinar valores cuantitativos de riesgo para cada par alternativa/amenaza a fin de considerar además restricciones de riesgo en dicha selección.Fernández Diego, M.; Munier, N. (2011). Selección de alternativas en proyectos considerando los riesgos. Novática. (214):36-39. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/34961S363921

    Social aspects of industrial symbiosis networks

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    The field of industrial ecology aims to transform industry into cyclical systems so that the “waste of one process can be used as resource for another process” (Frosch and Galloupoulos, 1989). Within this field, Industrial Symbiosis (IS) has emerged as a set of exchange structures to advance to a more eco-efficient industrial system, by establishing inter-organisational networks of waste material and energy exchanges. Even though the area has attracted much academic attention and has been reported to lead to economic and environmental benefits (Chertow and Lombardi, 2005), initially, most of the contributions focused on the engineering and technical feasibility of the exchanges, whereas social elements remained mostly unaddressed. Although relevant literature has partly addressed this gap and recognized the role played by social aspects, there is still little understanding of how social mechanisms work; how they affect the emergence and operation of IS networks and, most importantly, there is a lack of comprehensive frameworks for the analysis of the soft elements of IS. This research has been designed to contribute to these areas, by exploring the social aspects surrounding IS networks and providing a framework for their analysis. The framework provided covers the material, social and discursive dimensions of IS networks and focus on the dynamic analysis of the interaction between them. The research design relies on the cross-comparison of a number of IS networks: Kalundborg (Denmark), Sagunto (Spain) and NISP (UK). Social Network Analysis and Discourse Analysis have been used as main methodological approaches. Findings of the research cover two key areas: 1) the formulation of a comprehensive analytical framework that addresses the social dimension of IS initiatives in a systematic and integrative way and 2) empirical learning on the main social processes affecting the operation of IS networks

    Information technology project manager's competencies

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    The purpose of this book is to shed light on the performance and personal competencies of information technology (IT) project managers in South Africa. Predictive models are built to determine what project managers consider the crucial competencies they should possess to deliver an IT project successfully. This investigation takes place in the context of poor IT project success rates globally and, in particular, in South Africa. This novel research seeks to extend the debate on project success beyond what merely constitutes success or failure, but seeks to find clarity in what IT project managers believe are the essential competencies in practice. This quantitative research gathered data by way of an online survey based on literature regarding the Project Management Competency Development Framework (PMCDF). The population consisted of IT project managers in South Africa. Four hundred and two respondents chose to share their insights. Through the use of descriptive and multivariate statistics, major competency factors were identified. These factors were used in structural equation modelling to build various validated predictive models. This book contributes to the current body of knowledge by uncovering the competencies that IT project managers consider themselves competent in. The structural equation models indicated predictors of perceived competence by IT project managers and where these perceived competencies differ from literature. Twelve managerial implications are highlighted in the final chapter that seek to draw the myriad of threads together into a coherent summary. It is apparent that IT project managers do not consider the PMCDF important in its entirety, but instead choose to focus on certain competencies. This book is intended for reading by fellow researchers as well as project and IT practitioners. These may include IT managers, IT executives, project managers, project team members, the project management office (PMO), general managers and executives that initiate and conduct project-related work. This body of work is original and has not been plagiarised, although certain concepts have been tested in peer reviewed academic work by way of conference proceedings. Instances of this have been referenced and cited. This book is in its first edition and has not been based on thesis work published previousl

    Pasiones bibliográficas : vint anys de la Societat Bibliogràfica Valenciana Jerònima Galés.: Número V - any/año 2020

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    Signatura : H3D-18-25-22 - Codi exemplar / Código ejemplar : 205576

    ‘Driving’ IS projects

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