4 research outputs found

    Reflections on the documentary abstract and it?s practice: revision and systematization of theoreticalpractical approaches

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    [Resumen] Se realiza una categorización de los estudios del resumen documental a partir de la revisión de los diferentes modelos y propuestas de los investigadores en este campo. Se señala la evolución de la investigación en esta actividad de tratamiento documental de contenido, atendiendo a las aproximaciones de la textolingüística y el estructuralismo lingüístico, los enfoques semióticos, las orientaciones de la psicología cognitiva, o el funcionalismo sociointeraccional. Para ello, se establecen distintas etapas, que van desde los postulados precientíficos iniciales hacia avances metateóricos y procedimentales más complejos y dinámicos. Las nuevas orientaciones y tendencias son clasificadas en base a tres dimensiones: el enfoque del texto/producto, el enfoque del proceso-actividad resumidora y la aproximación comunicativo-sociocultural, como puente integrador entre ambos. Finalmente, se alude a una fusión necesaria de las teorías resumidoras existentes para configurar un mapa consolidado de modelos resumidores en distintos ámbitos de especialidad.[Abstract] We elaborate a study of the documentary abstract´s categorisation based on the revision of the different models the investigators in this field´s proposal. In this paper it is indicated the evolution of the investigation about the activity of the documentary treatment focusing on content. This research is developing through various interdisciplinary approaches, such as, textolingüístique approache, linguistic estructuralism approach, semiotic approach, including mental psychology orientation, and sociointeractional functionalism. In order to achieve the purpose, different stages are established: starting from the initial pre-scientific proposals which postulated towards the more complex and dynamic metatheoretical and procedural advances. The new directions and tendencies are classified on the basis of three dimensions: text/ product approach, abstracting process-activity approach and the communicative-sociocultural approach, as the integrating bridge between both. Finally, it guide to a necessary fusion of the existing summarizing theories in order to form a consolidated map of abstracting models in different scopes of specialty

    A Study of Metadata Element Co-Occurrence

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    Purpose – This paper aims to investigate the internet web page metadata usage behavior in terms of their metadata element co-occurrences. Metadata are designed to facilitate both web publishers/authors to organize their web pages and search engines to index the web pages accurately

    A Study of the Metadata Creation Behavior of Different User Groups on the Internet

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    Metadata is designed to improve information organization and information retrieval effectiveness and efficiency on the Internet. The way web publishers respond to metadata and the way they use it when publishing their web pages, however, is still a mystery. The authors of this paper aim to solve this mystery by defining different professional publisher groups, examining the behaviors of these user groups, and identifying the characteristics of their metadata use. This study will enhance the current understanding of metadata application behavior and provide evidence useful to researchers, web publishers, and search engine designers