5,143 research outputs found

    UniVG: Towards UNIfied-modal Video Generation

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    Diffusion based video generation has received extensive attention and achieved considerable success within both the academic and industrial communities. However, current efforts are mainly concentrated on single-objective or single-task video generation, such as generation driven by text, by image, or by a combination of text and image. This cannot fully meet the needs of real-world application scenarios, as users are likely to input images and text conditions in a flexible manner, either individually or in combination. To address this, we propose a Unified-modal Video Genearation system that is capable of handling multiple video generation tasks across text and image modalities. To this end, we revisit the various video generation tasks within our system from the perspective of generative freedom, and classify them into high-freedom and low-freedom video generation categories. For high-freedom video generation, we employ Multi-condition Cross Attention to generate videos that align with the semantics of the input images or text. For low-freedom video generation, we introduce Biased Gaussian Noise to replace the pure random Gaussian Noise, which helps to better preserve the content of the input conditions. Our method achieves the lowest Fr\'echet Video Distance (FVD) on the public academic benchmark MSR-VTT, surpasses the current open-source methods in human evaluations, and is on par with the current close-source method Gen2. For more samples, visit https://univg-baidu.github.io

    MUST-CNN: A Multilayer Shift-and-Stitch Deep Convolutional Architecture for Sequence-based Protein Structure Prediction

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    Predicting protein properties such as solvent accessibility and secondary structure from its primary amino acid sequence is an important task in bioinformatics. Recently, a few deep learning models have surpassed the traditional window based multilayer perceptron. Taking inspiration from the image classification domain we propose a deep convolutional neural network architecture, MUST-CNN, to predict protein properties. This architecture uses a novel multilayer shift-and-stitch (MUST) technique to generate fully dense per-position predictions on protein sequences. Our model is significantly simpler than the state-of-the-art, yet achieves better results. By combining MUST and the efficient convolution operation, we can consider far more parameters while retaining very fast prediction speeds. We beat the state-of-the-art performance on two large protein property prediction datasets.Comment: 8 pages ; 3 figures ; deep learning based sequence-sequence prediction. in AAAI 201

    Copula-like Variational Inference

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    This paper considers a new family of variational distributions motivated by Sklar's theorem. This family is based on new copula-like densities on the hypercube with non-uniform marginals which can be sampled efficiently, i.e. with a complexity linear in the dimension of state space. Then, the proposed variational densities that we suggest can be seen as arising from these copula-like densities used as base distributions on the hypercube with Gaussian quantile functions and sparse rotation matrices as normalizing flows. The latter correspond to a rotation of the marginals with complexity O(dlogd)\mathcal{O}(d \log d). We provide some empirical evidence that such a variational family can also approximate non-Gaussian posteriors and can be beneficial compared to Gaussian approximations. Our method performs largely comparably to state-of-the-art variational approximations on standard regression and classification benchmarks for Bayesian Neural Networks.Comment: 33rd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2019), Vancouver, Canad