3 research outputs found

    The Uncomfortable workshop:Exploring discomfort design for wellbeing and sustainability

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    According to the latest science of human performance, we are wired to thrive and adapt from discomfort. This workshop explores how to leverage that science to improve human wellbeing and to improve sustainability as a side-effect of designing ubiquitous technology to prepare, practice and perform discomfort, for social benefit. We will use Design Jams as a key activity to explore and build up this Uncomfortable Design Methodology. There will be prizes


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    Body as starting point 5: Exploring the inbodied interaction design framework - new methodologies in interactive health design

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    We invite you to celebrate the fifth inbodied interaction workshop at CHI by exploring the Inbodied Interaction Framework to align your designs with the internal complexity of the human body's interconnected, physical, and biological networks first with the goal to "#makeNormalBetter"for all at scale. This year we are introducing the new Inbodied Interaction Design Framework with a set of guiding questions and provocations to lean on and re-invent working practices. In this virtual workshop, we welcome participants with no prior experience with inbodied interaction and familiar practitioners who want to gain an alternative perspective for technology design that takes the body as a starting point.</p