14 research outputs found

    "Tap it again, Sam": Harmonizing the frontiers between digital and real worlds in education

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    Lifelong leaners are intrinsically motivated to embed learning activities into daily life activities. Finding a suitable combination of the two is not trivial since lifelong learners have to face conflicts of time and location. Hence, lifelong learners normally build personal learning ecologies in those moments they set aside to learn making use of their available resources. On the other hand, the advent of Near Field Communication (NFC) technology facilitates the harmonization in the interactions between the digital world and daily physical spaces. Likewise, NFC enabled phones are becoming more and more popular. The contribution of this manuscript is threefold: first, scientific literature where NFC has been used with a direct or indirect purpose to learn is reviewed, and potential uses for lifelong learners are identified; based on these findings the Ecology of Resources for Lifelong Learning is presented as suitable setup for the scaffolding of learning activities with NFC augmented physical spaces; finally, this ecology is piloted and different learning scenarios are proposed for further extension

    Seamless support for lifelong learning with ubiquitous technology

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    This poster presents 3 years research on how to provide support for lifelong learners with mobile technology. The aim of this research is facilitating adapted feedback services to foster self-regulation in adult lifelong learners

    Show me the way: proximity layered feedback services in smart cities

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    The advent of Bluetooth Low Energy (Bluetooth LE) technology and its native implementation within the main smartphone manufacturers is ac- celerating the integration of these sensors in smart cities. Bluetooth LE beacons are being novelty used to provide proximity-adapted feedback in the field of shopping, access control, and home entertainment. However, the potential of this technology for learning purposes is unexplored. This manuscript gives an overview of previous work where proximity and feedback have been tackled. The proximity layered feedback model is presented as an approach to provide suitable ambient feedback services in smart learning cities. An ecology of pilots is described as an instantiation of this model in potential learning scenarios to stimulate discussion. Finally, further research is introduced

    Mobile support for self-regulation with learning analytics

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    This work includes the material presented at the workshop: Mobile support for self-regulation with learning analytic

    Seamless Learning Experiences Workshop

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    This package gathers the description of a scientific workshop on seamless learning experiences held in conjunction with the 13th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning (mLearn 2014) in Istanbul, Turkey. The workshop provides a panel to present and discuss current research activities related to the topic. Furthermore the idea is to establish a common ground and foster joint collaborations for future research in this domain

    MoocCast:evaluating mobile-screencast for online courses

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    The progressive adoption of smartphones and interconnected devices is inspiring students to redesign their physical spaces towards a seamless shift between daily life and learning activities. In the last years, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) represent one of the key resources facilitating universal access to education as they enable students to learn across formal and informal contexts. However, there is little research exploring these alternative ways to present the content offered to learners in MOOCs for improved accessibility from personal contexts. This work presents the first study evaluating mobile-screencast technology as a means to facilitate learning processes in online courses. The contribution from this manuscript is threefold: first, preferred learning spaces for students enrolled to accomplish the activities in a MOOC are identified; second, mobile-screencast is evaluated as a solution for improved accessibility in online courses; third, an open tool for mobile-screencast and initial results from a formative evaluation are presented. This tool can be reused and adapted in further MOOC implementations. Finally, lessons learned are discussed and cues for future implementations are challenged

    Report on 2nd GO-GN Seminar

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    This document reports the status of the research for the GO-GN members attending to the second seminar. This seminar took place in Ljubljana (Slovenia) in conjunction with the OCWC Global ConferenceGlobal Open Educational Resources Graduate Networ