8 research outputs found

    A Study of Preferred Avenues of Investment of Investors and Their Exposure to Equity Market

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    In this modern era, money plays an important role in one’s life. In order to overcome the problems in future, People have to invest their money. Investment is the commitment of funds which have been saved from current consumption with the hope that some benefits will be received in future. Savings are invested in assets depending on person’s knowledge of different investment options, risk taking ability and demand of return. Investment of hard earned money is a crucial activity of every human being. Investors have a lot of investment avenues to park their savings. The risk and returns available from each of these investment avenues differ from one avenue to another. The investors expect more returns with relatively lesser risks. In this regard, the financial advisors and consultants offer various suggestions to the investors. However, the construction of a correct portfolio is a great task in front of every investor. The investment avenues include both financial instruments and other assets. The attitude of investors would vary from time to time and person to person. The objective of investment of investors will also be different. Keywords: Investment avenues Risk and Retur

    Determinants of Growth of Private Investment in Dire Dawa City, Ethiopia

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    Private investment is one of the mainsprings of economic growth. Dire Dawa city has been identified as the low private investment activities in the development and growth of the economy. Thus, the objective of this study is to explain the determinants of private investment in the city. In an attempt to achieve this objective, data was collected through self-administered questionnaire from 171 sample respondents through a systematic sampling technique and analyzed through inferential analysis. Seventeen variables were considered for analysis and the result reveals nine variables, that is, education, marital status, age, personal saving, inflation, public investment, investment incentive, raw materials and land are a statistically significant determinant of private investment of Dire Dawa city. Therefore, if the city has to benefit from the economic rewards of the private investment, it is recommended for all stakeholders to pay more attention to those determinants. Keywords: Administrative factors, factors of production, financial factors, personal factors, private investment. DOI: 10.7176/JPID/58-01 Publication date: January 31st 202

    C-can We Rest Now? : Foucault and the Multiple Discursive Subjectivities of Spike

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    Excerpt: Besides the lead character herself, the leather-clad vampire Spike -- introduced as the Big Bad in Buffy the Vampire Slayer (BtVS) Season 2 -- the most analyzed character in the Buffyverse

    Power, Metaphor, and the Closing of a Social Networking Site

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    This project expands root-metaphor analysis by examining the closure of a once popular social networking site, advancing critical interrogation of ownership vs. the idea of online spaces as “communities.” Yahoo! 360° participants used private sphere root-metaphors of home, family, and community constituting a space of intimacy, camaraderie, and care. The closing exposed previously unseen power differentials between participants and Yahoo! Participants reacted by using the metaphor of war and violence to frame the actions of Yahoo

    Power, Metaphor, and the Closing of a Social Networking Site

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    This project expands root-metaphor analysis by examining the closure of a once popular social networking site, advancing critical interrogation of ownership vs. the idea of online spaces as “communities.” Yahoo! 360° participants used private sphere root-metaphors of home, family, and community constituting a space of intimacy, camaraderie, and care. The closing exposed previously unseen power differentials between participants and Yahoo! Participants reacted by using the metaphor of war and violence to frame the actions of Yahoo

    Polyamory - The Multiple Complexities of Multiple Partners

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    This study is an exploration of the relationship between polyamory and how polyamorous people communicate about their relationship dynamics. Drawing from six individual interviews and one focus group, the author compares key language that appears in previous research to the language created by the study participants. Utilizing grounded theory for the analysis, results indicate that the language choices of sexual identity, sexual orientation, and/or relationship model are not sufficient for singularly encompassing a poly experience. Findings indicate that individuals who identify under the umbrella of consensual non-monogamy (CNM) may use the term polyamory to describe their own relationship dynamic or to generally signify themselves as CNM. Participants defined polyamory as an ambiguous, general term that included relationships of ethical consent and romantic interest. Although participants lacked specialized language to describe their respective relationship dynamics, polyamory was used as a way of creating language and understanding around each relationship\u27s dynamic

    Presentation of self and the personal interactive homepage: an ethnography of MySpace

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    Erving Goffman's dramaturgical perspective sees the world as a stage and social actors as the players (1959). Social actors partake in a series of dramatic performances to accomplish a certain stable social self. This idea has been built upon in recent years through the structural symbolic interactionist perspective, particularly with the work of Peter Burke's Identity Control Theory (2004). I hope here to continue to build upon the work of these theorists, as well as engage in a dialogue within the field of computer-mediated-communication (CMC). This work is at the nexus of social psychology and CMC studies. Contemporary technology has had great implications for many aspects of the social world and for interaction in particular. Since contemporary technologies impact interaction, and self construction is embedded in the interaction process, then it is important to look to at the theoretical implications of contemporary society's technological advances. I look ethnographically at MySpace, using participant observation and interview, to study how interaction and self presentation take place within the structure of the personal interactive homepage. My sample (N=97) is non-random and is drawn from my "Friends" list. I argue that the personal interactive homepage provides a unique forum for interaction. I analyze the structure of the personal interactive homepage, and examine the ways in which users construct an ideal and still authentic self within this structure. Through a synthesis of these analyses, I am able to build upon presentation of self theories, arguing that the dimension of power can (and should) be included in understanding the presentation of self process. The extent, to which an actor can present an ideal self in light of varying degrees of negotiation, represents the actors" "power to present"

    Muteness in Organizational Computer-Mediated Communication: A Critical Study

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    The purpose of this feminist critical discourse analysis was to uncover whether or not, and how, muteness of female-preferential voice occurs within written organizational computer-mediated communication. Qualitative textual analysis was used to analyze 18 discussion forums from three voluntary professional associations representing highly male-populated (mechanical engineering), gender neutral (training and development), and highly female-populated (nursing) industries. Discussion posting participants were categorized for using male-preferential (MP), female-preferential (FP), or neutral (N) language. MP and FP interactions were then analyzed for themes of muting and muteness. Seven major findings within three analytic categories emerged from this study. First, with regards to preferential language use by industry site, all three sites’ participants used FP language more than MP language. In fact, 158 of the 246 total participants were categorized as FP language users and 17 of the 18 forums were initiated by a FP participant. Additionally, although overall, modals and hedges were the most prevalent FP language characteristics and opinions were the most prevalent MP language characteristic, this differed across industry site. Implications for scaling preferential language dimensions along a continuum from highly feminine to highly masculine are discussed. Second, regarding strategies of maintaining male dominance (muting), it was found that MP language dimensions were used more often by MP participants when interacting with FP participants. Themes of muting strategies such as overstating one’s knowledge base were found in MP language. FP participants, on the other hand, cloak their opinions in subordinating language; thus understating their knowledge. This context allows MP language users to trivialize FP language users’ postings. Additionally, the use of masculine pronouns was equal to the use of feminine pronouns despite the majority of FP participants; and FP participants were overwhelmingly more likely to use masculine pronouns that MP participants were likely to use feminine pronouns. Finally, with regards to strategies of FP communication during interactions with MP language users (muteness), FP participants engaged mostly in respectful communication as a strategy to communicate. The communication strategy used least was confrontation. An emergent strategy of communication was the increased use of metaphors by FP participants when interacting with MP participants