2 research outputs found

    Подобряване ефективността на учене чрез участие в онлайн семинар: Aнализ чрез машинно обучение

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    Learning performance is related to students’ learning activities during a learning process. Their learning behavior could lead to successful course accomplishment or not, to better or worse final marks. Seminar practices have their impact on development of some students’ competences like: topics analysis, discussion and presentation and the planned tasks concern learning performance. In online environment, the seminars could be organized in the form of different learning scenarios and it depends on the functional and technical features of the organized educational environment as well as on the course goal. In this paper an investigation and analysis of students’ participation in online seminars is conducted with aim to understand the dependence between their learning performance, online tasks realization and final results. eLearning informatics gives possibilities for usage contemporary methods for research and learning analytics as one of them is machine learning. Machine learning algorithms are utilized to group students according to their learning behavior and final outcome. The created analytical models could be in support of educators and students to improve their educational activities. The accuracy of machine learning algorithms is evaluated to find the best model according to collected data during one semester.Изследването е подпомогнато от Фонд „Научни изследвания“ по проект „Моделиране и изследване на интелигентни системи за обучние и сензорни мрежи (ИСОСеМ)“, договор КП-06-Н47/4 от 26.11.2020

    Recursos Educacionais Abertos (REA) na educação em ciências: uma análise do plano de ensino à luz da taxonomia digital de Bloom: Open Educational Resources (OER) in science education: an teaching plan analysis referenced by Bloom digital taxonomy

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    Este artigo apresenta uma análise da elaboração de um plano de ensino que foi estruturado com base nos princípios cognitivos da Taxonomia Digital de Bloom. Centra-se em compreender a organização e classificação dos objetivos de aprendizagem empregados nas atividades no Ensino de Ciências com uso de REA. Observa-se que os objetivos de aprendizagem contribuíram para construção de um plano de ensino em comunidade online de pós-graduandos, oportunizando uma formação horizontal a partir do uso de REA. Para tanto, a pesquisa utilizou-se de análise qualitativa e exploratória para interpretação dos dados. Como resultado verificamos que os níveis de “Recordar, Entender e Aplicar” dos objetivos de aprendizagem tiveram maior expressividade na aprendizagem