4 research outputs found

    Exploratory factor analysis of graphical features for link prediction in social networks

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    Social Networks attract much attention due to their ability to replicate social interactions at scale. Link prediction, or the assessment of which unconnected nodes are likely to connect in the future, is an interesting but non-trivial research area. Three approaches exist to deal with the link prediction problem: feature-based models, Bayesian probabilistic models, probabilistic relational models. In feature-based methods, graphical features are extracted and used for classification. Usually, these features are subdivided into three feature groups based on their formula. Some formulas are extracted based on neighborhood graph traverse. Accordingly, there exists three groups of features, neighborhood features, path-based features, node-based features. In this paper, we attempt to validate the underlying structure of topological features used in feature-based link prediction. The results of our analysis indicate differing results from the prevailing grouping of these features, which indicates that current literatures\u27 classification of feature groups should be redefined. Thus, the contribution of this work is exploring the factor loading of graphical features in link prediction in social networks. To the best of our knowledge, there is no prior studies had addressed it

    Hubungan Trait Mindfulness dan Keterikatan Kerja dengan Melibatkan Peran Mediasi Modal Psikologis

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    Abstract— Trait mindfulness received great attention in academic research in the past years. Early research about trait mindfulness in the professional area focused on stress reduction and well-being outcomes yet little known its impact on performance and work-related outcomes. This study aimed to know trait mindfulness’ impact on work engagement, with psychological capital as the mediator. This is cross-sectional study with 591 white-collar workers in Indonesia as the sample. The result showed that psychological capital partially mediates the relationship between trait mindfulness and work engagement even after controlling demographic and organizational factors (age, gender, education level, job tenure, job level, and organization type). The findings of this study indicated the positive benefits of developing trait mindfulness and psychological capital in employees.Abstrak— Beberapa tahun terakhir, trait mindfulness mendapat banyak perhatian di dunia ilmiah. Penelitian-penelitian awal mengenai trait mindfulness di dunia kerja lebih berfokus pada kesejahteraan karyawan dan penurunan stres namun belum banyak diketahui dampaknya terhadap performa dan hasil kerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat dampak trait mindfulness terhadap keterlibatan kerja karyawan, dengan modal psikologis sebagai mediator. Penelitian ini merupakan studi cross-sectional dengan 591 karyawan kerah putih di Indonesia sebagai sampel. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa modal psikologis secara parsial memediasi hubungan antara trait mindfulness dan keterlibatan kerja karyawan bahkan setelah mengontrol faktor demografis dan faktor organisasi (usia, gender, tingkat pendidikan, masa kerja, tingkat jabatan, dan jenis organisasi). Hasil penelitian ini mengindikasikan adanya manfaat positif dari mengembangkan trait mindfulness dan modal psikologis karyawan

    The Compromise of One’s Personal Information: Trait Affect as an Antecedent in Explaining the Behavior of Individuals

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    This research examined the role trait affect, a lifelong and generally stable type of affect, has on the information security behavior of individuals. We examined this in the context of how one responds to the threat of one’s personal information becoming compromised. This was done by extending Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) by incorporating the two higher order dimensions of affect, positive affect and negative affect, as antecedents to self-efficacy, perceived threat severity, and perceived threat vulnerability. A survey was used to explore this further. Seven of the 11 hypotheses were supported, including three of the six related to affect. This research makes two primary contributions. First, trait affect may play an indirect role in understanding how individuals evaluate, respond to, and cope with a threat. Second, this research extended the application of PMT, which has been the primary theory used to understand the information security behavior of individuals