112 research outputs found

    The Sales Impact of Storytelling in Live Streaming E-Commerce

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    Live streaming e-commerce (LSE) has emerged as a popular third-party service for improving product sales. It persuades consumers through streamers’ storytelling or narratives, which encompass descriptions and depictions of their own product experiences. However, the sales impact of a story or narrative in LSEs has been overlooked in the literature. Extending the narrative transportation theory to the LSE context, we posit that the dual landscapes of narrative—the landscapes of action and the landscape of consciousness—can improve product sales through their influence on consumers’ imagination of story plotline and empathy for streamers’ product experiences. We also propose that the efficacy of the dual landscapes is contingent on streamers’ interaction response to consumer query. By collecting LSE data from the Taobao Live platform, we manually and algorithmically measured these variables and proposed to empirically examine their effects

    Relevant Theoretical Characteristics and Trends of the “Field” Era of Live E-commerce: Knowledge Graph Analysis based on Cite Space

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    Existing research primarily focuses on the two core elements of “people” and “goods”, but research on the “field” element is relatively rare and scattered. Therefore, this paper will analyse the relevant research literature in the core collection database based on the Cite Space software from the two dimensions of field theory and place attachment theory. To systematically review and sort out the theoretical basis of the influence of consumers’ online behavior in live streaming and service scenarios. The current research’s characteristics and status quo are reflected through literature citation data and keyword co-occurrence. The research conclusions: the model application and interpretation situation of the theoretical basis in the live e-commerce “field” era keeps pace with the times; the research on consumer behavior in the live streaming field needs to be further expanded; Few scholars pay attention to the consumer attachment emotion formed by the live streaming scene construction

    Growing Business in Live Commerce: A Tripartite Perspective and Product Heterogeneity

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    Live streaming becomes an important channel helping organizations and individual sellers boost their sales. Our research takes an integrated perspective and examines the simultaneous influences of streamers-, consumers-, and products-related factors on sales volume in live commerce. We apply multiple linear regression to analyze a panel data set collected from Taobao live in Double 11, 2020, which contained 34,925 product sales records. We find that streamers’ social capital, consumers’ engagement, and products’ live demonstration all significantly contribute to product sales volume. In addition, product heterogeneity matters in live commerce such that the effects of streamers’ social capital and products’ live demonstration on sales volume work only for experience products (not for search products) and for the products with less popular brands (not for the products with popular brands). Our research offers comprehensive insights for both researchers and practitioners on how to grow business in live commerce

    The Dynamics of Influencer Marketing

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    YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Vimeo, Twitter, etc. have their own logics, dynamics and different audiences. This book analyses how the users of these social networks, especially those of YouTube and Instagram, become content prescribers, opinion leaders and, by extension, people of influence. What influence capacity do they have? Why are intimate or personal aspects shared with unknown people? Who are the big beneficiaries? How much is vanity and how much altruism? What business is behind these social networks? What dangers do they contain? What volume of business can we estimate they generate? How are they transforming cultural industries? What legislation is applied? How does the legislation affect these communications when they are sponsored? Is the privacy of users violated with the data obtained? Who is the owner of the content? Are they to blame for ""fake news""? In this changing, challenging and intriguing environment, The Dynamics of Influencer Marketing discusses all of these questions and more. Considering this complexity from different perspectives: technological, economic, sociological, psychological and legal, the book combines the visions of several experts from the academic world and provides a structured framework with a wide approach to understand the new era of influencing, including the dark sides of it. It will be of direct interest to marketing scholars and researchers while also relevant to many other areas affected by the phenomenon of social media influence

    “Grassroots Internet Celebrity Plus Live Streaming” Activating IT-Mediated Lifestyle Marketing Services at e-Commerce Websites

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    It is an emerging phenomenon that Internet celebrity live streaming shows are applied in eCommerce to provide online marketing service. We propose the “lifestyle-centric” design principle to guide the design of IT-mediated marketing service contents and explore how the IT-mediated service contents affect purchase intention. In the research model, value compatibility, consumption experience transmission and product presentation are hypothesized to improve purchase intention. The three factors are proposed as formative second-order constructs formed by a set of IT-mediated service functions. Value compatibility comprises vision, personalization, consumption cues and inspiration. Consumption experience transmission comprises trialability, result demonstrability, rehearsal, training, and analogical mapping and transferring. Product presentation comprises multimedia advertising, visual control, vicarious tactile control, and spatial navigation. We outline the research design of a survey to test the theoretical model. Once completed, our study will provide implications regarding the design of IT-mediated functions for a lifestyle-centric online marketing service

    Global Media Sport

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    This book is available as open access through the Bloomsbury Open Access programme and is available on www.bloomsburycollections.com. How has globalization impacted on sports media? What are the economic ramifications? And what is the future of sports media? In order to answer these questions, this book investigates the constituents, dimensions and implications of the flows of media sport from the Global West to the Global East, and in the reverse direction. At an historical moment when the relative stability of the Western media sport order is under challenge, it analyses a range of key structures, practices and issues whose ramifications extend far beyond the fields of play and national contexts in which sport events take place. The book will appraise and analyse the state of sports television, rise of new sports media, emergence of hybrid sport cultural forms, eruption of sport-related political controversies, scandals and power struggles, mutations of forms of global sport fandom, and projections of the future of global media sport. In bringing together the latest research from across a number of disciplines, this book offers an exciting contribution to the emerging field of global sports media

    Internet Mediated NGO Activity: How Environmental NGOs use Weibo in China

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    This thesis uses an interdisciplinary approach that draws on both the political science and media and communication fields to analyse how Chinese environmental NGOs use the microblogging site, Sina Weibo, in their online activism. The study of NGOs and how they use the internet in China is widespread. However, in many cases, the way that NGOs in China work, both online and offline, has been analysed through the lens of traditional civil society and internet studies literature, which has mostly focused on the ability of NGOs, and the internet, to give rise to significant political change, and even democratisation.Through a mixture of thematic, network, and organisational analysis, this thesis investigates the communicative functions, themes, and use of interactive features in posts on Weibo, including the use of hashtags, retweets and @mentions. At the organisational level, the ways that NGOs engage with different actors, both online and offline, including fellow NGOs, government departments, their followers, and potential donors are interrogated using four case studies. These analyses found that although the political space afforded to environmental NGOs in China is severely constrained, and the operations of the NGOs could not be seen as overtly activist or confrontational in the traditional sense, the NGOs do in fact retain a certain amount of autonomy and are able to carve out some political space for themselves. The findings of this thesis therefore challenge the notion that NGOs in China are co-opted organisations without autonomy from the state and suggests that there is scope for digital activism by NGOs in an authoritarian context, even though the online and offline political space they inhabit may be tightly regulated and controlled
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