111 research outputs found

    Simulasi E-Commerce pada Online Music Store

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    Dewasa ini dengan adanya perkembangan teknologi informasi yang pesat khususnya yaitu perkembangan dunia internet. Perkembangan internet yang meningkat juga mengubah kegemaran orang untuk berbelanja secara online ecommerce, namun kebanyakan e-commerce yang ditemukan barang-barang yang dijual adalah barang milik toko online sendiri. Hal tersebut menjadikan latar belakang masalah dalam penelitian untuk membuat sistem e-commerce dalam bidang musik untuk penjualan album CD (Commpact Disk) dan tiket konser, dimana produk tersebut berasal dari perusahaan rekaman dan promotor konser. Penelitian ini bertujuan membuat simulasi e-commerce untuk menggabungkan ketiga pihak agar dapat bekerja sama dalam satu sistem penjualan online yaitu ecommerce. Metode perancangan sistem yang digunakan adalah metode waterfall. Model ini melakukan pendekatan secara sistematis. Prosesnya runtut mulai dari level kebutuhan sistem lalu menuju ke tahap analisis kebutuhan, desain/perancangan sistem, coding/penulisan kode program, testing/verification/pengujian, implementasi sistem, dan maintenance/perawatan sistem. Sistem untuk “Simulasi E-Commerce pada Online Music Store” yang sudah jadi diuji coba kepada beberapa sampel untuk menjawab kuesioner dengan memposisikan sampel sebagai pembeli, sebagai admin, sebagai perusahaan rekaman, dan sebagai promotor konser. Berdasarkan hasil kuesioner dapat diketahui bahwa perusahaan rekaman, promotor konser, admin, dan pembeli dapat digabungkan menjadi satu melalui sistem e-commerce Online Music Store

    Emendations in all Fools (1605)

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    Article人文科学論集 03: 45-54(1968)departmental bulletin pape

    Colonnade March 31, 1931

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    The Calloway Times, April 23, 1924

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    Public Attitude towards Mental Illness and Mental Health Services in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

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    Background: Stigma associated with mental illness prevents many mentally ill people and their caregivers from seeking help and receiving adequate treatment. People may refuse to seek help from mental health professionals for fear of social reaction and may try to hide the illness, which lead to inaccurate statistical presentation of the real problem in addition to poor health outcomes. Aim: The aim of the current research study was to investigate the attitude of general Saudi population toward mental illness and persons with mental illnesses and explore general Saudi population’ attitude toward mental health services available in Saudi Arabia. Methods: A descriptive corelation cross sectional research design was utilized on a sample of 3464 saudi adults recruited from different public areas and voluntarily accept to participate in the study. Data was collected using a survey questionnair consisted of sociodemographic data sheet, questions concerning personal experience with persons with mental illnesses, Attitudes towards mental Illness Scale (Shokeer, 2002) and attitude towards the mental health services questionnair. An explanation about the purpose and the nature of the study was offered for each individual potential participant. Subjects were assured about the confidentiality of the collected data and that it will be only used by the researcher for the purpose of the current study. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 22.0. Results: More than one third of the participants (36.9%) had a family member diagnosed with mental illness while around two thirds (62.2%) knew any person diagnosed with mental illness other than a family member. 36.5 percent of the participants agreed that they can speak with any person with mental illness and can go in a picnic with people with mental illnesses, 43.5% don’t feel afraid when dealing with persons with mental illnesses, 41.4% don’t refuse to sit with a person with mental illness. More than three quarters of the participants agreed that Saudi government must increase governmental fund spent on mental health hospitals as well as community mental health services, on the other hand only 18.7% agreed that Saudi community has enough mental health services. age of the participants, level of education, having a family member diagnosed with mental illness and knowing any person diagnosed with mental illness were  significantly correlated with the attitude towards mental illness and persons with mental illnesses scale score (p = 0.000). Conclusion: Despite the limited empirical evidence the present study infers that one third of the participants have an indecisive attitude toward mental illness and persons with mental illness. This makes it clear that there is still a way to go in accomplishing a positive attitude toward mental illness. Keywords: Public, attitude, mental illness, mental health services, Riyadh, Saudi Arabi

    Информационное моделирование экстремальных состояний пострадавших в чрезвычайных ситуациях

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    In this thesis conceptual model of adaptation (kinesis) syndromes of traumatic stress situation was proposed including information models of acute (traumatic) and chronic (sports or professional) overloaded and acute (premorbid) and chronic (senile) hypokinesis adaptation syndromes, which allow to prognoses the stage of traumatic disease and acute hypokinesia at molecular, cellular, organic and organism levels.Предложена концептуальная модель адаптационных (кинезных) травматических стресс-ситуаций, включающая информационные модели острых (травматических) и хронических (спортивных и профессиональных) перегрузочных и острых (параморбидных) и хронических (сенильных) гипокинезных адаптационных синдромов, позволяющих прогнозировать поэтапное течение травматической болезни и острой гипокинезии на молекулярном, клеточном, органном и организменном уровнях

    The Western Mistic, March 10, 1939

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    Бесфиксационная герниопластика при грыжах передней брюшной стенки

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    Authors has developed algorithm of surgical treatment of the abdominal wall hernias, based on using the modern non-fixation mesh. This algorithm includes different surgical approaches (open and endoscopic) for inguinal and ventral hernias using polypropylene and polylactic acid mesh.В статье определено место бесфиксационных методик в лечении грыж передней брюшной стенки. Разработана целостная система оперативного лечения больных с грыжами передней брюшной стенки, на основе использования современных, не требующих фиксации имплантатов, которая может быть рекомендована к широкому внедрению

    Montana Kaimin, April 10, 1992

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    Student newspaper of the University of Montana, Missoula.https://scholarworks.umt.edu/studentnewspaper/9516/thumbnail.jp