1,286 research outputs found

    Kiprah Aktor Warganet melalui Media Sosial dalam Pemasaran Digital: Studi Kasus pada #HondaBeAT

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    This study aims to determine the role of netizen actors on social media in the digital marketing of a product brand, like #HondaBeAT. Nowadays, the use of social media to exchange information is increasing for the dissemination of messages and other contents. In the digital marketing ecosystem, social media plays an important role in introducing products, enhancing a positive image, and building relationships with customers. The use of social media platforms, such as Twitter and Instagram, has attracted the attention of the younger generation, especially the millennial generation (Y) and the post-millennial generation (Z). The level of effectiveness of digital marketing is also influenced and determined by the progress of netizen actors, such as followers, influencers, and buzzers. Their role is increasingly important to convey information more effectively through various product and service brand content on various social media platforms. This study uses a qualitative approach to analyze data from social media conversations on Twitter and Instagram within a certain period of time with the help of the Drone Emprit Academic (DEA) application. This research reveals the progress of netizen actors on the company’s official accounts of Twitter and Instagram as a basic understanding for designing and compiling digital marketing strategies using product brand hashtags. This study also found that the netizen actors studied had their respective roles in strengthening the delivery of messages and content on social media

    Variabel Yang Memengaruhi Keberhasilan Wirausaha Pemula Di DIY

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    This study aims to conduct a study of novice entrepreneurs in Yogyakarta. This study analyzes the amount of capital, the number of employees, the length of time running the business, the age of the entrepreneur, education (graduated from bachelor's degree or high school), and whether the business is a legal entity or not. This study used 335 novice entrepreneurs who filled out a questionnaire followed by in-depth interviews with ten willing novice entrepreneurs. Focus group discussions were also conducted with related sources. The analytical tools used in this research are descriptive analysis and ordinary least squares (OLS). The results showed that the amount of capital and the number of employees affected sales or business income, but the variables of business length, entrepreneurial age, and level of education had no significant effect on sales or business income. In general, the results of this study indicate that there are still various problems in running a business, especially regarding the problem of product marketing and social capital owned by novice entrepreneurs in Yogyakarta

    Analisis Perceived Organizational Support, Quality Culture, dan Kepuasan Kerja sebagai Second-Order Factor terhadap Turnover Intention Karyawan Generasi Y di ATC (Air Traffic Control)

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    The meeting between generations is now starting to be felt in all organizations, and new things in Human Resources management. Differences in character, motivation, and characteristics in each create a contribution to the human resource management of an organization/company. This study aims to analyze Y-generation employees at ATC (Air Traffic Control) by examining the relationship between variables, perceived organizational support, job satisfaction, quality culture, and intention to move. The research object is ATC employees of seven airports in Indonesia with a total population of 620. The sample of this study is Y-generation of the ATC employees, which is as many as 225, with a purposive sampling method. Research data processing using AMOS version 24 with job satisfaction as the second-order (internal and external dimensions). The results showed that perceived organizational support and quality culture affected turnover intention which was moderated by job satisfaction. This research is expected to contribute to the understanding of job satisfaction which consists of external and internal dimensions that affect Y-generation in turnover intention

    The Effect of Earning Per Share, Price to Book Value, Dividend Payout Ratio, and Net Profit Margin on the Stock Price in Indonesia Stock Exchange

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    Fundamental analysis of companies with financial ratios is essential in making investment decisions for any company. Therefore, to obtain maximum profit, investors need to perform a study before making investment decisions. This research aims to examine the effect of Earning Per Share (EPS), Price to Book Value (PBV), Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR), and Net Profit Margin (NPM) on the stock price. The research at the Indonesia Stock Exchange, a sub-sector of food and beverage companies, period five years (2014-2018). The sample of this study amounted to 12 companies from 26 companies in the population of food and beverage companies that have met the researchers' criteria. Data analysis with bootstrapping used SEM (statistical equation modeling) in hypothesis testing. The research findings confirmed the significant effect of Earning per Share, Price to Book Value, and Dividend Payout Ratio on stock prices. Meanwhile, the Net Profit Margin does not significantly affect stock prices in the study period, with an alpha significance of five percent. These findings imply practical implications that EPS, PBV, DPR, and NPM ratio information can be considered in investment decisions for anyone

    Pengaruh Literasi Keuangan, Sikap Keuangan, dan Kepribadian terhadap Perilaku Pengelolaan Keuangan pada Pelaku UMKM Kelurahan Gedong, Jakarta Timur

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    This research aimed to determine the effect of financial literacy on financial management behavior, the influence of financial attitudes on financial management behavior, and the influence of personality on financial management behavior in MSME actors in Gedong Village, East Jakarta, Jakarta Special Capital Region. This research is included in associative causal research. The subjects of this study were 96 wholesale and retail SMEs in a car and motorcycle repair shop in Gedong Village, East Jakarta. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire. Validity and reliability tests were conducted on 96 MSME respondents in Gedong Village, East Jakarta. The analysis prerequisite test includes a linearity test, multicollinearity test, and heteroscedasticity test. The method of data analysis used in this research is multiple linear regression. The results showed that financial literacy, financial attitude, and personality variables have a positive and significant effect on financial management behavior

    Pengaruh Rasio Keuangan dan Pertumbuhan Perusahaan terhadap Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR) dan Implikasinya pada Harga Saham Perusahaan Perbankan yang Listing di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI)

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    The rapid technological developments have an impact on the opening of global trade opportunities so that banks that carry out intermediary functions in the financial sector will be increasingly needed. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of financial ratio and company growth on the stock price of banks with the status of State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) with Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR) as an intervening variable. This study is quantitative research with an associative approach. The research population includes 44 banking companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The sample in this study amounted to four banks. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. This study uses secondary data with data analysis methods used multiple linear regression analysis, partial test (t-test), and path analysis with the help of the SPSS version 23 application. This study indicates that DER significantly affects DPR, while ROE and company growth do not affect DPR. Furthermore, the DPR has a significant effect on stock prices, while DER and ROE have a significant effect on stock prices through the Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR), and company growth does not affect stock prices mediated by the Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR)

    Pengaruh Kualitas Produk, Word of Mouth, dan Store Image terhadap Keputusan Pembelian: Studi pada Pengunjung Toko Amigo Pedan

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    Marketing is the process of selling goods and services that aims to meet and satisfy customer wants. The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of product quality, word of mouth, and store image on purchasing decisions in Amigo Pedan store, Klaten, Central Java, Indonesia. The population in this study is the visitors of Amigo Pedan with a sample of 91 respondents. The sampling technique used in this study was incidental sampling. Primary data was collected using questionnaires. This study used multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this research showed that product quality, word of mouth, and store image have significant and positive effects on purchasing decisions in the store, simultaneously. But, only the word of mouth has a significant effect on customers’ purchasing decisions in the store, partially

    Penguatan Strategi Pemasaran UMKM di masa Pandemi Covid-19: Studi Kasus Pelaku Usaha Tenun di Kabupaten Kulon Progo

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    The national economy experienced a slump at the beginning of 2020. The Covid-19 pandemic has reduced economic activity which has an impact on a decline in economic growth. SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) as the backbone of the national economy during the 2018 monetary crisis experienced a sharp decline in growth due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The revival of SMEs has a big role in the revival of the national economy. This study aims to analyze the right marketing strategy for woven fabric SMEs in Kulon Progo Regency during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study uses qualitative descriptive analysis of 32 business actors who were selected as informants with certain criteria. The type of data collected is primary data. The data analysis method used in this study is SWOT which consists of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. The results of the analysis show that the most appropriate marketing strategy for woven fabric SMEs in Kulon Progo Regency during the Covid-19 pandemic is a turn-around strategy through increasing human resource capabilities in the use of information technology media; increasing digital marketing through the use of social media such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and website in promoting products; utilizing and improving communication links to form partnerships between business actors in various fields; and improving management for business units

    Pengembangan Ekonomi Lokal melalui Budidaya Rumput Laut sebagai Sumber Pendapatan Masyarakat

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    Local economic development through seaweed cultivation in Kapuntori District, Buton Regency is very promising and profitable so it is necessary to make maximum efforts so that problems that arise in the development of seaweed cultivation can be resolved. This study aims to determine income, assess the feasibility of seaweed farming as a source of income for the people of Wawoncusu Hamlet, Lambusango Village, Kapuntori District, Buton Regency, and at the same time develop a strategy for developing a seaweed cultivation business. This study uses a descriptive research method with a qualitative approach. The data source is primary data which includes information from farming about costs, revenues, and income of farming and development strategies that have been carried out by farming businesses, while secondary data includes data documentation. Data collection methods and techniques used interview, observation, and documentation methods, while data analysis methods used a qualitative descriptive approach. Based on the results of the analysis obtained information that the average income of seaweed farmers for 40 days obtained from 1 unit raft is Rp 2,200,000. The feasibility of seaweed farming shows the R/C ratio >1, namely 5.11 and 2.39. If the R/C Ratio >1, then the seaweed business is efficient and profitable. The most effective strategy for seaweed development in Wawoncusu Hamlet, Lambusango Village, Kapuntori District, Buton Regency is SO and WT analysis

    Impact of Reputation of Public Accounting Firms as Mediating Between Leverage, Profitability and Company Size Against Audit Delay of Large Trading Companies on Indonesia Stock Exchange

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    Financial statements delivered promptly are useful in analyzing and making decisions in the economic field that can contribute to national economic growth. The timeliness of financial statements on the results of the audit report can also affect the value of the financial statements. This research aims to determine the influence of leverage, profitability, and company size on audit delay as well as the impact of the reputation of public accounting firms (KAP) as a mediating influence of leverage, profitability, and company size towards audit delay. This research was conducted on twenty Large Trading Companies during the period 2015-2019 which totaled 100 data. The data analysis techniques used in this research are descriptive statistical analysis, classical assumption test, multiple regression analysis, and hypothesis testing. The results showed that partially leverage, profitability, and KAP’s reputation had an insignificant influence on audit delay, while the company size has a significant influence on audit delay. Furthermore, the reputation of public accounting firms can moderate the influence of leverage on audit delay but is unable to moderate the influence of the company size and profitability on audit delay
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