Application for calculating parameters of black hole from its mass and spin


Crne rupe fascinantni su astronomski objekti koje nastaju prilikom gravitacijskog urušavanja masivnih zvijezda. Iako konceptualno postoje još od 18. stoljeća (John Mitchell, 1783.), pojam crne rupe kako ju danas razumijemo razvio je Karl Schwarzschild 1916. godine pomoću Einsteinove teorije relativnosti. Godine 1971. konačno je i otkrivena crna rupa Cygnus X-1. Cilj ovog rada je predstaviti pojam crne rupe, od njezinih konceptualnih početaka sve do određenih saznanja koja danas imamo o crnim rupama. Ovaj rad također će prikazati ulogu mase i spina crne rupe u njezinom fizikalnom opisu, te ćemo u konačnici vidjeti kako se određeni parametri crne rupe računaju iz mase i spina pomoću jednostavne aplikacije.Black holes are fascinating astronomical objects created by gravitational collapse of massive stars. Although conceptualized during 18th century (John Mitchell, 1783), concept of black hole as we understand it today was developed by Karl Schwarzschild in 1916 using Einstein’s theory of relativity. In 1971 first black hole was finally discovered and named Cygnus X-1. Aim of this thesis is to present the concept of a black hole, all the way since its conceptualization to understanding of black holes we have today. This thesis will also show the role of mass and spin in its description of physical properties, and finally we will see how certain parameters are calculated, in regards to its mass and spin, using a simple application

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Repository of Department of Physics in Osijek

Last time updated on 11/10/2024

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