04-18 Under the Fig Tree: The adventure of never-ending learning with Dr. Robert Kolb


Join hosts Rev. Micah Glenn and fill-in host Kati Gaschler (while Dr. Benjamin Haupt is on sabbatical) as they talk with Professor Emeritus Dr. Robert Kolb, an esteemed Lutheran Confessions and Martin Luther scholar, in the first of a two-part conversation. Listen in as Kolb shares about constructive theological dialogue, his time teaching history and religion at Concordia University, Saint Paul, Minn., and then researching and writing overseas half the year for the Institute for Mission Studies through Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. He also explains some of his greatest joys of teaching church workers and the adventure of never-ending learning. Kolb also shares some advice for prospective students: “Read your Bible. Do a lot of praying, but [also] do a lot of listening.” In the recurring segment, “Ripe for the picking or leave it on the tree,” hear how the trio feel about driving with the windows down, Girl Scout cookies, Trivial Pursuit and more! “Under the Fig Tree” is a video and audio podcast of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. New video and audio episodes are added weekly each Monday during the academic year. “Under the Fig Tree” can be found on YouTube, the Seminary’s Scholar site (scholar.csl.edu) and most podcast platforms including Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts. Those interested in vocational ministry are invited to join the Seminary contact list at Request-Information.... You can learn more about Concordia Seminary at csl.edu or by contacting the admissions team at [email protected] or 800-822-9545

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Last time updated on 14/09/2024

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