University of Zagreb. Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing.
Ovaj rad istražuje problem pronalaska najduljeg lanca riječi u igri Kaladont i uspore-
đuje ga s problemom pronalaska najduljeg puta u grafu. Opisuje se motivacija za prona-
laženje najduljeg puta u grafu te se objašnjava kako se cjelobrojnim linearnim programi-
ranjem može riješiti taj problem. Na skupu podataka je pronađen najdulji mogući lanac
i rješenje je uspoređeno s drugim najboljim rješenjima. Rezultati također pokazuju da je
postignuto optimalno rješenje.This work investigates the problem of finding the longest word chain in the word
game Kaladont and draws parallels with finding the longest path in a graph. It ex-
plains the motivation behind finding the longest path in a graph and explains how it
can be solved using integer linear programming. On a given dataset, the longest possible
chain is identified, and the solution is compared to other best-performing solutions and
is shown to be the optimal solution
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