Place Attachment at the Ritual Bakar Tongkang for Heritage Tourism in Bagansiapiapi


A comprehension concept of place attachment is required for understanding the relationship that developed between humans and heritage tourism areas. The concept of place attachment has been integrated into spatial studies with no universal agreement to explain the human-place bond. In the context of heritage tourism, this research proposes a conceptualization of place attachment that focuses on the ritual approach as a human-place relationships. Implementing this approach, environmental research on heritage tourism will generate potential, unambiguously and comprehensively prepared for the future framework of place attachment. PRISMA method has an applied procedure for selecting an appropriate paper study for literature. There are a total of four selection phases in the PRISMA approach. The initial phase in the selection process is to identify of the literature through information gathered from the selection of journal databases such as ProQuest, Taylor & Francis, Emerald Insight, Scopus, and Sage Premier Journal. Examining the abstract and the literature title is the second phase of the selection process. At this point, irrelevant studies will be eliminated. Eligibility with full-text screening is the next phase. At this phase, studies that irrelevance will be eliminating. Studies that qualified for data reduction and analysis are considered in the final selection phase of the literature review approach. According to the findings, studies on place attachment theory could potentially conducted to encourage heritage tourism. The place attachment concept is influenced by multiple variables such as familiarity, length of engagement, emotional attachment, place character, continuity, and rituals. To support the study findings by earlier studies’ literature and discuss strategies are required. This conceptual framework structure offers an overview for a better understanding of the concept of place attachment, which heritage tourism researchers may implement during their attempts to involve place attachment in research and apply it to the advantages of heritage tourism development.   Keywords: heritage tourism; place attachment; environmental; rituals  &nbsp

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Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal (E-BPJ)

Last time updated on 13/02/2024

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