University of Zagreb. Faculty of Science. Department of Chemistry.
U sklopu ovog diplomskog rada ispitan je utjecaj adsorpcije jakog polikationa
poli(N-etil-4-vinilpiridina) (P4VP) na titanijev dioksid u obliku nanočestica te koloidnog filma.
Određena su površinska svojstva titanijeva dioksida. Elektroforetskim raspršenjem svjetlosti
određena je izoelektrična točka titanijeva dioksida, a potenciometrijskom kiselinsko-baznom
titracijom točka nul-naboja. Metodom izotermalne titracijske kalorimetrije kvalitativno je
okarakteriziran proces protonacije površinskih skupina titanijeva dioksida. Za određivanje
površinskog potencijala titanijeva dioksida izrađene su elektrode s pločicama titanija
presvučenim oksidnim slojem. Površina istih pločica okarakterizirana je mikroskopijom atomskih
sila i optičkim mikroskopom. Adsorpcija polikationa P4VP-a praćena je metodom UV-Vis
spektrofotometrije te je ispitana valjanost adsorpcijskih izotermi. Elektroforetskim i dinamičkim
raspršenjem svjetlosti određeni su elektrokinetički potencijal i hidrodinamički promjer čestica
titanijeva dioksida s adsorbiranim P4VP-om. Ispitan je utjecaj adsorbiranog P4VP-a na
površinski potencijal titanijeva dioksida te na topologiju titanijeva dioksida.As part of this thesis, the influence of adsorption of strong poly(N-ethyl-4-vinylpyridine) (P4VP)
on titanium dioxide in the form of nanoparticles and colloidal film was examined. Surface
properties of titanium dioxide were determined. The isoelectric point of titanium dioxide was
determined by electrophoretic light scattering and the point of zero charge by potentiometric acid-
base titration. The process of protonation of titanium dioxide surface groups was qualitatively
characterized by isothermal titration calorimetry. To determine the surface potential of titanium
dioxide, electrodes with titanium plates coated with an oxide layer were made. The surface of the
same plates was characterized by atomic force microscopy and optical microscopy. The
adsorption of the polycation P4VP was monitored by UV-Vis spectrophotometry and the validity
of the adsorption isotherms was tested. The electrokinetic potential and hydrodynamic diameter
of titanium dioxide particles with adsorbed P4VP were determined by electrophoretic and
dynamic light scattering. The influence of adsorbed P4VP on the surface potential of titanium
dioxide and on the topology of titanium dioxide was examined
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