South African plantation forest nursery pesticide -use: current status, pesticide identification for management, and screening of fungicides for pathogen control


Forest nurseries are exposed to many challenges during the production of plant material, with pests and pathogens two of the most important. Management of pests and diseases require the use of multiple methods, including cultural, biological, and chemical control strategies in an integrated nursery pest management plan (IPM). In most nurseries, where hygiene practices and biological controls do not prevent the presence of pests and pathogens, they are managed through the use of pesticides. Forestry companies are regulated by both Government and Forestry Certification bodies. These include South African legislation pertaining to pesticides regulated by the Registrar Act 36 of 1947, the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC). A limited number of pesticides, with an even more limited range of active ingredients, and not targeting all known plantation forestry pests/pathogens, are currently registered for use against pests and pathogens in plantation forestry in South Africa. Many of these have been in use for more than a decade, posing a serious risk in terms of resistance build-up. There is a major need for the identification and testing of additional/alternative products (biological natural or synthetic) for use against the range of pests and pathogens that occur on the various plantation tree species and hybrid combinations that are raised in nurseries.Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Science, School of Natural Resource Science & Management, 202

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This paper was published in Nelson Mandela University.

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