Royal Nomad


Royal Nomad is a groundbreaking art exhibition based on the theory of Nomadism. Nomadism–most famously argued by philosopher Rosi Braidotti–is a posthumanism theory that calls for the end of human exceptionalism and demands that humanity can be more inclusive towards people from different backgrounds, animals, the environment, and technology. This exhibition featured a wide variety of artists addressing this central theory in a highly-curated exhibition which advocates for a more inclusive world. The successful exhibition took place at an exceptional gallery space in August 2023 in South Florida. The exhibition featured 17 artworks from 14 artists from a wide variety of racial and gender backgrounds, which, as explained in my essay, is a core part of how this exhibition addressed Nomadism theory. Royal Nomad presented work by Aaron Taylor Kuffner, Kristy Luck, Daido Moriyama, Yoshitomo Nara, Eiji Ohashi, Otani Workshop, Tsuyoshi Ozawa, Sterling Ruby, Kiki Smith, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Jia Sung, Ana María Velasco, Roberto Visani, and David Zink Yi. All objects centered around the core theme of Nomadism, including the harmonious balance with people from different backgrounds, animals, nature, and technology. The types of artwork chosen were a wide variety of photography, sculpture, textile, editioned prints, and works on paper, underscoring a broad range of artistic styles and practices. By pushing the boundaries of inclusivity and advocating for a more equitable world, Royal Nomad invites the viewer to navigate the complexities of our world with empathy, mindfulness, and adaptability, fostering a sense of interconnectedness and shared responsibility

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Digital Commons @ SIA (Sotheby's Institute of Art)

Last time updated on 06/01/2024

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