Demographic capital in the function of sustainable economic growth


Rad pokazuje komparaciju kvalitativnih i kvantitativnih demografskih obilježja popisa stanovništva 2011. i popisa stanovništva 2021 godine, te pritom će biti prikazano gospodarski rast, BDP, zaposlenost, nezaposlenost, migracijski saldo i ostali indikatori gospodarskog rasta. Za istraživanje je provedena komparativna analiza, trendovi rasta/pada pojedinih indikatora, te će se na osnovu analize i sinteze rezultata istraživanja izvesti prijedlozi i smjernice daljnjeg razvitka. Rezultati ovog rada prikazuju uvid u demografski kapital Republike Hrvatske prema zadnja dva provedena popisa stanovništva u Republici HrvatskojThe paper shows a comparison of qualitative and quantitative demographic characteristics of the 2011 census and the 2021 census, and will show economic growth, GDP, employment, unemployment, migration balance and other indicators of economic growth. For the research, a comparative analysis was conducted, trends of growth / decline of individual indicators, and on the basis of the analysis and synthesis of research results, proposals and guidelines for further development will be presented. The results of this paper present an insight into the demographic capital of the Republic of Croatia according to the last two censuses conducted in the Republic of Croatia.

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Repository of the Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek

Last time updated on 23/11/2023

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