Mechanical and technological properties of corrosion resistant steels and their application in agricultural technique


Nehrđajući čelik obilježava minimalni udio kroma od 12 % kao i dodatak ostalih legirajućih elemenata poput nikla, molibdena, titana, dušika, kojima se bilo modificira njihova struktura, ili postižu svojstva veće korozijske postojanosti, poboljšava obradivost, čvrstoca ili pak žilavost na sniženim (kriogenim) temperaturama. U osnovi, danas, poznajemo četiri osnovne grupe – vrste nehrdajućih čelika, a to su: martenzitni, feritni, austenitni i dupleks (austenitno – feritni) nehrdajući čelici. MIG/MAG i TIG tehnologije se koriste pri zavarivanju nehrđajućih čelika. U ovom radu je opisana primjena korozijski postojanih čelika pri obradi plastičnom deformacijom, kao i primjena korozijski postojanih čelika pri izradi dijelova poljoprivredne tehnike.Stainless steel is characterized by a minimum chromium content of 12%, as well as the addition of other alloying elements such as nickel, molybdenum, titanium, nitrogen, which either modify their structure, or achieve properties of greater corrosion resistance, improve workability, strength or toughness at reduced (cryogenic) temperatures. Basically, today, we know four basic groups - types of stainless steels, namely: martensitic, ferritic, austenitic and duplex (austenitic - ferritic) stainless steels. MIG/MAG and TIG technologies are used for welding stainless steels. This paper describes the application of corrosion-resistant steels during processing by plastic deformation, as well as the application of corrosion-resistant steels in the production of parts of agricultural machinery

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Repository of the Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek

Last time updated on 22/10/2023

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