Influence of biostimulator on Fusarium graminearum corn infection


Kukuruz (Zea mays L.) jednogodišnja je ratarska biljka iz porodice trava (Poaceae). Jedna je od vodećih poljoprivrednih kultura u svijetu. Bolesti kukuruza uzrokuju gubitke u žetvi, utječu na kvalitetu i kvantitet uroda te uzrokuju skladišne gubitke. Najvažnije bolesti ratarskih kultura uzrokuju gljivični biljni patogeni. Najzačajniji patogeni pripadaju vrstama roda Fusarium. Mogu uništiti biljku u svim fazama razvoja od zrna u sjetvi, paleži klijanaca pa do klipa koji trune. Kako bi se smanjila upotreba kemijskh fungicida i otalih kemijskih sredstava za zaštitu bilja promovira se sve više korištenje biostimulatora u zaštiti od patogena.. U našim istražvanjima ispitali smo utjecaj jednog neregistriranog biostimulatora na smanjenje zaraze s F. graminearum. Utvrđeno je da je indeks bolesti bio upola manji u tretmanu gdje je korišten biološki prirpravak na bazi kapsicina.Maize (Zea mays L.) is an annual field plant from the grass family (Poaceae). It is one of the leading agricultural crops in the world. Maize diseases cause harvest losses, affect the quality and quantity of the crop and cause storage losses. The most important diseases of field crops are caused by fungal plant pathogens. The most important pathogens belong to species of the genus Fusarium. They can destroy the plant in all stages of development, from the grain in the sowing, burning of the seedlings to the rotting cob. In order to reduce the use of chemical fungicides and other chemical agents for plant protection, the use of biostimulators in protection against pathogens is increasingly being promoted. In our research of the impact of the one biostimulator on the reduction of infection with F. graminearum was researched. It was determined that the disease index was decrease in the treatment where a biostimulator based on capsaicin was use

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Repository of the Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek

Last time updated on 22/10/2023

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