[3.9] Finding Your Why


When viewing a new piece of artwork, many people attempt to draw their own conclusions, make assumptions, and create a meaning for a piece that they had no hand in making. Yes, individual interpretation is an essential aspect of visual art, but how often do you stop and ask the artist “why?” Why did you make this piece? What inspired you? Why do you make art? Why are you like this? Who hurt you? Who loved you? What was your favorite color in third grade and why did you name your fish after a Disney princess? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? This research project, this documentation, this body of work, this zine is an exploration of the artist’s mind. It is meant to both inform the viewer of the deeper aspects of why an artist makes a piece, series, body, or exhibit and to raise new questions. I want you to question everything. I want you to ask why I did this. I want you to question every single decision you have ever made and then hate me for it because you can’t stop. My interest in the “why” stems from my constant and insufferable overthinking about my interactions and other people’s interactions. I hyper-analyze, I question everything, and I try to understand people. So, this topic really gives me the opportunity to do that. Through my research and documentation, I hope to have inspired those presented in my work to question their work and Find the Why in their practice. All rights associated with the works displayed in this zine remain with their respective creators.https://digitalcommons.northgeorgia.edu/seniorexhibspring2021/1060/thumbnail.jp

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North Georgia College & State University: Digital Commons

Last time updated on 14/05/2021

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