Virtual factory warehouse automation


Skladišta su važne sastavnice većine dobavnih lanaca jer su presudne za postizanje kvalitetnije razine korisničke usluge. Poboljšanje usluga, niži troškovi i prilagodba konstantom rastu su glavni razlozi za implementaciju automatizacije skladišta. Planiranje i upravljanje skladištima je postalo složenije, pogotovo kod potpuno automatiziranih skladišta. Korištenjem modeliranja i simulacija omogućuje se stvaranje modela realnog sustava i eksperimentiranje na tom sustavu. Pomoću izrađenog modela prikazano je automatizirano skladište virtualne tvornice sa pojedinim dijelovima kojeg čine dio za pakiranje, automatizirana pohrana te povrat proizvoda (AS/RS) i dio za raspakiravanje te otpremu. Objašnjene su osnovne postavke modela, prikazane različite metode sortiranja materijala odnosno određenih proizvoda te korištenje AGV objekata.Warehouses are important components of most supply chains because they are critical to the achievement of quality customer service levels. Improved service, lower costs and constant growth are main reasons for implementation of warehouse automation. Warehouse management became more complex, especially in the case of fully automated warehouses. Using modelling and simulations allows the creation of a model of a real system and experimentation on that system. The automated warehouse simulation model of the virtual factory was developed, which consists of packaging part, automated storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS) and a part for unpacking and shipping. The basic settings of the model are explained, different sorting methods and the use of AGV objects are presented

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Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies

Last time updated on 04/12/2020

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