
ABSTRACT Home is one of the basic human needs that serves as a refuge. Along with the increasing urbanization in Badung regency in various kinds of facilities in the field of tourism, trade, education and other facilities, so it becomes an attraction for the people to come and find a place to live. Residence in one of the intention is a boarding house with rental system in monthly time, thus, so the need for legal certainty in the management of boarding house by taking into account the social values contained in the community. The formulation of the issues raised are (1) How is the management of boarding house according to Regional Regulation of Badung Regency Number 24 Year 2013? (2) How is the licensing procedure in the management of boarding house in Badung regency? Problems that will be discussed will be studied based on normative point of view, that is research which describes the problems that exist, to further discussed by studying legal theories then linked with legislation related to the Management of House Kos in Local Regulation. The result of the research shows that business management arrangement of boarding house in Badung regency is regulated in Local Regulation Number 24 Year 2013. In order to regulate the provision in the business of boarding house in accordance with the concept of law state and regional autonomy principle, the scope in the management of boarding house. In accordance with the management of the boarding house described in the Regional Regulation No. 24 of 2013 that every manager of boarding house must have a permit, so the permit is said to be the basis in arranging a business. The licensing procedures in the management of boarding houses have not been regulated in Regional Regulation No. 24 of 2013 on the Management of Board Houses. The authority in the permit of the boardinghouse manager is given by the Bupati while the issuance of the permit is done by the Head of BPPT. Procedure of home board management permit must be adjusted with SOP (Standard Operational Procedure) which has been described in the provision of Regulation of Regent Number 35 Year 2013 concerning Standard Operating Procedure of Integrated Licensing Service Agency. Keywords: Home Management, Permits, Procedure

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Last time updated on 10/04/2020

This paper was published in JURNAL KERTHA WICAKSANA.

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