
Od svoga postanka čovjek vodi računa o sigurnosti hrane i njezinom utjecaju na zdravlje. U vjerskim i povijesnim tekstovima mogu se naći mnoge preporuke i pravila koja potvrđuju prednju konstataciju i koja govore u prilog brizi o zaštiti ljudi od bolesti koje se prenose hranom. U današnje vrijeme pojava interneta je značajno utjecala na povećanje znanja prosječnih potrošača o rizicima kojima je izloženo njihovo zdravlje u slučaju korištenja nezdrave i opasne hrane. Odgovore na pitanja kako zaštiti zdravlje od bolesti uzrokovanih hranom daje norma ISO 22000 koja definira sustav upravljanja sigurnošću hrane koristeći principe HACCP sustava. HACCP sustav se temelji na identifikaciji i analizi potencijalnih opasnosti vezanih uz stranu i utvrđivanju preventivnih mjera kojima se pojava rizika po zdravlje potrošača uklanja ili svodu na primamljivu mjeru. U konkretnom slučaju opasnost se definira kao bilo koji mikrobiološki, kemijski ili fizički agens koji može imati štetni utjecaj na zdravlje potrošača. HACCP sustav je znanstveno utemeljeni sustav čiji je glavni cilj zaštita hrane od raznih oblika kontaminacije. Drugim riječima to je sustav za identifikaciju, analizu i upravljanje potencijalnim opasnostima vezanih za proizvodnju zdrave hrane u svim procesima prehrambenog lanca. Na načelima HACCP sustava se temelji plan sigurnosti hrane na brodu. Plan je namijenjen pružanju sustavnog pristupa utvrđivanju specifičnih opasnosti i mjera za njihovu kontrolu kako bi se osigurala sigurnost hrane na brodu. Obuhvaća dobar dizajn, kvalitetnu gradnju, higijenske radne prakse, osposobljavanje kuhara i rukovatelja hranom, osiguranje kakvoće sirovina u skladu s odgovarajućim zakonima o sigurnosti hrane. Istovremeno na načelima HACCP sustava počivaju smjernice Codex Allementria. Smjernice Codex Alimentarius izradila je Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija jer je prepoznala važnost HACCP sustava za prevenciju bolesti uzrokovanih hranom te putem toga sustava izradila pravila o higijenskom standardu pri rukovanju hranom. Ta pravila obuhvaćaju osiguranje sigurne hrane za namjeravanu uporabu u točki potrošnjeSince its inception, one takes into account the safety of food and its impact on health. In religious and historical texts, there are many recommendations and rules that confirm the foremost constants and which are in favor of the protection of people from food-borne diseases. At present, the emergence of the internet has had a significant impact on increasing the knowledge of average consumers about the risks to their health when using unhealthy and dangerous foods. Answering questions on how to protect health from food-borne diseases is the ISO 22000 standard that defines a food safety management system using HACCP principles. The HACCP system is based on identifying and analyzing potential side-by-side hazards and identifying preventive measures that exacerbate the risk to consumer health or reduce it to a seductive measure. In this particular case, danger is defined as any microbiological, chemical or physical agent that can have an adverse effect on consumer health. The HACCP system is a scientifically based system whose main purpose is to protect food from various forms of contamination. In other words, it is a system for identifying, analyzing and managing the potential dangers associated with producing healthy food in all food chain processes. The food safety plan on board is based on HACCP principles. The plan is intended to provide a systematic approach to identifying specific hazards and measures for their control to ensure food safety on board. It includes good design, quality construction, hygienic work practices, cooker training and food handlers, quality assurance of raw materials in accordance with appropriate food safety laws. At the same time, the principles of the HACCP system are based on the Codex Allementria guidelines. Guidelines for Codex Alimentarius The World Health Organization has recognized the importance of the HACCP system for the prevention of food-borne diseases, and through it has developed rules on hygiene standards in food handling. These rules include the provision of safe food for intended use at the point of consumption on board

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Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies

Last time updated on 07/05/2019

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