ダイガクセイ ノ ショウガイ ヤ ショウガイシャ スポーツ ニ カンスル イシキ チョウサ ショウガイシャ スポーツ ジツギ ノ ジュコウセイ オ タイショウ ニ


 The aim of this study is to clarify how students’ attitudes towards“ disabilities” and“ sports for people with disability” changes when they experience“ practical para-sports classes” in university, by carrying out a free description type questionnaire investigation. From a total of 52 students in the class, responses from 49 students become the target data for analysis.  The results from this analysis shows that 48 out of 49 students (98.0%) have changed their consciousness of“ disabilities” and“ sports for people with disability” by experiencing parasports. In addition 28 students (57.1%) answered that their should this be attitudes towards people with disabilities have changed.  In conclusion, to change students’ consciousness and action more affirmatively, it is important to enable“ practical para-sports classes”“, introduce sports for people with disability”, and to“ teach methods of para-sports” interrelatedly

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Biwako Seikei Sport College Repository

Last time updated on 06/03/2019

This paper was published in Biwako Seikei Sport College Repository.

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