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Geographic coordinates, sample sizes and genotypic composition of water frog populations sampled for microsatellite analysis. Classification was based on microsatellite results and was complemented by additional information on the population through personal observation (e.g. on presence of parental genotypes even though none were captured for sampling). nL represents the number of individuals used for the L genome data set, nR stands for the number of individuals used for the R genome data set. N represents the number of individuals used in total from the respective population. Percentages account for the proportion of genotypes within N. Please note that the population marked with * is a subsample from a larger sample. Individuals from this population used in this study were selected to represent the proportion of genotypes in the larger original sample, which partly resulted in a deviation in sample size between nL and nR

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Last time updated on 12/02/2018

This paper was published in FigShare.

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